- Neither the PS3, or PC can play a single 360 exclusive
- Both the PS3 and 360 have an EQUAL amount of high-scoring exclusive games
- PS3 isn't anywhere near the PC
But are those 360 exclusives core games!? Huh Huh?
Neither PC or PS3 can lay a single 360 exclusive huh?
No platform can play 360 exclusives other than the 360 itself:?
List of 360 REAL exclusives worth playin:
Forza 2
Forza 3
Forza 4
Gears 2
Gears 3
Halo 3
Halo Reach
Fable 2
Trials HD
Trials HD evolution
Geometry Wars
Geometry wars 2
Shadow Complex
Bajoo Kazooie: NaB
So, 3 Forzas, 3 Halos, 2 gears, one Fable, one banjoo (and this one is already pushing the "worthy" title) and a couple of XBLA games...
Lol at the ones saying 360 competes with the PS3 at high rated exclusives...
PS3 list for reference:
Uncharted: DF
Uncharted 2: AT
Uncharted 3: DD
Heavy Rain
Demon's Souls
Motorstorm: PR
Motorstorm: A
Heavenly Sword
God of War 3
inFamous 2
inFamous: Festival of blood (not an expansion, its a game by itself)
Killzone 2
Killzone 3
Resistance: FoM
Resistance 2
Resistance 3
WipEout HD/Fury
SuperStardust HD
Fat Princess
Liking or not these games truth is these were the ones critically acclaimed games. I'm sure I'm missing a few on both sides both someone had to be a blind fanboy to believe the 360 competes with the PS3 in terms of high rated exclusives. Lems just like to count last gen games on their list that were ported to the 360 in the begining of this gen. 360 DOES NOT compete with the PS3 in terms of worthwhile exclusives. Put this on your thick head
Edit: Isnt Halo 3 on PC aswell?
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