Xbox One had the better games. I honestly didn't care about FF15, Infamous, or any of the games shown. (Not even KH3)
With that said, it took a while for me to come to grips that Microsoft doesn't care about any of their fanbase and Sony took the biggest dump on Microsoft by taking shots at the things that mattered the most- DRM, always online. (I could care less about the USED games policy)
I was a huge Xbox gamer; huge! But the fact that XboxOne is running a rental service and not a gaming console versus the PS4, which is going to keep gaming the way it is and essentially become the new XboxLive (with less restrictions. Afterall, even with regular PSN, you'll still be able to watch Netflix, download demos etc. While the 360 doesn't let you do the same.), says a lot. A LOT!!!
Also, Im sure there are a big number of Xbox gamers who are either going to jump ship or not buy the X1. The Xbox gamers left that want the X1 have to realize a few things-
1. If Microsoft's exclusives don't sell well on the X1, the devs will expand their audience. Those exclusives are on borrowed time.
2. Sony included ALL gamer types in their demographics. Their appeal has the least to do with who has a bigger wallet. Gamers want to own their games/console. Microsoft on the other hand implement online check in, DRM, Kinect required, lots of restrictions that's never existed in gaming before such as what you're allowed to do with your console/games. How does that not piss off XBros? EVEN THE WII U TOOK A STANCE AGAINST DRM lol
3. A decade down the line when some retro gamer wants to play some great 8th game; he/she will be able to do so on the WiiU/PS4. The X1's gonna be a brick. Which is the biggest issue with the X1. Having an online authentication system that RUNS ON THE CONSOLE's hardware is beyond stupid. Even cell phones are more serviceable being that they connect via any wi-fi.
To sum everything up, if Microsoft kept things the way they are; I'd of easily said they won hands down. Superior controller, better games, better graphics (PS4 games didn't impress me in the graphics department much), but shitty policies. R.I.P DRMBOX.
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