For season 3 i think you guys need to do something a little different to not only make the Youtube channel bigger but to also go beyond just having a podcast of few people talking about all sorts of things gaming related.
i think what you guys should introduce next is some sort of a draw type contest/event for every game that comes out and the winner ( some sort of a voting system to help make a winner? ) would need to do a review of that set game ( the reviewer can be a GameSpot user or not a user ) then the reviwer once done can send the video to ( Eroica, animal or Hiel ) for them to post it on the YouTube channel because this way its sorts of like the podcast where you get to hear the users talking about games but this time around you get to hear the users talk about the games they reviewed so the channel will have two sort of events the podcast and the "users reviews"
any user can come in and suggest to review X game for example and its up to " Eroica, Heil or animal ) to agree or not ( of course this would need its own sticky thread unless you guys want to be in the same thread as the podcast? ).
just something random i thought maybe you guys would be interested in instead of just having the usual weekly podcast and working that much for it because with the user reviews i believe you guys will have more time to get ready for the next podcast episode.
of course some people would say the downside of this is that those who like the games or franchises will review the games more positively but who cares this is a way to hear what the users liked about X or Y game from their own perspective so you get the official GameSpot reviews and the SW user review ( of course its up to you guys if you want to make one user review one game at a time or multiple users review the same game. EX: infamous second son to be reviewed by Eroica since he wanted to and no one else or Erica and animal review the same game and hear each of their thoughts).
I've noticed that you guys changed to a new YouTube channel than the old ( dont understand why didnt the old channel have more views?) so maybe introduce something other than just the podcast?
you guys said your open for suggestions so i thought i'd share this :P ;)
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