@GoldenElementXL said:
I don't understand how your brain works. Who said anything about Sony here? This thread is about Windows 10 devices and Xbox One. You like the PS4. We got it.
Care to discuss anything other than M$ bashing? What games have you been playing? Do you have PS+ yet? How's your PC running?
This is the problem with you,do you say that to Nyadc,blackace,stormyjoe,kuu2,mems,kingtito and the rest of the lemmings who do nothing but downplay sony no matter what the thread is about.?
Oh wait you your self do this shit to,since you are a blind lemm,now stop been a hypocrite and see every one instead of getting hyped over what i say.
I don't even know how you bring the PC crap after i handed your a$$ to you when you try to flash your flashy PC at me as if that prove that you know anything about PC...lol
@Antwan3K said:
done first =/= done best.. imo, having cross play, cross buy, cross chat, and streaming with PC and PC gamers is way better than having that same connectivity with a dead handheld and a last-gen console..
And do you realy think that the success of Windows 10 gaming on PC means that every single person will magically prefer to build a PC rather than spend a fraction of the money, time, and effort to just plug a console into their TV?.. there's a massive market of people who simply prefer playing their games on consoles.. that's a fact.. if you think Microsoft is going to give up on that revenue stream, then you're a bigger idiot than I thought.. Gamers buying Win10 games is a win for Microsoft. Gamers buying console games on the Xbox is a win for Microsoft. in what warped universe do you live in where a company with the scale and reach of Microsoft can't enjoy the fruits of both those environments? Theyre just doing the obvious thing and taking control of PC gaming before Valve continues to dominate a space where they could be making a ton of money as well..
You should never run a company dude.. "Wow, our console is selling better than it ever has before!!.. We're also updating it so it runs the same Windows 10 core as our PC division and also can be developed with DX12 just like our PC games!.. Hey, if Windows 10 gaming takes off, lets just kill the Xbox One and let Sony have a monopoly on the living room!!.. Killing the Xbox will also make investors and developers lose all confidence in our unified Windows 10 strategy!!! This is a great idea!!".. wow, what a moron..
Last gen console?...hahahaa
You know those features are on PS4 now right.? Since launch the PS4 has all 3 dude where in hell have you been...hahaha PC vs PS4 is supported since day 1 on PS4 without waiting for it like on xbox one..lol
Consoles now don't cost a fraction of what a gaming PC cost,stop saying silly things a $450 PC or $400 will beat your xbox one you don't need something that powerful to beat it,a cheap 7770 will do.
I am not debating where ever people like consoles over PC,there is a huge sector that those like console over PC,problem is on MS side and how they haven't win a single generation in 14 years,maybe those investors gave MS until this xbox to win an get a 1st place,if not the transition to windows from xbox should occur and maybe that is what i am seeing here.
No it is barely head to head with the xbox 360 after a barrage of price cuts and freebies the xbox 360 never had,MS dropped $100 from the xbox one in 7 months with the xbox one,the xbox 360 didn't see a price drop until august 2007 almost 2 years after launch and was $50 not $100,oh and MS has done 2 already since it is now $350 and with free games which the xbox 360 didn't have either.
NO all the contrary it will make investors happy which would love to see the xbox one 7 foot down under dirt,in fact MS moving its games to PC will be seen with good eyes by investors as that is what they want MS to focus on software and leave the hardware to others.
Windows phones.
Surface tables
The xbox one
All are losing product by considerable margins and most of what they produce is losses.
Is not like sony didn't have a monopoly before the xbox and gamecube were so little competition it was like they weren't even here.
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