@Ant_17 said:
@Antwan3K said:
@Ant_17 said:
It's funny.
All the talk from lems of how this will make the Xbone king , yet it's getting backstabed by it's own creator.
You think they're saving a sinking ship?
They're saving the cargo and leaving you behind , so you better put up a fight when Halo comes to PC and buy the hell out of it , because if sales of the PC version exceed the console . it's game over.
But at the same time , i don't see Phil letting that happen , so it's just hot air.
Microsoft got into the console business for the sole reason of not letting Sony have a monopoly on the living room.. what I find funny is that people somehow think that the success of Windows 10 gaming on PC has anything to do with that original goal.. Here's a simple question:
If Windows 10 gaming on PC is a massive success, does PC gaming alone stop Sony from having a monopoly on the living room?.. the answer is "no".. obviously not..
The fact of the matter is that no matter how popular PC gaming is, there is still going to be a large market of people who just want to simply hook up a box to their living room TV and play games on the couch.. The Xbox will continue to be that box for Microsoft because they STILL don't want Sony to have a monopoly on that living room space..
I mean, I understand that the PS4 is killing it right now in terms of sales but lets not forget that the Xbox One is still on pace to being Microsoft's most successful console to date.. That doesn't sound like a "sinking ship", sir.. being #2 in sales =/= "sinking ship" when those sales represent the best sales your company has ever had, especially considering the fact that the Xbox 360 is universally viewed as being a success in terms of sales..
You make no sense.
I'm talking about the Xbone only and it's 1st party games.
If they go to PC , there is no point for the Xbone , thus sales drop.
If they don't go to PC , Phil is full of shit , thus...well , internet hate is the only thing that will happen.
What's the PS4 got to do with this?
Bill went to Sony for a coop deal for the PS2 , Sony said no , Bill made the Xbox out off spite.
Again, not everyone has the financial resources, know-how, and/or desire to build a gaming PC.. Even if 100% of Xbox One titles go to PC, there is still a LARGE market of people who simply prefer the convenience of consoles.. As I said, a large demographic of gamers prefer to just simply plug a box into their television and play games from the couch..
Realistically, I'd wager that main-line, 1st tier titles like Halo 5, Gears 4, Forza 6, and etc stay exclusive to the console, 2nd tier exclusives like Quantum Break, Scalebound, and Crackdown will go to console first and then PC later, games that simply make sense for PC anyway like Fable Legends, Gigantic, and Halo Wars 2 will release for both console and PC at the same time, and they'll add a certain level of cross-buy, cross play, and cloud saves to bridge the divide.. That way, everyone wins.. Console gamers are happy and PC gamers are happy.. But at the worst-case scenario of 100% Xbox One titles also being available on PC, day one, there's a definitive console market that the Xbox One will still appeal to..
What does PS4 have to do with this?.. The PS4 is a console that's selling like hotcakes despite it's largest games also being available for PC.. I mean, do you think the PS4 has sold 25+ million this fast solely on the back of Killzone, Knack, inFamous, The Order, and Bloodborne?.. Most major PS4 and Xbox One games can be bought on PC, on day one, (more-so this gen than ever before) yet console sales are still better than ever..
You're the one that doesn't make any sense, sir..
Also, In a recent Podcast Unlocked interview with Peter Moore, Phil Spencer, and the creator of the original Xbox, Moore made it clear that the reason why Microsoft got into the console business in the first place was to stop Sony from gaining a monopoly on the living room.. Take that however you want to take it.. I'm just quoting a recent interview with a former head of Xbox while you seem to be quoting someone who was wearing a tinfoil hat..
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