What I'm saying is that gaming culture is dominated by consoles, not the PC. As gaming circles go, PC gaming is ignored. When E3 rolls around, the concern is over Sony, MS and Nintendo. The PC is generally not part of the party and is not the focus of attention or headlines.ElNinjaLoco
E3 is a COMPLETELY INVALID COMPARISON. The reason why the consoles were represented is because their seats and shows were bought by the companies that owned them. The PC has no first-party company, ergo, no one to buy out seats for it.
Why? Because this gaming forum, just like 99% of all gaming forums are console centric. ElNinjaLoco
Amazing, this "console-centric" board thinks the PC is better than consoles. Great way to back up your argument, if on a "console-centric board" the PC is MORE POPULAR than the ENTIRE CONSOLE MARKET. :lol:
Oh, and yes, prove your assertion that "99% of all gaming forums are console centric". Knowing you, you'll just pretend that I never said anything. :roll:
What I'm saying is that PC gaming, except for a few key cultural staples, is dead. Wow, the Sims, StarCraft and a few other PC only titles like Crysis are all that remains of what the PC as a platform has left as an influence in modern culture. Beyond that, PC gaming goes ignored. My argument is that culturally, PC gaming is effectively dead. When was the last time you saw somebody on a TV show playing game... on the PC? Nope it's always one console or the other. And that is my point, culturally it's irrelevant.ElNinjaLoco
Prove every single one of these assertions with links. NOW.
Anyway, who the hell cares about the "culture"? And besides, any evidence you can provide for those claims is ANECDOTAL, SUBJECTIVE, OPINIONATED and HAS YET TO BE SUPPORTED BY ANY OBJECTIVE ANALYSIS OR STATISTIC. What we do know regarding games is that the PC has more of them in worthwhile quality than ALL CONSOLES COMBINED in the SAME TIMEFRAME.
PC gaming is so dead that EA agrees with you. PC gaming is so dead that it's not the most financially active platform. PC gaming is so dead that it doesn't have the largest install base in a console-centric country. PC gaming is so... screw this, ALL the evidence says that its FAR FROM DEAD. :|
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