thats the main reason that i like pc gaming more than consoles and i never converted to console gaming
Like the title says
The shift game ( Need for speed shift in source engine )
Official Site plus video
The infamous Black Mesa
New Video
Dino D-Day ( Nazis and Dinosaurs what more you Want )
Official Site ( download in the site )
Now some Crysis Mods
Etherica Build Around a medievil Mansion
Far Crysis ( Video and Download here )
Crysis based on far cry's settings!! Lol
Finally some Sins of a Solar Empires Mods
Star Wars: Sins of a Galactic Empire
Titles says it . Star Wars mod for sins
Official Site and Download
Stargate Beyond The invasion
Official Site
Best of All they are all free as long as you have the respective game and that is only a fraction there is a massive amounts of mods from Maps, new weapons , new characters to bug fixes to whole new games available at MODDB ( each mod is rated so you know if its a good Mod )
Of course i would expect the usual answer from some console users ( few though ) " i' rather play the game in its original form " and to answer that
GOd does not forbid you to play the game at its original form
even if you install this mods the game you can still play it at its original state since those mods doesnt change the original content
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