"I've reviewed the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One now, and I'm prepared to eat some of my words. The Xbox One isn't just a powerful game system on the same level as the PlayStation 4, it's an incredible home entertainment hub that actually fulfills the promises made by Microsoft. In short, the Xbox One is the better system. Period. At least, at launch with the current feature sets offered by both devices.
It Works Like They Wanted It To Work
There is where I eat my words. Game systems are great. I have many, dating from the late 80s to now. For decades it was always about what games they would play, how much power they would have, and nothing else. Media features were secondary.
The Xbox One changes that in my eyes, because it's the first game system I've seen that makes just as a compelling argument for non-game uses. Microsoft added some relatively simple and direct features to the Xbox One and actually fixed most of the problems with the Xbox 360 Kinect. The result is something that actually lives up to Microsoft's hype.
I scoffed at Microsoft's ambition for the Xbox to be something much more than a game system. I thought it couldn't possibly work, and that Sony would succeed in producing a true game console while the Xbox One and Kinect would prove to be just as much of a gimmicky flop as the original Kinect. I was wrong, and while the PlayStation 4 is still an excellent game system in its own right, the Xbox One is that and so much more. It actually succeeds as the all-in-one device Microsoft wanted it to be. And I'm impressed.
Please proceed with calling me a fanboy in the comments below."
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