@Heil68: haha no, what did it say?
Best console of Gen 7, why of course the juggernaut PS3 :D
This topic is locked from further discussion.
Haha nice. I'm really enjoying the ps3 right now. Replayed tlou, playing tomb raider atm did a family run through of jurassic Park and I'm gonna play mgs4 and Tokyo jungle soon. ... If it wasn't for the dead spot in the dualshock from 10 oclock to 12 oclock on the left analog stick I'd almost say I'm enjoying a Sony product... :P
Haha nice. I'm really enjoying the ps3 right now. Replayed tlou, playing tomb raider atm did a family run through of jurassic Park and I'm gonna play mgs4 and Tokyo jungle soon. ... If it wasn't for the dead spot in the dualshock from 10 oclock to 12 oclock on the left analog stick I'd almost say I'm enjoying a Sony product... :P
haha, you need one recharging and another one in your hand :P
Haha nice. I'm really enjoying the ps3 right now. Replayed tlou, playing tomb raider atm did a family run through of jurassic Park and I'm gonna play mgs4 and Tokyo jungle soon. ... If it wasn't for the dead spot in the dualshock from 10 oclock to 12 oclock on the left analog stick I'd almost say I'm enjoying a Sony product... :P
haha, you need one recharging and another one in your hand :P
I never thought I would say it but I can't play with the DS3 anymore. That DS4 has me spoiled. It sucks you have to plug and play on the PS3 but at least I can still play with it.
Haha nice. I'm really enjoying the ps3 right now. Replayed tlou, playing tomb raider atm did a family run through of jurassic Park and I'm gonna play mgs4 and Tokyo jungle soon. ... If it wasn't for the dead spot in the dualshock from 10 oclock to 12 oclock on the left analog stick I'd almost say I'm enjoying a Sony product... :P
haha, you need one recharging and another one in your hand :P
I never thought I would say it but I can't play with the DS3 anymore. That DS4 has me spoiled. It sucks you have to plug and play on the PS3 but at least I can still play with it.
i don't have a problem with it
@Heil68: i like it betr than the 360 controller, and i loved that thing
@slaves: oh i know what you mean, but i can still have the D3 in my hands :3
@Heil68 Great news. I will be able to be on live during the MSoft Conference on the 9th. Tuesday I will be working but off the next two days after that.
How long of a show do you guys do for e3?
Pretty long IIRC. Because we got so many people on last year to discuss it, went an extended period of time.
With E3 there's so much speculation and guessing with what they show and stuff. It gets kinda nuts.
Haha nice. I'm really enjoying the ps3 right now. Replayed tlou, playing tomb raider atm did a family run through of jurassic Park and I'm gonna play mgs4 and Tokyo jungle soon. ... If it wasn't for the dead spot in the dualshock from 10 oclock to 12 oclock on the left analog stick I'd almost say I'm enjoying a Sony product... :P
The DS3 is so f'ing bad. Its up there with the N64, Duke and Gamecube controller as one of the worst controllers ever. IDK how they went from the awesome PS2 controller to that garbage.
@inb4uall: well, in all fairness, I believe that was a point suggested by @jg4xchamp: that the ps1 and 2 were clear winners of their respective generations. Not saying I disagree with that, but looking at it in broad strokes I think a case can be made for the N64 standing side by side with the ps1, and certainly had some games that are considered the very best games in history... The ps2 on the other hand, I mean, I loved my xbox which hardware and feature wise shat all over the Playstation and the og xbox did have the goat I KOTOR... GameCube had games like res4 and eternal darkness, windwaker.... But I. Hard pressed to put up a compelling defense against ps2 Winning in gen 6 on many different types fronts. You feel differently? Expand.
yeah i know you mentioned that, but you didn't really compare the libraries though
It wouldn't have gotten anyone anywhere(that's not to say we didn't have this discussion go around in circles anyway), first it implies that there is no subjectivity there, and we have to handcuff people from thinking a certain game sucks, and I don't think anyone specifically wanted to discuss it by the metrics of the "metagame", because
A: **** that
B: no seriously **** that
so Eroica's point of we could have gone back n forth just naming games. Hence why we didn't go, plus most of the discussion seemed to focus on impact, the storyline of those 2 systems and their lifecycle, the bells and whistles surrounding the game, etc.
No i didn't mean name one game over the other. I mean that Sony provided a much bigger library. But PS3 has more higher rated games than 360, a lot more.
Not true, the Ps3 may have more high scoring exclusives but the 360 has more high scoring games overall and has a much bigger library
Ps3 games=795
Xbox 360 games =1,119
The 360 ended up being a total joke of a console, the PS3 had far and away the best games, sold the same if not more with a year less out in market.
PS3 had better games, better and more exclusives, it had the award winning envelope pushing titles.
It's not even close the PS3 destroyed the 360.
Better exclusives but not better games overall, the 360 had the highest amount of high scoring games , bar exclusives, out of the two consoles
yeah i know you mentioned that, but you didn't really compare the libraries though
It wouldn't have gotten anyone anywhere(that's not to say we didn't have this discussion go around in circles anyway), first it implies that there is no subjectivity there, and we have to handcuff people from thinking a certain game sucks, and I don't think anyone specifically wanted to discuss it by the metrics of the "metagame", because
A: **** that
B: no seriously **** that
so Eroica's point of we could have gone back n forth just naming games. Hence why we didn't go, plus most of the discussion seemed to focus on impact, the storyline of those 2 systems and their lifecycle, the bells and whistles surrounding the game, etc.
No i didn't mean name one game over the other. I mean that Sony provided a much bigger library. But PS3 has more higher rated games than 360, a lot more.
Not true, the Ps3 may have more high scoring exclusives but the 360 has more high scoring games overall and has a much bigger library
Ps3 games=795
Xbox 360 games =1,119
No it doesn't have more highscoring games
yeah i know you mentioned that, but you didn't really compare the libraries though
It wouldn't have gotten anyone anywhere(that's not to say we didn't have this discussion go around in circles anyway), first it implies that there is no subjectivity there, and we have to handcuff people from thinking a certain game sucks, and I don't think anyone specifically wanted to discuss it by the metrics of the "metagame", because
A: **** that
B: no seriously **** that
so Eroica's point of we could have gone back n forth just naming games. Hence why we didn't go, plus most of the discussion seemed to focus on impact, the storyline of those 2 systems and their lifecycle, the bells and whistles surrounding the game, etc.
No i didn't mean name one game over the other. I mean that Sony provided a much bigger library. But PS3 has more higher rated games than 360, a lot more.
Not true, the Ps3 may have more high scoring exclusives but the 360 has more high scoring games overall and has a much bigger library
Ps3 games=795
Xbox 360 games =1,119
No it doesn't have more highscoring games
The 360 ended up being a total joke of a console, the PS3 had far and away the best games, sold the same if not more with a year less out in market.
PS3 had better games, better and more exclusives, it had the award winning envelope pushing titles.
It's not even close the PS3 destroyed the 360.
Better exclusives but not better games overall, the 360 had the highest amount of high scoring games , bar exclusives, out of the two consoles
Yes, but exclusives are what you buy consoles for. As someone who owned all three the 360 was incredibly redundant. Add online fees and hardware problems and it's my least liked console to date.
Sony tried desperately to play in the same arena as the far superior godbox360...All gen long. Imagine the sad sad state of gaming if we left online gaming to be built around Sony and Nintendo... Good god we'd be in 2014 begging for mic support. Microsoft's ideas gave me a generation of superb gaming experiences, better multiplat, console exclusives (the unsung heros of the console since I guess we're dry fucking the metagame) the best and most feature rich online experience and the extra apps to eliminate the need for extra roku box type devices... All Sony did was attempt to play catch up.
.... And they did. Just not willing to give them the nod for riding a generation of coattails...
Sony tried desperately to play in the same arena as the far superior godbox360...All gen long. Imagine the sad sad state of gaming if we left online gaming to be built around Sony and Nintendo... Good god we'd be in 2014 begging for mic support. Microsoft's ideas gave me a generation of superb gaming experiences, better multiplat, console exclusives (the unsung heros of the console since I guess we're dry fucking the metagame) the best and most feature rich online experience and the extra apps to eliminate the need for extra roku box type devices... All Sony did was attempt to play catch up.
.... And they did. Just not willing to give them the nod for riding a generation of coattails...
Then in 2009 the unthinkable happened. MS decided to drop core and go upwards of 65% casual with Kinect(lol), then SONY and the juggernaut PS3 ran away with the gen and peoples hearts, minds and souls, which coincides with Live, Learn and Love.
Over the past generation, people in the gaming media mentally trained themselves to not think about the Wii. It worked.
is it that or have the most vocal of general gaming tastes moved away from what the wii did over its run? I own it, I enjoyed it, but there were so many gaping absences when we're talking about stand alone consoles. When you looked across the gen at what everyone did, Microsoft and Sony found a lot of success going in one direction where Nintendo had phenomenal success going in another. One direction served my own tastes more than another. I have no shame whatsoever saying the Wii was a pretty awesome console, but not in the discussion for a run at best of gen... You feel differently Willy? I haven't heard a great case made for the Wii, but I'm game if you are? :)
@TheEroica: I just assumed that the statement was made because of the large gap in sales. I then found it funny that the wii was hardly discussed at all in the podcast. lol
Sales are always in the discussion, though probably the bottom of my rung for what makes for the "best" console... I mean its a measurable stat on an uneven playing field... XBOX360 - 400$ PS3 - 600$ (lol) and the wii at 250$. The wii grabbed every single sale it got because it was mad compelling when it launched and nintendo extended that success for many years, to their benefit. Price certainly helps as well. Ultimately, I believe I brought up the sustainability of the demographics the Wii brought into the fold... and judging by the WiiU's market attractiveness, I'm concerned about whether their was any sustainability at all... :(
Over the past generation, people in the gaming media mentally trained themselves to not think about the Wii. It worked.
is it that or have the most vocal of general gaming tastes moved away from what the wii did over its run? I own it, I enjoyed it, but there were so many gaping absences when we're talking about stand alone consoles. When you looked across the gen at what everyone did, Microsoft and Sony found a lot of success going in one direction where Nintendo had phenomenal success going in another. One direction served my own tastes more than another. I have no shame whatsoever saying the Wii was a pretty awesome console, but not in the discussion for a run at best of gen... You feel differently Willy? I haven't heard a great case made for the Wii, but I'm game if you are?
I honestly don't entertain a "best of gen" discussion much since it's all very subjective, and with this generation a console was good one year and the next year it was awful. If we use any objective metric, Wii won because it had the hardware market share and the best selling games. It also had quite a few of the best games made during that generation (and according to certain review aggregate sites, of all time), even if you couldn't play the latest AAA third party games on it.
However, very few people in the 'core' gaming audience will agree on a subjective standpoint that the Wii was the best console of that generation; because it simply didn't appeal to them. The system didn't play GTA4 or FF13; it got Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 a year late. Sure, PS3 and 360 gamers couldn't play Xenoblade, Metroid Prime 3, Monster Hunter Tri, Madworld, Smash Bros. Brawl, Twilight Sword, World of Goo, or Mario Galaxy....but not many wanted to because their friends were rather wanting to play Gears of War or Halo 3. Nintendo was irrelevant, no matter how good their games were.
That said, Microsoft and Sony certainly didn't feel that way; because for the latter half of the generation they mostly abandoned the road they took at the start of the gen and followed whatever Nintendo was doing. Microsoft bought the Kinect technology and created their own Mii rip-offs, completely rebranding the Xbox 360 as a next-generation Wii (literally taking Nintendo's cake and running away with it, later to be grabbed by Apple and Google on smartphones); and Sony (not one to go a generation without haphazardly copying Nintendo without thought of the drawbacks for their existing designs) jammed in a motion sensor into their PS3 controller (forcing them to take out rumble!!!) so that they could arrive in 2006 with something to compete with the Wii. Of course, that was nowhere near what the Wii remote could do, so they made their own Wii remote counterfeit that bombed (they were still thirsty for going after Nintendo, because even after that they kept introducing new ways to try to compete with them, including the Wonderbook).
Although in the core market the Wii doesn't have much mind share, when all the new gamers the Wii spawned (and when anybody who notices what the industry was doing during that generation) look back; the winner was probably not the twin systems that could not one up one another; but rather the new and innovative system that brought the industry into a trance.
Over the past generation, people in the gaming media mentally trained themselves to not think about the Wii. It worked.
is it that or have the most vocal of general gaming tastes moved away from what the wii did over its run? I own it, I enjoyed it, but there were so many gaping absences when we're talking about stand alone consoles. When you looked across the gen at what everyone did, Microsoft and Sony found a lot of success going in one direction where Nintendo had phenomenal success going in another. One direction served my own tastes more than another. I have no shame whatsoever saying the Wii was a pretty awesome console, but not in the discussion for a run at best of gen... You feel differently Willy? I haven't heard a great case made for the Wii, but I'm game if you are? :)
@TheEroica: I just assumed that the statement was made because of the large gap in sales. I then found it funny that the wii was hardly discussed at all in the podcast. lol
Sales are always in the discussion, though probably the bottom of my rung for what makes for the "best" console... I mean its a measurable stat on an uneven playing field... XBOX360 - 400$ PS3 - 600$ (lol) and the wii at 250$. The wii grabbed every single sale it got because it was mad compelling when it launched and nintendo extended that success for many years, to their benefit. Price certainly helps as well. Ultimately, I believe I brought up the sustainability of the demographics the Wii brought into the fold... and judging by the WiiU's market attractiveness, I'm concerned about whether their was any sustainability at all... :(
You also dismissed the wii' sales by guessing that most of the wiis in the wild were bought by "causals" and probably only had wii sports.
Over the past generation, people in the gaming media mentally trained themselves to not think about the Wii. It worked.
is it that or have the most vocal of general gaming tastes moved away from what the wii did over its run? I own it, I enjoyed it, but there were so many gaping absences when we're talking about stand alone consoles. When you looked across the gen at what everyone did, Microsoft and Sony found a lot of success going in one direction where Nintendo had phenomenal success going in another. One direction served my own tastes more than another. I have no shame whatsoever saying the Wii was a pretty awesome console, but not in the discussion for a run at best of gen... You feel differently Willy? I haven't heard a great case made for the Wii, but I'm game if you are?
I honestly don't entertain a "best of gen" discussion much since it's all very subjective, and with this generation a console was good one year and the next year it was awful. If we use any objective metric, Wii won because it had the hardware market share and the best selling games. It also had quite a few of the best games made during that generation (and according to certain review aggregate sites, of all time), even if you couldn't play the latest AAA third party games on it.
However, very few people in the 'core' gaming audience will agree on a subjective standpoint that the Wii was the best console of that generation; because it simply didn't appeal to them. The system didn't play GTA4 or FF13; it got Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 a year late. Sure, PS3 and 360 gamers couldn't play Xenoblade, Metroid Prime 3, Monster Hunter Tri, Madworld, Smash Bros. Brawl, Twilight Sword, World of Goo, or Mario Galaxy....but not many wanted to because their friends were rather wanting to play Gears of War or Halo 3. Nintendo was irrelevant, no matter how good their games were.
That said, Microsoft and Sony certainly didn't feel that way; because for the latter half of the generation they mostly abandoned the road they took at the start of the gen and followed whatever Nintendo was doing. Microsoft bought the Kinect technology and created their own Mii rip-offs, completely rebranding the Xbox 360 as a next-generation Wii (literally taking Nintendo's cake and running away with it); and Sony (not one to go a generation without haphazardly copying Nintendo without thought of the drawbacks for their existing designs) jammed in a motion sensor into their PS3 controller (forcing them to take out rumble!!!) so that they could arrive in 2006 with something to compete with the Wii. Of course, that was nowhere near what the Wii remote could do, so they made their own Wii remote counterfeit that bombed (they were still thirsty for going after Nintendo, because even after that they kept introducing new ways to try to compete with them, including the Wonderbook).
Although in the core market the Wii doesn't have much mind share, when all the new gamers the Wii spawned (and when anybody who notices what the industry was doing during that generation) look back; the winner was probably not the twin systems that could not one up one another; but rather the new and innovative system that brought the industry in a trance.
Great points brother... If I may, I'd like to play a little bit of counterpoint...
Would using the words "mostly abandoned" be entirely accurate in reference to Microsoft and Sony chasing the "Wii's pot of gold"? Hell, is that even partially accurate? I mean sure WE, as in system wars, perceive certain pros and cons to platforms through our dying metagame, but if you and I took a moment and looked back at the life of the xbox kinect and sony move, do you think we will arrive at a place where we say that, factually speaking, there are "mostly" motion games releasing during the years those devices were on the market? I'd argue that for every 1 kinect/move game there were several "core" (bleh, I hate that word, but you know what I mean) games released on the HD twins... I'd call the attempt to emulate the wii's success on the twins more of a marketing facade than an actually shifting in the business ventures that got the pos3 and the godbox where they needed to be. @Heil68 is actually correct about this, (first and only time I'll ever say that :P ) they chased the wii's pot of gold, but you be hard pressed outside of marketing to claim that both consoles dropped their vision of HD gaming when literally dozens of great games released on those consoles over the past few years both exclusive and multiplat... many of which never saw the light of day on the wii.
You're right about a lot of that though... The wii never felt left behind, despite its hardware deficiencies and suspect controls, completely lackluster online and inability to deliver many of the entertainment apps that have become almost "must haves" at this point. The Wii almost ALWAYS had a game on the market that people wanted and in some cases, downright craved. The Wii's great games are mostly must plays. If that doesn't make a case for that console I don't know what will...
Over the past generation, people in the gaming media mentally trained themselves to not think about the Wii. It worked.
is it that or have the most vocal of general gaming tastes moved away from what the wii did over its run? I own it, I enjoyed it, but there were so many gaping absences when we're talking about stand alone consoles. When you looked across the gen at what everyone did, Microsoft and Sony found a lot of success going in one direction where Nintendo had phenomenal success going in another. One direction served my own tastes more than another. I have no shame whatsoever saying the Wii was a pretty awesome console, but not in the discussion for a run at best of gen... You feel differently Willy? I haven't heard a great case made for the Wii, but I'm game if you are? :)
@TheEroica: I just assumed that the statement was made because of the large gap in sales. I then found it funny that the wii was hardly discussed at all in the podcast. lol
Sales are always in the discussion, though probably the bottom of my rung for what makes for the "best" console... I mean its a measurable stat on an uneven playing field... XBOX360 - 400$ PS3 - 600$ (lol) and the wii at 250$. The wii grabbed every single sale it got because it was mad compelling when it launched and nintendo extended that success for many years, to their benefit. Price certainly helps as well. Ultimately, I believe I brought up the sustainability of the demographics the Wii brought into the fold... and judging by the WiiU's market attractiveness, I'm concerned about whether their was any sustainability at all... :(
You also dismissed the wii' sales by guessing that most of the wiis in the wild were bought by "causals" and probably only had wii sports.
I honestly think there is a high number of wii's in the wild that are used as door stops, paper weights and possibly in some cases, duct taped to some weird folks Halloween costumes... yes, and don't think for a second that my thoughts reflect the actual worth of the console. I think if anything what Im saying is a reflection of the outward/foreign/new/casual demographics that the console garnered based on it's risky venture with motion gaming. No, I don't think those people are a sustainable demographic unfortunately and I certainly don't think they are using their wii's currently. I also think there is a smaller demographic of people out there who enjoyed the console as much as I did...Still, I also believe there is a smaller demographic of people who dug their heels in to enjoy the console even moreso, like you and willy.
That said, I can't possibly have data to back that up... I just wanna play games :P
@Heil68: you just pieced together my comments as a slander to Microsoft... Banned. :P
Seriously though, they both chased the pot of gold in reality... As @jg4xchamp: would say, "the move is a real thing." Sony did better projecting their endeavor to the core as that of a side accessory to the Playstation experience however where Microsoft spent more trying to convince us that kinect was the future.
@Heil68: you just pieced together my comments as a slander to Microsoft... Banned. :P
Seriously though, they both chased the pot of gold in reality... As @jg4xchamp: would say, "the move is a real thing." Sony did better projecting their endeavor to the core as that of a side accessory to the Playstation experience however where Microsoft spent more trying to convince us that kinect was the future.
SONY didn't drop core like MS did though, so props to SONY!
So in conclusion PS3 is really the best system. We all knew this though, right?!
Where the **** was this fight, when we were podcasting.
It usually goes very friendly on the podcast :P
So in conclusion PS3 is really the best system. We all knew this though, right?!
Where the **** was this fight, when we were podcasting.
It usually goes very friendly on the podcast :P
We practice Live, Learn and Love :D
So in conclusion PS3 is really the best system. We all knew this though, right?!
Where the **** was this fight, when we were podcasting.
It usually goes very friendly on the podcast :P
We practice Live, Learn and Love :D
Exactly! Hate begone!
By 2013 Sony finally cleaned most of the poo off PS3... but jesus. The thoughts of waiting till 2007, paying 600 euros, getting non rumble pads, waiting for trophy support, waiting for decent multiplats, waiting for quality exclusives, waiting 6 fucking years for Mass Effect, waiting half a decade for PSN to get itself to Xbox Original standard.. shudder.
360 owned last gen :D
PS3 for Blu Ray and exclusives.
Wii for waggle and exclusives.
Irregardless of all it's inefficiencies and deficiencies; I thought the Xbox 360 had the best branding and design of last gen. That original look and design, the box art, everything was on point and attractive. Nintendo had good designs as well, but were inconsistent in various places; while Sony had a total trainwreck with the Spider-Man font and constantly changing their box art and look.
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