Oh....so SW is about stupidity and idiocy? You mean there is no reason to converse or argue or discuss anything here b/c it's all just a bunch of trolls like that guy with the knight avatar who keeps replying to me as if I care what he thinks....as if I can't tell he NEEDS attention?
That the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. People who argue with facts are the ones that don't need to care about what anyone says b/c facts say a lot. I don't need to act like an idiot or "omg, you totally need new insults LOLWTFBBQSAUCE!!!"....b/c first...that wasn't my intent...I stated something that if fact.
YOU and your PC gamer need for everyone to think PC gaming is dominating has to spin every word I say.
IT'S PC vs CONSOLE. That INCLUDES the 4 current consoles most ppl are enjoying.
It's not PC vs whoever I decide to be my opponent at the time so I can win an argument. Personally I think the PC is 100000x better than the 360. BUT......the PS3 has too many great AAA exclusives to say PC is dominating the "PC gaming is better" argument. And soon....the PS4 will be in the same boat.
Again....I'm not mad...I don't have to be...console gaming is clearly more profitable, has better exclusives, and whatever else....but you and the lackies felt the need to insult my integrity first which more than likely means you know I'm right.....and then you spin everything I say.....THATS why I type in caps.
B/c you seem to need to be able to read IN BIG LETTERS.
Ok, so you''re telling me system wars is really a serious debate forum ? As in you want to debate my preference over your preference?
Your intent or not, it is it what it is. You clearly tried to insult me, there's no turning back on that.
Yes, and there's a shit load of exclusive for PC that could take on the whole console list.
More profitable ? Why as a gamer should I care for that ?
Better exclusive ? According to who, you ?
Whatever else ? Oh nice point, can't argue something you don't know what you're even talking about.
You keep on repeating yourself about the spinning thing, the only thing spinning is your broken record.
Wrong...I stated my view point and then you and the lackies started assaulting my integrity saying in nerd talk "Oh...it's just a self preference b.s. opinion". Thats when I started acting like a prick...b/c fire with fire and all that crap.
The exclusives on PC are like a shit load of indy games with 90% of them are crap.
As a gamer you SHOULD care. B/c if companies know that a platform is more profitable...then they are more likely to make their game for that platform. As it is...MOBAs, F2P games and other non standard games are the only things that sell well on PC....so practically EVERYTHING ELSE worth a dam comes to consoles.
Better exclusives goes back to what I said earlier....there's shit for exclusives aside from indy games on PC...so yeah...like I said AAA games like the ones I mentioned....not "Harry's Weird Adventure: Episode 1" which is some sort of platformer with a minor twist that PC herald as the revolutionary second coming.
Again....anyone with half a brain knows the bullshit argument you put up with "WAAAAAH....you can't include consoles in general....b/c PC will get beat up in that argument!!!" is nothing but spin.
I enjoy playing videogames, but trying to act like it's a way of life or something is ridiculous.
Why the hell should I care about how much money these companies like Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo make? None of it is going into my pocket, so why do I give a shit?
And a shitload of the indie games that you're mentioning are free. So if I download one and it sucks...oh well. I didn't spend so much as a penny on it. No sweat.
If you're totally fine with playing the umpteenth installment of Halo, Gears of War, Mario, Zelda, etc....then suit yourself. But there's no question that PC has the most variety in genres of games. Meanwhile consoles mainly appeal to the mindless FPS and platformer demographic.
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