I think Halo2 IS superior on the console over PC. :|Heil68Why?
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[QUOTE="smokeydabear076"][QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="skrat_01"]How did Halo2 for PC score against the console version? Score does not make something superior, you should know that. Anyway I know a game that is not superior. Star Trek Legacy. I think Halo2 IS superior on the console over PC. :|WOW TC BONED IN THE SECOND POST - AND FOLLOWING.
Heh guess I dont need any input.
oh wait.
PC always gets the superiour version to the console version.
And consoles get late watered down PC ports, and crap spinoff titles.
Nuff said.
It's not.
[QUOTE="skrat_01"]How did Halo2 for PC score against the console version? Scored badly because it was a 2 and a half year old game, and of course PC FPS standards...WOW TC BONED IN THE SECOND POST - AND FOLLOWING.
Heh guess I dont need any input.
oh wait.
PC always gets the superiour version to the console version.
And consoles get late watered down PC ports, and crap spinoff titles.
Nuff said.
The PC version has better visuals, more multiplayer maps, map creator, and achievements (if they count for anything)
So yea even though it scored worse, it still is the superiour version none of the less.
why are hermits stoopiong to the level of other fanboys they never use to... must be alot of newbies.
Anyway yes PC is getting alot of sloppy seconds we didn't really ask for these and they'll most likely suck.
Yes gears gets some new content, but nothing really worth bragging about seeing as we have no clue if it's going to be a decent port or not. My money is on crap since everything that gets ported to the PC ends up being crap (lost planet, RE4, Halo).
I'll enjoy my 360 (and GeOW) after they get the Falcon chips but until then I'm pc only.
How did Halo2 for PC score against the console version? Heil68
why are hermits stoopiong to the level of other fanboys they never use to... must be alot of newbies.
Anyway yes PC is getting alot of sloppy seconds we didn't really ask for these and they'll most likely suck.
Yes gears gets some new content, but nothing really worth bragging about seeing as we have no clue if it's going to be a decent port or not. My money is on crap since everything that gets ported to the PC ends up being crap (lost planet, RE4, Halo).
I'll enjoy my 360 (and GeOW) after they get the Falcon chips but until then I'm pc only.
Gears gets some new content? Are you kidding me? We get UNLIMITED content because there's an editor included. I can't wait to see the maps and mods created for it. You're also forgetting that it's being ported by Epic, who are PC devs.......
How was Halo a crappy port? It's the best version.......
[QUOTE="skrat_01"][QUOTE="tidus222"]LoL there there, just because your rambling counts for nothing, doesent mean you need to have a hissy fit :lol:LOL @ hermits
buu butt i hook it up to my TV
buu but i have a headset
buu butt but i dont midn waiting a year
bu butt i hook up a 360 controller
buu. buu butt i updated my graphics card already
PC gaming is a big burden and get sloppy seconds ports
shouldnt you be out updating your graphics card so you can run crysis or something
Sorry? Crysis runs on my video card. :lol:Oh sure I can buy a dirt cheap 8800 and play it on max settings - I guess I am in need of a 3 year video card upgrade.
Some games I do want to play right away, like Halo3 and Mass Effect. Very few games get lost to the PC and I dont care when they do.Heil68Yea, and the ones you do lose to PC.....while they are important consoles games, they aren't nothing special on PC. I mean really, do you see any post from Hermots hyping this game at all? No, because we don't care. We have WAY tomany awesome PC games coming to really care what is shared with the 360 (or PS3 ). We have games like Crysis, Spore, Quake Wars, Half Life 2: Orange Box, ect. ect.
[QUOTE="naval"]More content, improved graphics -- is that what you called sloppy ?
Now 360 gets ut3 late and the version they get is sub standard compared to a pc and lacks features which both ps3 and pc have. Now thats what is called a sloppy second :)
This is just a ignorant post and only really worth saying................YOU FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL @ hermits
buu butt i hook it up to my TV
buu but i have a headset
buu butt but i dont midn waiting a year
bu butt i hook up a 360 controller
buu. buu butt i updated my graphics card already
PC gaming is a big burden and get sloppy seconds ports
Yea we sure do get all the sloppy seconds :roll:
Total AAA (# exclusive)
Total AA (# exclusive)
PC - Only including high quality games.
Half-Life 2 Orange Box.
Far Cry 2
FallOut 3
Starcraft 2
Hellgate: London
Call of Duty 4
The Witcher
Age of Conan
Grand Theft Auto 4
Dragon Age
Unreal Tournement 3
Sim City Societies
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
Quake Wars : Enemy Territory
World in Conflict
Assassin's Creed
Devil May Cry 4
Resident Evil 5
Sins of the Solar Empire
Medevil 2 Total War : Kingdoms
Supreme Commander : Forged Alliances
Age of Empire 3 : The Asian Dynisties
Company of Heroes : Apposing Fronts
Neverwinter Nights 2 : Mask of the Betrayer
Guild Wars : Eye of the North ( FinalChapter )
Guilds Wars 2 (Release TBA)
HEAVEN (Adventure)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Clear Skies
Project Offset
Fifa Manager 08
Microsoft Flight Simulator X - TONS OF ADDONS THIS YEAR.
Starfox: Shadows of the Lylat
Rail Simulator
RACE : The Wtcc Game
Race 07
Xpand Rally Extreme
Universe at War : EAth Assault
Left 4 Dead
Strangle Hold
Need for Speed : Prostreet
Gears of War FULL VERSION (double chapters)
FEAR : Perseus mandate
Viva Pinata (lol ok this might not get AA on PC.)
Clive BArker's : Jeherico!
Medal of Honour Airbourne Assault
Splinter Cell 5
Ragnorok Online 2
Warhammer : Age of Reckoning
Jumpegate Evolution
Microsoft Train Simulator 2
Heavy Rain
Devine Divnity 2
The Secret World
Section 8
Dead Island
Kayne & Linch
Blacksight Area 51
Based from AA/AAA developers only 2007/2008 (That are currently announced)
Yah sloppy seconds keep telling yourself that :lol:
[QUOTE="skrat_01"]How did Halo2 for PC score against the console version? Us Hermits hated your second rate Haol, so we rated it bad. Sorry, but on PC, Halo sucks. Unlike you console gamings, we Hermits have a lot better FPS games. So we have a much higher standard for our FPS.WOW TC BONED IN THE SECOND POST - AND FOLLOWING.
Heh guess I dont need any input.
oh wait.
PC always gets the superiour version to the console version.
And consoles get late watered down PC ports, and crap spinoff titles.
Nuff said.
[QUOTE="cobrax75"][QUOTE="Nerkcon"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="Nerkcon"]The PS3 is getting mod support actually. And may be able to lay with PC users.gamer620
how would you create them on a PS3......you need programs like photoshop and maya....its common sence.
First off, You do NOT need 3D Studio Max, Maya or Photoshop to make mods for any game. What you need is an editor with a built in scripter (much like the UnrealED). The only reason you would need 3D Studio Max, maya or photoshop is to create content not found in the original game. New meshes, characters, textures, animations, ect. That is the ONLY reason. The PS3 and even 360 version can theoretically ship with a level editor that has every feature that the PC version will have and be capable of creating a level without the need of max, maya, or photoshop as the editor itself already comes with all textures and mesh presets that are being used in game already. That is not to say that user made meshes and textures can't be put on to a flash drive and dropped onto the PS3 and 360 HDDs to add to the editors library though. But seriously, when it comes down to it, all you need is the editor and a scripter which in Unreal's case COMES WITH THE GAME.
First of all what you are talking about are scripts not mods, mods need to be coded, compiled (there aint a compliler as of now on the PS3, altho there could be one with, a guess, little problems). Second you need to code for the PS3, as when you code for the PC the code aint going to be compatible x86 is not Cell. Aside that I dont think anyone from the todays mod community has much information how to work with the PS3 hardware in general.
The only thing I image will be doable on UT3 is importing maps, models, sounds and you will probably be able to do your own Unreal Tournament famous "Mutators". But seriously Mutators are not mods.
So that fact that any cross platform game, will be superior on the pc, and the fact that the pc has 2 more AAA exlusives this gen and 38 more AA exclusives than the 360 means nothing.
In fact the pc has more AAAE and AAE this gen than the ps3,wii and 360 combined
lol, you fail miserably.
who cares about Gears of War anymore ?? I already played the game..and yeah hermits get new content but I already played the game...1 more hour of the same boring gameplay isnt going to change that..if the new content came out as DLC on Xbox Live I wouldn't get itprimetime2121
And yet you still forget that it's shipping with an editor, which allows for tons of user created maps, mods, features, and game modes. The extra content Epic includes is just a bonus.
[QUOTE="primetime2121"]who cares about Gears of War anymore ?? I already played the game..and yeah hermits get new content but I already played the game...1 more hour of the same boring gameplay isnt going to change that..if the new content came out as DLC on Xbox Live I wouldn't get ittrix5817
And yet you still forget that it's shipping with an editor, which allows for tons of user created maps, mods, features, and game modes. The extra content Epic includes is just a bonus.
I hope lemmings are not dissapointed very much, after they also may get some new contents ( i.e a few maps) for 6 dollars if they are lucky.Gee, I really envy them :)
I usually wait a while after a game releases for reduced prices anyway, so it doesn't bother me in the slightest. If the game's half-decent, the developers will probably upgrade it or add new content.
And my PC won't randomly need to be replaced due to a horrible cooling system.
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