Also wasn't AtariKid also greek?
French AFAIK
Whatever happened to him anyway? Did we laugh him out of GS?
This topic is locked from further discussion.
Also wasn't AtariKid also greek?
French AFAIK
Whatever happened to him anyway? Did we laugh him out of GS?
Also wasn't AtariKid also greek?
French AFAIK
Oh yeah. Good thing there's no one to make my country look bad in SW.. right?
What country is that? Canada? You have igloos so you're cool.
Thank explains everything. Those idiots in Greece (the policy makers and those in the government) are the reason for the European economic crisis. And even then the people have the audacity to protest against the reforms even though the government is over spending and the people themselves are overspending and living beyond their means...eh getting of topic here...[QUOTE="jonathant5"][QUOTE="waltefmoney"]
No we're not. I think he's greek and I'm bulgarian.
Greece is the reason for the European economic crisis ?
Are you kidding ?
I suppose you are still in school, so we cant really discuss this
Yeah I am in University, one of the top schools in the world (top 20-30, depending on rankings, high 10 and low 20 for Business and Econ) studying Business and Economics. They are one of the main reasons, along with Portugal, Italy, and Spain. The Greek government kept misrepresenting the companies Economic status (so that they could keep with the monetary union guidelines). They were over spending and more. Now they expect the European tax payers to bail them out. I am sorry bud, I am sure that I am far more qualified to talk about these things then you are. What exactly are your qualifications to discuss this brah?What country is that? Canada? You have igloos so you're cool.
We also eat raw beavers and get free healthcare. We're basically the superior version of Americans.
1. Guild Wars 2
2. Tribes Ascend
3. Deep Black Reloaded
4. Dota 2
5. Arma 3
6. Firefall
7. Hawken
8. Microsoft Flight
9. Neverwinter
10. Path of Exile
11. Planetside 2
12. Torchlight 2
13. SC2 Heart of the Swarm
14. Diablo 3
15. Command & Conquer generals 2
16. Legends of Dawn
17. Colbat ( new game from Mineraft devs )
18. Kings Bounty: Warrior of the North
19. Natural Selection 2
20. Ravaged
21. Krater
22. Robot Unicorn Attack Evolution
23. Jagged Alliance
24. Phantasy Star Online 2
25. Wakfu
26. Naval Warfare Arctic Circle ( aweseome sim! )
27. Warlock Masters of the Arcane
28. War of the Roses
29. The red Solstice
30. End of Nations
31. War Thunder World of planes
32. Super Monday night Combat
33. Warface
34. Carrier Command
35. Dear Esther
36. The Spire
37. Hard reset extended edition
38. Fray
39. Mechwarrior Online
40. X-Rebirth ( **** yeah! )
41. Overgrowth
42. Lucius
43. Grim Dawn
44. Crusader Kings 2
45. Xenonauts
46. Fallout Online
47. Ontagion ( aweseome Fear like shooter, not action michael bay console crap)
48. Shogun 2 Rise of the Samurai
49. Auto Club Revolution
50. Gettysburg Armored Warfare
51. Blacklight Retribution52. Fable Journey ( PC port incoming right after the Xbox version releases, with more graphic options )
53. Ryse ( Crytek PC developer and Microsoft releasing Kinect pheriperal on PC this year. Ryse 100% Confirmed PC version and techdemo inside)
54. Dark Souls PC version Confirmed by latest rumours and Capcom forums.
what a Sad lineup... sad years for PC
We also eat raw beavers and get free healthcare. We're basically the superior version of Americans.
You have a bastardized version of bacon and provided the USA with the most hated pop "star" of all time.
[QUOTE="loosingENDS"][QUOTE="jonathant5"] Thank explains everything. Those idiots in Greece (the policy makers and those in the government) are the reason for the European economic crisis. And even then the people have the audacity to protest against the reforms even though the government is over spending and the people themselves are overspending and living beyond their means...eh getting of topic here...jonathant5
Greece is the reason for the European economic crisis ?
Are you kidding ?
I suppose you are still in school, so we cant really discuss this
Yeah I am in University, one of the top schools in the world (top 20-30, depending on rankings, high 10 and low 20 for Business and Econ) studying Business and Economics. They are one of the main reasons, along with Portugal, Italy, and Spain. The Greek government kept misrepresenting the companies Economic status (so that they could keep with the monetary union guidelines). They were over spending and more. Now they expect the European tax payers to bail them out. I am sorry bud, I am sure that I am far more qualified to talk about these things then you are. What exactly are your qualifications to discuss this brah?So, now from the only reason, it became "one of the main" ?
Capitalism is the reason, if you learned anything in your school you would know that already
People in Greece were not "overspending", this is naive, sorry
what a Sad lineup... sad years for PC
So sad we don't have to spend a single cent to play many of those games. Gotta love F2P.
We also eat raw beavers and get free healthcare. We're basically the superior version of Americans.
You have a bastardized version of bacon and provided the USA with the most hated pop "star" of all time.
Is he American? I think not. We are superior.
Yeah I am in University, one of the top schools in the world (top 20-30, depending on rankings, high 10 and low 20 for Business and Econ) studying Business and Economics. They are one of the main reasons, along with Portugal, Italy, and Spain. The Greek government kept misrepresenting the companies Economic status (so that they could keep with the monetary union guidelines). They were over spending and more. Now they expect the European tax payers to bail them out. I am sorry bud, I am sure that I am far more qualified to talk about these things then you are. What exactly are your qualifications to discuss this brah?[QUOTE="jonathant5"][QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
Greece is the reason for the European economic crisis ?
Are you kidding ?
I suppose you are still in school, so we cant really discuss this
So, now from the only reason, it became "one of the main" ?
Capitalism is the reason, if you learned anything in your school you would know that already
OH NO, you're also a communist??People in Greece were not "overspending", this is naive, sorry
At least admit that there the whole culture is about tax avoidance. Greece lied to get into the EU in the first place, they should never have got in. They were bailed out a few months back, but all the money 'vanished'.
Is he American? I think not. We are superior.
WTF is that sh*t? That isn't Rush.
Rush too. Canada has it all :cool:
[QUOTE="jonathant5"] Yeah I am in University, one of the top schools in the world (top 20-30, depending on rankings, high 10 and low 20 for Business and Econ) studying Business and Economics. They are one of the main reasons, along with Portugal, Italy, and Spain. The Greek government kept misrepresenting the companies Economic status (so that they could keep with the monetary union guidelines). They were over spending and more. Now they expect the European tax payers to bail them out. I am sorry bud, I am sure that I am far more qualified to talk about these things then you are. What exactly are your qualifications to discuss this brah?KevinButlerVP
So, now from the only reason, it became "one of the main" ?
Capitalism is the reason, if you learned anything in your school you would know that already
OH NO, you're also a communist??I am just not blind, with this so called "crisis" some people got richer and some got poorer, that is how it has always been in capitalism
Also it is the saqme people that laugh their eyes out when they see people think it is their fault somehow that their capitalistic goverment failed
Yeah I am in University, one of the top schools in the world (top 20-30, depending on rankings, high 10 and low 20 for Business and Econ) studying Business and Economics. They are one of the main reasons, along with Portugal, Italy, and Spain. The Greek government kept misrepresenting the companies Economic status (so that they could keep with the monetary union guidelines). They were over spending and more. Now they expect the European tax payers to bail them out. I am sorry bud, I am sure that I am far more qualified to talk about these things then you are. What exactly are your qualifications to discuss this brah?[QUOTE="jonathant5"][QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
Greece is the reason for the European economic crisis ?
Are you kidding ?
I suppose you are still in school, so we cant really discuss this
So, now from the only reason, it became "one of the main" ?
Capitalism is the reason, if you learned anything in your school you would know that already
They are the main reason, but yeah not the only. But no its not due to capitalism, due to mismanagement by the government. At the end of the day, it is the job of the government to ensure something like this does not happen by using the proper policies, and by regulating. The government consistently misreported its economic status. This made the country sound better, they were able to remain within the standards set by the monetary union. By making the country sound healthier than it was, it made investors think its bonds were safe, and therefore people kept investing in the country. Either way, it is Greeces fault, not capitalisms. If Greece was a business in the US, the leaders would have been prosecuted by the SEC for fraud (like those involved with the Enron scandal). But man, you did not answer my question. What they did was essentially accounting fraud. And of course, they over spent, and used money that they frankly did not have. Just like in the 2007 burst of the housing bubble, idiots who could not afford a house still bought it by using mortgages. They bought a 1m house (for example) even if they were only making like 50k a year. No way one can pay that back. How exactly are YOU qualified to talk about these things?
OH NO, you're also a communist??[QUOTE="KevinButlerVP"]
So, now from the only reason, it became "one of the main" ?
Capitalism is the reason, if you learned anything in your school you would know that already
I am just not blind, with this so called "crisis" some people got richer and some got poorer, that is how it has always been in capitalism
Also it is the saqme people that laugh their eyes out when they see people think it is their fault somehow that their capitalistic goverment failed
Don't be so quick to blame everything on capitalism when a country is spending it's guts out on every little piece of government program they can think ofWakfu is already on XBL.
Who is the PC battle getting intenser with... the mac?
No one else cares but PC gamers about the PC game release, not to detract, just saying. I'm sure it's a fine list.
so Hermits and Cows have the same genetic makeup apparently...
we'll name every $*#(@$) game in an attempt to make the list as long as possible.
Here are the EXCLUSIVES i care about on PC this year....
Diablo 3.... ummm..... and.... uhhhh..... thats about it. Everything else I'll buy for PC will be multiplat.
And by the looks of it, D3 won't even be exclusive... so what now TC?
Good for you? That doesn't make all the other not exist or mean that just because you aren't interested no one else will be.Diablo 3.... ummm..... and.... uhhhh..... thats about it. Everything else I'll buy for PC will be multiplat.
And by the looks of it, D3 won't even be exclusive... so what now TC?
It's important to consider the types of games. I see a lot of RPG's, MMO and RTS stuff there and for the gaming community at large to be envious of it they have to want them... I don't see much casual stuff there or games that might appeal to a wide audience so I can completely understand why the console guys don't care; hell, I'm a PC gamer and I don't care.
[QUOTE="moistsandwich"]Good for you? That doesn't make all the other not exist or mean that just because you aren't interested no one else will be.Diablo 3.... ummm..... and.... uhhhh..... thats about it. Everything else I'll buy for PC will be multiplat.
And by the looks of it, D3 won't even be exclusive... so what now TC?
So if someone made a list for the Wii last year, or the year before and included the likes of:
then you'd defend that right? Hypocrit
I never heard of half the console games mentioned in this forum.(I'm being serious btw) So does that make them fake?The list has Dark Souls, which is only on consoles
FAKE list confirmed, i doubt any of those games even exist
so Hermits and Cows have the same genetic makeup apparently...
we'll name every $*#(@$) game in an attempt to make the list as long as possible.
Here are the EXCLUSIVES i care about on PC this year....
Diablo 3.... ummm..... and.... uhhhh..... thats about it. Everything else I'll buy for PC will be multiplat.
And by the looks of it, D3 won't even be exclusive... so what now TC?
You mad bro?
Dark SOuls is not coming to PC and even if it did the point is that why wait when i can play it now
Witcher 2( lol wut? Try to be consistent my poor friend... ), 360 version looks amazing and has by miles the best controls :lol::lol::lol:
SKyrim expansions will be on 360, again why wait ?
PS. i loved the "confirmed by rumors" part !!!! :)
:shock: OMG I had missed this jewel of a fail... New sig incoming!
The PC 2012 exclusives list is a beast of a list. Those who try to dismiss it as "just MMOs and boring stuff" are resorting to pityful DC and not worth responding to. If you don't know the games on the list and say "nothing I want in there", the problem is your ignorance, not the list. If you really know what those games are about (probably not the case of 90% of the idiots dismissing the list anyway), and still find nothing of worth, then PC gaming just isn't for you, and I'm proud to be a different person than you :D
what Capcom fourms about Dark souls?
What does Capcom have to do with Dark Souls?
so Hermits and Cows have the same genetic makeup apparently...
we'll name every $*#(@$) game in an attempt to make the list as long as possible.
Here are the EXCLUSIVES i care about on PC this year....
Diablo 3.... ummm..... and.... uhhhh..... thats about it. Everything else I'll buy for PC will be multiplat.
And by the looks of it, D3 won't even be exclusive... so what now TC?
You mad bro?
mad? why? because I have a Gaming Rig w/ a 40" monitor, a 360, PS3, a Wii and a 3DS.... oh and an iPhone.... yea ME SO MAD!
so Hermits and Cows have the same genetic makeup apparently...
we'll name every $*#(@$) game in an attempt to make the list as long as possible.
Here are the EXCLUSIVES i care about on PC this year....
Diablo 3.... ummm..... and.... uhhhh..... thats about it. Everything else I'll buy for PC will be multiplat.
And by the looks of it, D3 won't even be exclusive... so what now TC?
You mad bro?
mad? why? because I have a Gaming Rig w/ a 40" monitor, a 360, PS3, a Wii and a 3DS.... oh and an iPhone.... yea ME SO MAD!
That's an awful waste of money. I'd be mad[QUOTE="moistsandwich"][QUOTE="NoodleFighter"]
You mad bro?
mad? why? because I have a Gaming Rig w/ a 40" monitor, a 360, PS3, a Wii and a 3DS.... oh and an iPhone.... yea ME SO MAD!
That's an awful waste of money. I'd be mad when you get out of high school and get a job you'll realise how easy it is to afford a gaming pc + consoles.Good for you? That doesn't make all the other not exist or mean that just because you aren't interested no one else will be.[QUOTE="ferret-gamer"][QUOTE="moistsandwich"]
Diablo 3.... ummm..... and.... uhhhh..... thats about it. Everything else I'll buy for PC will be multiplat.
And by the looks of it, D3 won't even be exclusive... so what now TC?
So if someone made a list for the Wii last year, or the year before and included the likes of:
then you'd defend that right? Hypocrit
I may not play those, but some people do. They still count as exclusives they don't magically dissapear because i don't play pony games.
You might want to wait for someone's response before you call them a hypocrite.
so Hermits and Cows have the same genetic makeup apparently...
we'll name every $*#(@$) game in an attempt to make the list as long as possible.
Here are the EXCLUSIVES i care about on PC this year....
Diablo 3.... ummm..... and.... uhhhh..... thats about it. Everything else I'll buy for PC will be multiplat.
And by the looks of it, D3 won't even be exclusive... so what now TC?
You mad bro?
mad? why? because I have a Gaming Rig w/ a 40" monitor, a 360, PS3, a Wii and a 3DS.... oh and an iPhone.... yea ME SO MAD!
Well you wrote "so hermits and cows have the same genetic makeup apparently... we'll name every $*#(@S) game in an attempt to make the list long as possible"
I had a feeling you didn't even check out all the games the list
[QUOTE="themajormayor"][QUOTE="moistsandwich"]That's an awful waste of money. I'd be mad when you get out of high school and get a job you'll realise how easy it is to afford a gaming pc + consoles. I can afford that now too. But unless you make an awful lot of money that's still a big waste.mad? why? because I have a Gaming Rig w/ a 40" monitor, a 360, PS3, a Wii and a 3DS.... oh and an iPhone.... yea ME SO MAD!
[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]I never heard of half the console games mentioned in this forum.(I'm being serious btw) So does that make them fake?The list has Dark Souls, which is only on consoles
FAKE list confirmed, i doubt any of those games even exist
No, but the list is fake because Dark Souls is not coming to PC of course
I never heard of half the console games mentioned in this forum.(I'm being serious btw) So does that make them fake?[QUOTE="TheDarknesses"][QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
The list has Dark Souls, which is only on consoles
FAKE list confirmed, i doubt any of those games even exist
No, but the list is fake because Dark Souls is not coming to PC of course
No, people are messing with you. Damn you are so retarded.[QUOTE="themajormayor"][QUOTE="moistsandwich"]That's an awful waste of money. I'd be mad when you get out of high school and get a job you'll realise how easy it is to afford a gaming pc + consoles.mad? why? because I have a Gaming Rig w/ a 40" monitor, a 360, PS3, a Wii and a 3DS.... oh and an iPhone.... yea ME SO MAD!
Not regarding moistsandwichs choices, but even if you can afford stuff, something can still be a waste of money in relation to someones preferances.
For exmple, for me i'd consider a lot of consoles a waste of money for me. For example, the PS3 because it's so similar to the 360, I firmly believe you only need one or the other. The Vita just doesn't seem worth the price to me, the Wii because it just hasn't been for me and i've spent a ton on games for it as well, even a gaming rig could be a waste to someone who doesn't game much on the PC.
when you get out of high school and get a job you'll realise how easy it is to afford a gaming pc + consoles.[QUOTE="SamiRDuran"][QUOTE="themajormayor"] That's an awful waste of money. I'd be madHalcyonScarlet
Not regarding moistsandwichs choices, but even if you can afford stuff, something can still be a waste of money in relation to someones preferances.
For exmple, for me i'd consider a lot of consoles a waste of money for me. For example, the PS3 because it's so similar to the 360, I firmly believe you only need one or the other. The Vita just doesn't seem worth the price to me, the Wii because it just hasn't been for me and i've spent a ton on games for it as well, even a gaming rig could be a waste to someone who doesn't game much on the PC.
nothing is a waste of money when you get enjoyment out of it.[QUOTE="HalcyonScarlet"][QUOTE="SamiRDuran"] when you get out of high school and get a job you'll realise how easy it is to afford a gaming pc + consoles.SamiRDuran
Not regarding moistsandwichs choices, but even if you can afford stuff, something can still be a waste of money in relation to someones preferances.
For exmple, for me i'd consider a lot of consoles a waste of money for me. For example, the PS3 because it's so similar to the 360, I firmly believe you only need one or the other. The Vita just doesn't seem worth the price to me, the Wii because it just hasn't been for me and i've spent a ton on games for it as well, even a gaming rig could be a waste to someone who doesn't game much on the PC.
nothing is a waste of money when you get enjoyment out of it.Definately, i'm just saying each to their own. Like what I consider a bad purchase for me, wouldn't be for someone else.
[QUOTE="loosingENDS"][QUOTE="TheDarknesses"] I never heard of half the console games mentioned in this forum.(I'm being serious btw) So does that make them fake?TheDarknesses
No, but the list is fake because Dark Souls is not coming to PC of course
No, people are messing with you. Damn you are so retarded.New ban dodging troll account i see
[QUOTE="jonathant5"] Yeah I am in University, one of the top schools in the world (top 20-30, depending on rankings, high 10 and low 20 for Business and Econ) studying Business and Economics. They are one of the main reasons, along with Portugal, Italy, and Spain. The Greek government kept misrepresenting the companies Economic status (so that they could keep with the monetary union guidelines). They were over spending and more. Now they expect the European tax payers to bail them out. I am sorry bud, I am sure that I am far more qualified to talk about these things then you are. What exactly are your qualifications to discuss this brah?jonathant5
So, now from the only reason, it became "one of the main" ?
Capitalism is the reason, if you learned anything in your school you would know that already
They are the main reason, but yeah not the only. But no its not due to capitalism, due to mismanagement by the government. At the end of the day, it is the job of the government to ensure something like this does not happen by using the proper policies, and by regulating. The government consistently misreported its economic status. This made the country sound better, they were able to remain within the standards set by the monetary union. By making the country sound healthier than it was, it made investors think its bonds were safe, and therefore people kept investing in the country. Either way, it is Greeces fault, not capitalisms. If Greece was a business in the US, the leaders would have been prosecuted by the SEC for fraud (like those involved with the Enron scandal). But man, you did not answer my question. What they did was essentially accounting fraud. And of course, they over spent, and used money that they frankly did not have. Just like in the 2007 burst of the housing bubble, idiots who could not afford a house still bought it by using mortgages. They bought a 1m house (for example) even if they were only making like 50k a year. No way one can pay that back. How exactly are YOU qualified to talk about these things?
Hey LoosingENDs, never answered my question bud...why u leave? Realize I was right???[QUOTE="TheDarknesses"]No, people are messing with you. Damn you are so retarded.loosingENDS
New ban dodging troll account i see
Ahahahahah legendary.
No, people are messing with you. Damn you are so retarded.[QUOTE="TheDarknesses"][QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
No, but the list is fake because Dark Souls is not coming to PC of course
New ban dodging troll account i see
What? Why are you accusing me of having an alternate account? I've read the whole thread. You kept going on about Dark Souls and somebody decided to add it to the list just get you roweled up.Please Log In to post.
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