I don't see Sunset Overdrive/Forza Horizon 2 moving a lot of consoles,
Especially since DriveClub is coming to the PS4 this October to counter Forza Horizon 2 sales.
Halo MCC will probably be the first win for the XBOX One
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I would not bet on that Forza isn't a system seller even less FH which sold worse than Forza.
Halo could move some units after all Halo has more copies sold on xbox 360 on each version than the xbox one has sold units to date,hell Halo 3 more than double the xbox one hardware sales.
Problem is will Halo fans buy a new console for a bunch of games they already have on xbox 360.?
Yeah last holiday wasn't pretty for MS,they got outdone by 1.2 million units when the PS4 had a shortage and the xbox one had 900K units that when unsold.
A lot of people are buying the MCC for proper Halo 2 multiplayer (which no longer exists). I know you will say something about the PC version existing but it's inferior to the XBox version of H2 in almost every way.
@TigerSuperman: Where did I say tons? My "theory" was based on the fact that there will be more Xbox One games available than PS4 games through the holiday but the PS4 will still outsell it. Titanfall is an example of a high profile game not pushing the XB1 over the PS4 that month.
so I guess Drive Club and Little Big Planet 3 doesn't count... :|
LBP 3 is november.
According to metacritic PS4 has currently 116 games and Xbox One has 74. Considering both consoles have about the same number of exclusives, i would say PS4 has 42 extra third party games.
Am i missing something?
Yes a brain. Certain games that were on the 360 first or were associated with it sometimes did not get PS3 reviews and sometimes did not even get listed. Using review counts as game count is dumb. both consoles have more games than what's on MC.
According to metacritic PS4 has currently 116 games and Xbox One has 74. Considering both consoles have about the same number of exclusives, i would say PS4 has 42 extra third party games.
Am i missing something?
Yes a brain. Certain games that were on the 360 first or were associated with it sometimes did not get PS3 reviews and sometimes did not even get listed. Using review counts as game count is dumb. both consoles have more games than what's on MC.
So...same argument cows used last gen to 'prove' PS3 had more games than 360? It's funny because apparently metacritic only misses games from one side!
Well, assuming you have a point, please name those non reviwed 42 Xbox One games?
@scottpsfan14: it's true Wii sold more at this point, but Wii was 250 dollars at launch. PS4 is neck and neck with it and it hasn't even hit mass market price yet.
Man if FH2, MCC and sunset overdrive doesnt move consoles this holiday season the xbone is done for..
But thats what they get for shooting themselves in the foot at E3
@scottpsfan14: You defending them now? The ps3 architecture was a mess because they expected ps2 like sales so they made it a mess to make sure that developers would give up on porting to other systems and thus have free third party exlusives. They admited that.
So long story short, if they win with ps4 they gonna go back to the same trash. I stopped supporting sony with ps3, and only bought their console many years later for 6-7 exlusives. I can see what will happen if they regain domniance in the industry like with ps2, thank god pc gaming is bigger than ever and they got competition, i dont expect much from xbox or nitendo the way they are going.
@cainetao11: I doubt it was the announcement alone that screwed Microsoft. Look at the end of last gen. Sony really picked up a lot of steam near the end of the generation and eventually overtook the sales lead. Meaning Sony sold more consoles with a year less time on the market.
I think Microsofts biggest downfall is the way they mistreated the Xbox 360. They started off extremely strong. Then near the end of the gen they release the kinect and that was the beginning of the end. From there it was a steady stream of shit party games with almost no AAA titles and absolutely no new ips. Top that off with the fact that most people had to buy about 7-10 Xbox 360s due to hardware failures and you've got a recipe for a shitty next generation.
Sony on the other hand released their biggest titles and new ips near the end of the generation and went into this gen riding a huge wave of success.
Then the infamous E3 happened and just solidified people's choice in console b
I see your point but I don't see it having the huge effect. By the end of the gen, no hardcore, industry following gamer who posts on forums and knows that the witcher2 on 360 wasn't exclusive was really deciding who on which console to get. It was the average consumer that was buying at that time, and free online is a big plus. End the end of gen sales can also be attributed to those consoles being at their lowest price point, and it didn't surprise me Sony rallied. As I said, they are the more favored console world wide.
Now even if the X1 reveal had been shining, my point is they are not as much of a favorite as PS, therefore the PS4 being lower in price, having an edge in power, and of course simply being PlayStation was going to be enough world wide.
@TigerSuperman: Because you make it seem new with your post about Destiny and such.
Besides, i'm more interested in seeing Sony's game division profits for this quarter after they decided to raise their forecasts by 20% for the year.
Want to know if they're healthy. Don't really care about sales wars.
Also, lol Tomato already here
See this is why you can't pass as a hermit,every thread about the xbox one and PS4 oyu are there damage controlling..
You don't care about sales but you care about sony financial..hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Is that your way of bringing a cheap shot about sony financial state.? Now that is something Blackace and hes alter account B4X would do,Stormyjoe,kinglemming Kuu those are lemmings and when you go that way year your colors are shown..
Have a nice time plying a hermit..
I think I may buy an XB1 for Forza Horizon 2. If I don't, it will definitely be one of the first games I get for it when I buy one.
Hahahaa i am flatter an evil twin.....hhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
That sony propganda is beyond unreal so ps is for the gamers now?
Someone forgot sonys arrogance with ps3. Now they just play the "good guys" card and appeal to the nostalgia to cover up the fact they need all the money they can get due to their awful finacial state.
Actually most of those quotes are hardly arrogant,goes to show what stupid people will call arrogant..
"It’s probably too cheap…" (Ken Kutaragi on the $599 PS3, 2007)
Prove that it wasn't cheap i dare you..
Stand alone Blu-ray player where fu**ing $1,000 on 2006 and sony sold you one for $600 but wait next gen consoles on 2006 were $400 and sony gave you one for $600..
Sony gave me a Blu-ray player $1,000 stand alone + a next gen console $400 (360) for $600 dollars how the is that to cheap.? you save $800 dollars compare to what a 360 and a blu-ray player cost...
How is that arrogant.?
People are just to stupid you want to know why it is for gamers,look at 2013...
Ni No kuni,B2S,Puppeteer,GOW A,TLOU,GT6 4 of those were new series on 2013 when the xbox 360 was nothing but a mary go round with Halo,Forza and Gears since 2010...
Let me quote some one on this thread which you people have ignore..
According to metacritic PS4 has currently 116 games and Xbox One has 74. Considering both consoles have about the same number of exclusives, i would say PS4 has 42 extra third party games.
Am i missing something?
This ^^ which apparently no one want to even look,116 games vs 74 when MS is over flown with cash and sony is dying financially...hahaha
For DA GaMeRs...
Xbone has the better line up heading into Christmas by a long way... However PS4 is always going win in some territories (mainly Europe & Japan), but I can see Xbone winning the US and other markets like Aus & UK over Christmas.
Forza Horizon 2 is riding on a massive hype now but that still might not be enough since even a shit or lackluster game can elevate PS4 sales to stratospheric heights which is extremely weird by the way - it seems as if people were willing to worship a brand for no apparent reason instead of looking for interesting games.
The "war" was over the day they decided to ship with that crappy hardware instead of biting the bullet and delaying it to redesign the APU and memory architecture once they'd discovered how badly they'd screwed up.
For the first time Sony has the best hardware at the best price the "war" was won right there. Sony always had the games now the bring the online game as well. This gen Sony has set the trend on console with psn plus and their streaming service also making indies mainstream. After pc the ps4 is clearly the best choice for gaming. I usually get all the consoles but this time it's PC+PS4 for me.
After the way MS tried to **** gamers over on the xflop I am done with the xbox brand period. I liked nintendo when I was a kid but they stale basic and limited. Sure it would be nice to play Mario Kart online but when I see how Nintendo has wasted a golden chance with the wii u personally I can't get behind that. It would be like rewarding failure in the gym.
On pc what can you say uou name it pc has it. The hardware is so strong and cheap and the games as so cheap and the graphics/sound so good. There are so many kinds of games the mods even change the game to what you like. The online is free and fast with so many options even setting up your own server for your pals it's just lights out the best gaming platform bar none. I feel Sony has clearly taken over the console industry and the sales are a reflection of gamers faith in the playstation brand. The ps4 needs work on the multimedia and wireless side. I mean no dnla and 2.4ghz wtf Sony wake up.
@tormentos: The fact you will defend that nonsense just disgusts me. Seriously do you work for sony?
They used a crappy architecture to make sure devs wont bother to port to other platforms. They put a bluray there that NO ONE ASKED FOR and x360 was fine without one. They trashed x360 and pc and said that ps3 is expensive because people would want one more if they work extra hours for it, they said ps3 can do 4D.
They are arrogant and so are you, stop being a fanboy and damge cotnrol sony like you are their personal damage control force.
How do we know PS4 is KILLING XBONE? I mean, do we have real world sales numbers that are "fact"?? OR just what each company says? The way you guys are talking the PS4 is absolutely killing XBONE..I for one dont care who wins,just interested in how we know for fact whats selling
MS is ridiculous. They always touted NPD numbers during the entire year when the 360 was winning.... hilarious.
They used a crappy architecture to make sure devs wont bother to port to other platforms. They put a bluray there that NO ONE ASKED FOR and x360 was fine without one. They trashed x360 and pc and said that ps3 is expensive because people would want one more if they work extra hours for it, they said ps3 can do 4D.
They are arrogant and so are you, stop being a fanboy and damge cotnrol sony like you are their personal damage control force.
The 360 was fine without one huh? Is that why games like BF3 were released on two discs? It made the PS3 a better value than the 360. Yeah MS wasted alot of people's money with their crappy HD-DVD add on.... but sadly thanks to PS3, blu ray won and... oh yeah, is what the XBONE uses now.
And who is "they"?? You mean Ken Kutargi who is no longer with Sony? Who got replaced early in the PS3's life span? Hmmmm... reminds me of Mattrick if you ask me. Lets not hold Phil to Mattrick's comments, and we wont hold Kaz to Ken's.
No damage control here, but you're trashing Sony way more than they deserve, especially considering what the Xbone was going to turn out to be vs what it is now..... because of SONY.
That is Phil staying strong. We are in this with you Phil. Game On!
didn't phil already lie about the secret sauce you kept nagging about on and on and on a few months ago before E3? LOL
Phil never lies. His word is gold.
That is Phil staying strong. We are in this with you Phil. Game On!
didn't phil already lie about the secret sauce you kept nagging about on and on and on a few months ago before E3? LOL
Phil never lies. His word is gold.
And I thought the Phil Spencer cult disappeared after E3 was a bust for them.
How hard was it for Microsoft to listen to the core fanbase? Every single internet forum mostly spoke of how nobody really wanted Kinect. ....All these fanboys buying devices affecting the next gen. Sheesh.
Three months left? So by the start of 2015, if Microsoft hasn't caught up in sales to PS4, we can call this gen's war over.
That's what you're saying right?
Things can magically change so no. but it will hurt their chances.
According to metacritic PS4 has currently 116 games and Xbox One has 74. Considering both consoles have about the same number of exclusives, i would say PS4 has 42 extra third party games.
Am i missing something?
Yes a brain. Certain games that were on the 360 first or were associated with it sometimes did not get PS3 reviews and sometimes did not even get listed. Using review counts as game count is dumb. both consoles have more games than what's on MC.
So...same argument cows used last gen to 'prove' PS3 had more games than 360? It's funny because apparently metacritic only misses games from one side!
Well, assuming you have a point, please name those non reviwed 42 Xbox One games?
I also said both had more games so you are intentionally trying to start a flame war.
I don't think anyone is specifically going to buy a new console to play an old game.
A Game which contains 4 games which all sold over 25 million untis, and most sold over 8 million, with 2 having improved graphics and frame rate, 2 having remakes, on a console with a 6ish million install base whos best selling games is a new IP FPS?
If they give the collection a great marketing budget and don't mess up then it could do a pretty damn good job. If it does Halo 3 numbers that could be amazing.
Three months left? So by the start of 2015, if Microsoft hasn't caught up in sales to PS4, we can call this gen's war over.
That's what you're saying right?
Things can magically change so no. but it will hurt their chances.
According to metacritic PS4 has currently 116 games and Xbox One has 74. Considering both consoles have about the same number of exclusives, i would say PS4 has 42 extra third party games.
Am i missing something?
Yes a brain. Certain games that were on the 360 first or were associated with it sometimes did not get PS3 reviews and sometimes did not even get listed. Using review counts as game count is dumb. both consoles have more games than what's on MC.
So...same argument cows used last gen to 'prove' PS3 had more games than 360? It's funny because apparently metacritic only misses games from one side!
Well, assuming you have a point, please name those non reviwed 42 Xbox One games?
I also said both had more games so you are intentionally trying to start a flame war.
If you read my first post on this thread, you will realise i'm not taking sides. I said X1 had a better lineup of exclusives for this fall, and that PS4 had more third party support.
Two simple facts.
Three months left? So by the start of 2015, if Microsoft hasn't caught up in sales to PS4, we can call this gen's war over.
That's what you're saying right?
Things can magically change so no. but it will hurt their chances.
According to metacritic PS4 has currently 116 games and Xbox One has 74. Considering both consoles have about the same number of exclusives, i would say PS4 has 42 extra third party games.
Am i missing something?
Yes a brain. Certain games that were on the 360 first or were associated with it sometimes did not get PS3 reviews and sometimes did not even get listed. Using review counts as game count is dumb. both consoles have more games than what's on MC.
So...same argument cows used last gen to 'prove' PS3 had more games than 360? It's funny because apparently metacritic only misses games from one side!
Well, assuming you have a point, please name those non reviwed 42 Xbox One games?
I also said both had more games so you are intentionally trying to start a flame war.
If you read my first post on this thread, you will realise i'm not taking sides. I said X1 had a better lineup of exclusives for this fall, and that PS4 had more third party support.
Two simple facts.
They are not facts at all. It only takes seconds to look up a list of games on google and see the MC list is missing games. I also said both were missing games.
Also one of those is an opinion.
Microsoft needs better advertising.
The sales war going on right now isn't really about exclusive games otherwise the Xbox One would be in the lead. Releasing games like Sunset Overdrive and Halo MCC won't do much.
If it does more than 3-4 million selling Titanfall than it will do a lot. I have no idea people don't think 4 Halo games on a new console won't move any units. Halo Anniversary alone did around 1.5-2 on the 360 (it probably did more but we have noting on it so i'm keeping it safe.) alone.
Microsoft needs better advertising.
The sales war going on right now isn't really about exclusive games otherwise the Xbox One would be in the lead. Releasing games like Sunset Overdrive and Halo MCC won't do much.
If it does more than 3-4 million selling Titanfall than it will do a lot. I have no idea people don't think 4 Halo games on a new console won't move any units. Halo Anniversary alone did around 1.5-2 on the 360 (it probably did more but we have noting on it so i'm keeping it safe.) alone.
I'm not saying it won't move units. What I'm saying is that Sony's advertising is about 10x as good as Microsoft's right now which is apparent by the amount of consoles Sony can sell without any sort of exclusive support, and that will keep Microsoft in second place behind them.
Last gen the Wii was first place but that didn't matter because the other two were both successful in putting out games. The same will happen this gen. It doesn't matter what place is what, just as long they put out games and people buy and play these games, all these consoles will remain successful. The current consoles now are selling more than the previous, so these companies are doing pretty well with their new game machines. Just hope the main company like Sony or Microsoft doesn't have negatives with their other divisions like computers, TV and phones, because they may affect the funds for their gaming divisions. They may not spend that much on gaming projects to keep their company afloat.
Update: Chinese Xbox launch successful.
Launch was a couple hours ago btw. Found this picture in Chinese news article.
Phil Spencer: the real battle is September, October, November, and December.
To those just looking at the current October offerings (Forza will move sales and consoles in october it releases at the end of Sept.) It may seem that the favor is in Xboxes hands.
But we will see what happens.
Of course that's what he's going to say. He's paid to say that shit. He can't publicly concede defeat. It doesn't matter though. Anyone with a brain knows the Ps4 won the sale race.
what exactly are you looking forward to? X1 doesn't have any killer apps and have inferior versions of multiplats. people aren't just going to buy x1s because they feel sorry for MS
Update: Chinese Xbox launch successful.
Launch was a couple hours ago btw. Found this picture in Chinese news article.
Phil Spencer: the real battle is September, October, November, and December.
To those just looking at the current October offerings (Forza will move sales and consoles in october it releases at the end of Sept.) It may seem that the favor is in Xboxes hands.
But we will see what happens.
Of course that's what he's going to say. He's paid to say that shit. He can't publicly concede defeat. It doesn't matter though. Anyone with a brain knows the Ps4 won the sale race.
Not far enough ahead to say they won. ~6 to maybe around ~10.5 million with the console just releasing in more country which may bring, excluding china because of no official numbers yet ~500,000 just so far, along with PS4 being stable and Xone having constant increases. Only when those increase %'s stop can we say PS4 won.
what exactly are you looking forward to? X1 doesn't have any killer apps and have inferior versions of multiplats. people aren't just going to buy x1s because they feel sorry for MS
This is from Phil Spencer not me, and PS4 has a killer app?
Forza will move consoles and so will Halo:MC. The problem is the PS4 will keep selling at this ridiculous rate, so I don't see the X1 making up any ground.
Will it? I mean, even the main series hardly constitues as a "system seller" (despite reaching some very honorable 2-4 million per title).
H:MCC, sure, but likely not in the magnitude we would assume (Halo 5 Beta is nice and all, but Halo 5 itself will be the actual hardware mover IMO).
Of course another price-cut and/or some sweet bundles for Black Friday (think console + 2/3 brand new games for the standard price) could do wonders (for both sides).
I've seen many comments over the internets where people are saying they are buying an X1 for FH2.
Also WHERE THE **** IS THE REVIEW GS! How unprofessional.
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