@mr_huggles_dog: I don't think I've ever agreed with @Halo2-Best-FPS but you're the only person that appears to be reading 'exclusives' into this thread.
The TC may be a fanboy troll but there's no point in arguing over what you perceive as implied in a written text without inflection.
It's the form of a double entendre. It's like such things aren't considered here. Thats why "double entendre" is a phrase describing such things.
He did in fact say "best"....and I don't deny that. But it could also be misinterpreted by someone who doesn't know....and theres nothing saying TC didn't have that in mind.
It can be looked at both ways since someone who doesn't play on PC would consider a multiplat horror game on PS3 or whatever is "best" b/c it's all they know, have, or want.
Best is subjective. If I don't own DOOM3 on PC and I've only ever played it on Xbox....and enjoyed the hell out of it....best to me would be not on PC.
TC knows this. TC is sly.
I'm not saying anything but that.
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