Thats probably because it looks crap.
What if I told you its best Pure FPS i have seen since Crysis 1...
Thats probably because it looks crap.
What if I told you its best Pure FPS i have seen since Crysis 1...
Atleast PC gamers have GTA V and Dark souls 3 as most wanted game, they got good taste :)
but both are not very good franchise. especially GTA which is most overrated by far
Yep, GTA series are Utter Rubbish. Metro, Stalker far superior and underrated franchise :)
You joke,but I take Stalker SoC and CoP over GTA5 and DS3 anyday. >.>
Atleast PC gamers have GTA V and Dark souls 3 as most wanted game, they got good taste :)
but both are not very good franchise. especially GTA which is most overrated by far
Yep, GTA series are Utter Rubbish. Metro, Stalker far superior and underrated franchise :)
You joke,but I take Stalker SoC and CoP over GTA5 and DS3 anyday. >.>
No argument over someone's enjoyment of SOC and COP over GTA V or DS 3. I enjoyed FF 13 more than The Witcher 3, after all our enjoyment is most important than choosing for Popular games :)
Thats probably because it looks crap.
What if I told you its best Pure FPS i have seen since Crysis 1...
Crysis 1 was a good game that was downplayed by jelly consolites as a tech demo, so if you told me that ^ then I wouldnt believe you. Besides I have been told otherwise by more than a few people involved in the Doom beta.
I think it looks awesome. Reminds me of the first Doom, and the multiplayer looks like Quake (though it might play like doo given it's on consoles too.)
The Doom and Quake games were on consoles too. So, nothing new about that.
Right. I should have specified that it's designed for consoles first since what I said doesn't make sense. That's where the issue arises. Developing for PC first and then porting is all well and good. It's when it's not developed that way that FPS games often suffer on PC.
Thats probably because it looks crap.
What if I told you its best Pure FPS i have seen since Crysis 1...
Crysis 1 was a good game that was downplayed by jelly consolites as a tech demo, so if you told me that ^ then I wouldnt believe you. Besides I have been told otherwise by more than a few people involved in the Doom beta.
I dont care about Doom beta neither its multiplayer. Doom is SP franchise and thats all i care about. MP is not even bieng made by ID software. its made by certain affinity.
Thats probably because it looks crap.
What if I told you its best Pure FPS i have seen since Crysis 1...
Crysis 1 was a good game that was downplayed by jelly consolites as a tech demo, so if you told me that ^ then I wouldnt believe you. Besides I have been told otherwise by more than a few people involved in the Doom beta.
I dont care about Doom beta neither its multiplayer. Doom is SP franchise and thats all i care about. MP is not even bieng made by ID software. its made by certain affinity.
Cool beans, but your opinion is worthless to me. Iv seen what it looks like and it looks crap. If you like console shooters with OTT kill animations ala AVP2k10 then good for you, at least someone will enjoy it. As for me, ill have to give it a miss.
Thats probably because it looks crap.
What if I told you its best Pure FPS i have seen since Crysis 1...
Crysis 1 was a good game that was downplayed by jelly consolites as a tech demo, so if you told me that ^ then I wouldnt believe you. Besides I have been told otherwise by more than a few people involved in the Doom beta.
I dont care about Doom beta neither its multiplayer. Doom is SP franchise and thats all i care about. MP is not even bieng made by ID software. its made by certain affinity.
Cool beans, but your opinion is worthless to me. Iv seen what it looks like and it looks crap. If you like console shooters with OTT kill animations ala AVP2k10 then good for you, at least someone will enjoy it. As for me, ill have to give it a miss.
Its strange people praise wolfenstien new order thats the definition of consolization. with very slow gameplay, forced linear path, too many cutscenes, forced stealth, iron sights and sprint system
atleast Doom doesnot have regen health, iron sights, sprint system where you cant shoot while running. Takedown animation only TAKE PLACE when enemy is dying. kinda like mortal kombat finish him. you can leave it or shoot it or use meelee.
Game looks brutal, gory, fast and over the top. thats all FPS games need. this and Shadow warrior 2 will redefine FPS this year.
Crysis 1 was a good game that was downplayed by jelly consolites as a tech demo, so if you told me that ^ then I wouldnt believe you. Besides I have been told otherwise by more than a few people involved in the Doom beta.
I dont care about Doom beta neither its multiplayer. Doom is SP franchise and thats all i care about. MP is not even bieng made by ID software. its made by certain affinity.
Cool beans, but your opinion is worthless to me. Iv seen what it looks like and it looks crap. If you like console shooters with OTT kill animations ala AVP2k10 then good for you, at least someone will enjoy it. As for me, ill have to give it a miss.
Its strange people praise wolfenstien new order thats the definition of consolization. with very slow gameplay, forced linear path, too many cutscenes, forced stealth, iron sights and sprint system
atleast Doom doesnot have regen health, iron sights, sprint system where you cant shoot while running. Takedown animation only TAKE PLACE when enemy is dying. kinda like mortal kombat finish him. you can leave it or shoot it or use meelee.
Game looks brutal, gory, fast and over the top. thats all FPS games need. this and Shadow warrior 2 will redefine FPS this year.
I was never interested in and havent played Wolfenstein TNB either, but ok.
@dxmcat: Of course it's catered towards consoles. It's no longer a PC genre and hasn't been for more than a decade. You seem very surprised and seem to take satisfaction as if it's id's loss,. The reality is PC isn't sustainable and they (like almost all developers) opt to ignore it.
So, yay? lolzers
Too casual. This means fast gameplay, no story, AI bots spawn around map, bright maps.
It has no horror elements
Holy shit, gamers will complain about anything.
First of all, is there anybody who really cares about the "plot" of Doom, considering it's easily forgettable and has been rehashed for the past 20 years.
Second, 'AI bots spawn around map?' Does this mean that people are mad that bad guys spawn in the levels? What exactly should the game be doing then?
Last, Doom has never really been that scary, it's such a gore fest that it comes off as psychotic fun rather than horror.
@dxmcat: Of course it's catered towards consoles. It's no longer a PC genre and hasn't been for more than a decade. You seem very surprised and seem to take satisfaction as if it's id's loss,. The reality is PC isn't sustainable and they (like almost all developers) opt to ignore it.
So, yay? lolzers
FPS is not a PC genre? Just how old are you... Seeing your made up words elsewhere, im guessing pretty damn young.
Don't see how I am "surprised" either. id has been going downhill for years now. Knew this was going to happen and was confirmed when I played the alpha.
2)Too casual. This means fast gameplay
3)It has no horror elements
lol and lol.
Did you pop your cherry on Doom 3?
I honestly want it to be good, but it looks like Halo meets bulletstorm which is a major turnoff for me. Played brutal doom a while back and honestly if that's what they were going for, they kind of missed badly.
Yeah, I actually didn't pre-order it simply because it has no more horror element to it. It's just an arcade shooter with a horror theme and no real horror.
Also, I'm really not a fan of arcade shooters.
Oh, and the graphics suck. Definite console port.
Hope the Multiplayer is like Quake 3.
many of you cod fans probably never tried it
I heard it is more like Halo MP.
Halo 5 is not a bad game, but I hope they don't try to clone it (H5 is very competitive)
Quake was the OG game that had power weapons around the map, wayyy b4 halo
Hope the Multiplayer is like Quake 3.
many of you cod fans probably never tried it
I heard it is more like Halo MP.
Halo 5 is not a bad game, but I hope they don't try to clone it (H5 is very competitive)
Quake was the OG game that had power weapons around the map, wayyy b4 halo
I played it for years, QIIIA is my favourite multi player shooter, no other game compares. Never been a fan of Halo.
Considering the game isn't out yet, I'm not surprised it isn't selling very well. -_-
Personally, I'm very excited. Just got my closed beta code. Hopefully I can run it.
59.99 euro and I have no idea how long the singleplayer is... Yeah, I'm holding off.
Don't buy new games on Steam. That's really expensive. Get them on something like for example instead. They sell cd keys for new games for like 30 euros instead of 60. Then you can just activate the keys on Steam. I don't really get why more people aren't doing this..
Anyway, I'm a PC gamer and I'm totally excited about "Doom 2016 game".
RAGE had more weapons as well. I really wished they made a sequel for RAGE instead of DOOM 4.
Rage is one of the best shooters I played last gen. A very strong new IP from ID.
Rage was actually good. Way better than most people give it credit for. The main complaint I have about the game is that it ended when I was beginning to love it. If the game had like 2 or 3 more cities/camps to do quests in, the game would've been really awesome, imo. ID are really, really good at making shooting stuff fun.
60 bucks for a game we don't know much about aside from multiplayer? Yeah no I'm not preordering when I could spend that money on something else like Total War: Warhammer. Need a lot more single-player details before considering even a full price purchase.
Don't buy new games on Steam. That's really expensive. Get them on something like for example instead. They sell cd keys for new games for like 30 euros instead of 60. Then you can just activate the keys on Steam. I don't really get why more people aren't doing this..
Cause Kinguin is a marketplace, not a seller itself. The sellers are getting english/worldwide keys from other countries that get them cheaper and resell on kinguin/g2a/etc. If they start selling too much though then publishers try to crack down on it by region lock, refusal to sell, even raising prices which only hurts the legitimate customers of that region. Ubisoft has done this a few times and Nuuvem had to start preventing buyers from outside south america/brazil.
Don't buy new games on Steam. That's really expensive. Get them on something like for example instead. They sell cd keys for new games for like 30 euros instead of 60. Then you can just activate the keys on Steam. I don't really get why more people aren't doing this..
Anyway, I'm a PC gamer and I'm totally excited about "Doom 2016 game".
That's the great thing about PC gaming: you can shop and buy games wherever you like.
You got brick and mortar stores where I can find really cheap games at times. Steam sales, many third party online stores. And of course more grey area stores like g2play.
Meaning you're crazy to spend 59.99 on a new game... But sometimes I do find myself paying say 40 euro for a game (greenmangaming does some great sales on the newest games). That's for games that I really love.
Rage was actually good. Way better than most people give it credit for. The main complaint I have about the game is that it ended when I was beginning to love it. If the game had like 2 or 3 more cities/camps to do quests in, the game would've been really awesome, imo. ID are really, really good at making shooting stuff fun.
Bethesda is a great publisher of FPS that are just pure fun.
Rage and Wolfenstein had great mechanics and I had a blast from start to finish. If this new DOOM is as fun as those games, and if the SP campaign is lenghty, I'll definitely end up getting it.
Graphics look really sweet I must add.
Because it looks mindless? we over-saturated shooters long ago.... ones where you just mow down demons sounds like a snoozefest.
From this list we can basically say that the pc base is fed up with FPS's in general.. Of that list Fallout is the only one remotely coming close, and that game is a rpg first, and a fps second..
Too casual. This means fast gameplay, no story
Sounds exactly like Doom so I'm not sure what they complain about.
Expected them to improve upon it.
Yeah, right. And if they change anything people will cry that it's not Doom anymore.
There are a handful of weapons and you can carry all of them. That's Doom. Looks like people have to live with it. Your reaction to the list of weapons in the original Doom thinking it will be for the upcoming one was priceless though and says a lot about gamers nowadays.
Played Beta.
New doom game = Halo copy and paste
So hardcore
He is trying to be edgy but missed the point of Doom. it never meant to be horror game TC want. it need to be fast paced and new Doom is mix of Doom 3 and classic doom.
This Doom looks cartonish. Despite the imense amount of gore the horror elements are gone and the game is too bright.
The dense and dark atmosphere from Doom 3 is completely gone.
13 hours SP
Good to hear. And this seems quite a traditional SP where you start off with kind of weak weapons and get better along. Like Wolfenstein ^^.
Still, I think I'll hold off for a while. How about you ? Are you getting it day one ?
if your not sure then i would wait until it's on sale mate, yes I'm a big doom fan and i can't miss out on the game lol.
oh, PC gamers are interested, they'll just pirate it and justify doing so because Bethesda made them by "durrr COD, durrr"
if your not sure then i would wait until it's on sale mate, yes I'm a big doom fan and i can't miss out on the game lol.
Well I missed out on DOOM 3 too so I guess I can wait :)
I feel this aching to play DOOM 3 at the moment, haha. The new DOOM has some amazing graphics for sure though !
"PC Gamers" aren't excited about anything but MOBAS these days..
look at BF4 Stats, Battlefront, Hardline, Call of Duty BLOPS 3.. all on PC have HORRIBLE populations compared to consoles, It's been like this for years.
DOOM is a console selling game.
Youre not a PC gamer , are you ?
TBH I have very little care for the game, simply because I am expecting it to be a console FP shooter like almost every other. The most recent gameplay video did make me more interested though because after watching that it did look really fast paced but there are still things like the kill animations mid fight (which made me really HATE the newest AVP game) and the Halo like multiplayer that scream console shooter and really put me off.
Ill see what happens after it releases, might end up buying it during a sale just to play through the SP.
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