[QUOTE="MasterChumly"]:roll: And how would VGCharts know how many Wiis have been sold since January if NPD is the only recognized source for retail sales and they haven't released their Feb numbers yet? Crystal balls and tea leaves?[QUOTE="mjarantilla"][quote="NotThat_basic"]1) They don't necessarily rely on NPD for their number - go to their site and read the 'What is VGCharts' message. What I'm suggesting to you, which you totally dismissed in your fanboy way, is that if NPD reported 1.5 million in the US through the end of January, isn't it quite possible that another 500k Wii's have been sold? Seeing as they can't seem to be found on store shelves, I would guess that means they are still selling at a pretty good clip. Try comparing apples to apples.mjarantilla
The don't rely soley on Media Create for their Japanese numbers - go to their site and read the 'What is VGCharts' message. Unlike the US where there is only one readily available tracking firm, Japan has several (Famitsu, Dengeki, Media Create) - I'm sure they use a combination of all three and then some other things as well in order to arrive at their numbers.NotThat_basicI know there are several sources of sales tracking in Japan. But they don't fluctuate within a single week by more than 80,000 units per console! VGCharts only makes estimates, pure and simple. Sometimes they are accurate, sometimes they are way off, and in this case, considering the PS3 has only sold an average of 25,000 units per week for the last month while VGCharts.org is predicting 80,000 PS3 sales in the last week, I'd say they're pretty freaking way off.
Dude if you add in 1.5 weeks of sales that MC hasnt added in yet. The Wii is SPOT on and the PS3 is off by like 50,000 units which is about what Famitsu has it at.
Please don't be stupid. VGCharts' numbers are off by 80,000 units over 1.5 weeks. The PS3 hasn't broken 25,000 units since early January. How the HELL can they have sold 80,000 units in 1.5 weeks? At the very least, use Forum.PCvsConsole.com. At least the numbers posted there are updated only when official numbers come out.Theres more than one tracking company if you havent figured that out yet. Maybe you should go do some research. Why should they STRICKLY base it off of MC?
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