Ok firstly, all this talk about mods being poo etc etc...W......T.....F.
I never said they were bad! Show me where I said they were.
Have you played some of the mods out there for HL2/Unreal/GTA/oblivion/stalker??? Im guessing not, theres like 30 easily for HL2 that are FREE, some of which have made themselves into standalones...so again.....WTF? They have more of a booming community than some retailed marketed games!! THis CANNOT be your basis of an argument because the evidence against you is enough to make you cry uncle.
Why would the most talented modders want to not expand their audience? It was huge popularity that broughtmoney to Counter Strike developers.
The quality of PS3 mods are and will not be in the same league as PC mods, PC modders originate from PC's ...duh... and PS3 modders in the bulk will have to be PC enthusiasts because lets be honest about the console communnity shall we...:? no offense :) My point is, unless they really really want to, i dont see PC users getting their hands dirty over a system that they probably dont own and would care to concentrate their time on, im sure they would rather spend their time modding PC games....because thats the system of choice for them in the 1st instance.
I guess I'm differentiating between 'I mod things because it's fun to mess around with' and 'I mod because I want to eventually be a professional game designer.'
At the end of the day, it prooves a valid point about the PC community if from what you said was true nnavidson, this being PS3 modders would be vastly PC users/modders, so what does this say to you about PC gaming/community? To me it says alot.
I think it's clear as seen by the popularity of FPS that PC owners drive the video game market. They're basically early adopters which means that they're the true die hards of gaming. I know this is system wars and we're not supposed to talk intelligently, but all gamers should respect the PC even if they think it;s too much investment for them at the time.
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