Hey COWs, how many IP's does SONY have?? Hmmmm...... and how many versions of them have we seen in the past couple years.
You all talk about Nintendo releasing Mario, Zelda & Metroid over and over again, yet there only 1 Mario game per generation, at least since the N64 anyways. Yet, Sony had how many Ratchet & CLanks last gen????? LIKE 3, i think.
So last gen we had 1 Mario,2 Zelda & 2 Metroid Prime games on the GC, oooooh.... WOW, yeah NINTENDO is just shovin' them out the door to make a quick buck, eh guys.... geez... give me a break.
Now take a look at Sony, they have what for IP's, GoW & Ratchet & Clank and I'm not sure what else, but last gen we saw 2 GoW's & 3 Ratchet & Clanks.....
So thats 5 total games from 2 IP's for Sony
and 5 total games from 3 IP's for Nintendo
Seems to me Sony is pushing sequels out the door more so than Nintendo. The only thing that Sony isn't doing that Nintendo is, is making sure that each title is top quality.
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