[QUOTE="Overlord93"]Ps3 - Great for singleplayer 360 - Great multiplayer, with friends and as a social platform PC - Costs way to much more than consoles, especially considering it has no real exclusives anymore (Imho), and the only advantages are slightly higher definition and can run at higher specs. Not worth the fact that it costs about 2000% of the price to buy and maintain compared to consoles (IMO)Overlord93
When is this consolite ignorant Bs going to stop?
How many times does the fact that PC hardware does not cost much more than a console and that PC has the largest number of higly rated exclusives going to have to be repeated before trolls like this guy stop spewing their verbal diarrhea?
This guy claims that gmaing PC's cost, what was that again? 2,000% MORE!
I mean common! An xbox 250GB costs $300, according to this guy a gaming PC costs: $6,000!
Look, for your edicifation: a gaming PC costs from $350 for an entry gaming rig (AMD's APU) to $1200 for a really high end PC. Get your facts straight.
AND we pay a lot less for games than console gamers. On Steam sales alone, just this year I've saved HUNDREDS of dollars over a console gamer buying the same number of games I did.
So PC gaming can be CHEAPER than console gaming, depending on how many games you pick up, AND we have the highest number of highly rated exclusives of any platform.
Also, the difference in graphics is NOT just a "slight increase in resolution". Only someone incredibly clueless on the reality of the graphics gap would say somehting like this.
I bought my 360 before my PCMy 360 cost me under £200
My PC cost me £1000 (with some rounding)
My PC, cannot run modern games, it is obselete within less than 5 years.
Now, I did exaggerate for effect, that's a common thing in the english language, but I don't feel like calculating the exact amount maintaining a high spec PC would cost me.
Lets just say: for my PC to last as long as my 360, I would have to invest a lot more into it.
I can't be bothered to argue with you about "highest rated exclusives" Because quite frankly, I don't care. I have my own opinion.
How is what I said ignorent in any way, trying to convince someone pc gaming "doesn't cost much more" is ridiculous.
Especially since unless you are paying at good amount more, and consistently upgrading, you aren't actually getting a significant, if any, graphics improvement since you have to put the game on the bottom specs
My 360, with no requirement to upgrade, still has a good 3 or 4 years left in it. And you want to tell me a PC is as good value as that, a £200 pound piece of kit that has allowed me to play almost every new IP and multiplat that's been released in the past years. And the extra framerate on PC? I don't care. The higher definition? Guess what, I don't care. All I care about, is that it looks good enough for the gameplay to be enjoyable, anything more is a welcome extra.
Now I know this, wait for it, because I tried maintaining a good PC, but guess what....I couldn't afford it. I'm not basing my opinion from what I've read on the internet bro.
Ahh yes, the cryis of the "poor" consoel gamer. The same people that tend to spend hundreds on more than one console, hudreds more on plastic guitars and other peripherals.
Well, let me clue you in a little bit since you are WAY behind the times.
Modern PC hardware does not cost as much as it did back in the early 2000's. PC hardware is EXPONENTIALLY more powerful than a console, so you don't have to spend much at all to get better results. And you do NOT have to constantly pdate your rig, unless you incredibly out there definition of "constantly" is every 4-5 years.
And powerful hardware is MORE than just graphics. It's better physicis, AI, responsiveness and performance.
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