Always hear claims that PC has more AAA exclusivesthanany ofthe consoles. I think this might not be true. So to test I will take argubly(sp?) the best three years of last gen consoles (2003, 2004, 2005) and compare gameranking scores of 90 and up from PC, XBOX, PS2 and GC for each year. Then I will whittle down to exclusives. - Two edits
2003 :8 games GTA:DP,KOTOR,PGR2.PoP:Sands of Time,SCII,NCAA2004,Panzer Dragoon Orta,ESIII:Morrowing GOYE
2004: 5 games: Halo2,Burnout 3:Takedown,SC:PT,NG,NFL 2K5
2005:7 games NG:Black, SC:CT, Forza,GTA:SA,Psychonauts,Burnout Revenge,Winning Eleven 8
20 total games - 19 because NG and Black are the same game (but SSX3 just missed but 90+ on other consoles) 3 exclusive, 2 could be considered as it was 3 years before they got on another system 3-5
2003: 7 games: Loz:WW, SCII, SSX3,Viewtiful Joe,PoP:SoT,Madden 2004,NCAA2004
2004: 1 Game: MP2:Echoes
2005: 1 Game: RE4
Total 9 games 2 Exclusive + 1 times that didn't get 90+ on other system 2-3
2003: 8 Games: R&C:Going Commando, Tony Hawk Underground, VF4:Evolution, SCII, PoP:SoT,Madden2004,SSX3,NCCA2004
2004: 7 Games: GTA:SA,Burnout 3: Winning Eleven 7, R&C UYA,MGS3: SE, PES4,Madden2005
2005: 6 Games: RE4,GoW,Guitar Hero,SotC,Winning Eleven 8, Burnout Revenge
21 total 6 Exclusive
2003: 4 Games GTA:VC,KOTOR,CoD,Splinter Cell
2004: 6 Games: HL2, UT 2004, WoW, Rome:TW,Chronicles of RiddicK, The Sims2
2005: 4 Games: Civ IV,GTA;SA,SC:CT,Battlefield 2
14 total 6 exclusives
PS2 21 total, Xbox 19 total, PC 14 total, GC 9 total - fail to see PC dominance here - am I missing something? Next edit Exclusives
PS2 6 exclusives, PC 6 Exclusives, Xbox 3(to 5) exclusives, GC 2(to3) exlusives - still not seeing the dominance here Pc ties PS2 and Xbo is imo i behind. Where is the dominance.
Then if we actaully see how many games were out for each system and what percentage.... - well that's a different argument
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