@SolidGame_basic said:
@navyguy21 said:
@SolidGame_basic said:
Lmao, what Sony “3rd party deals” is everyone talking about?Final Fantasy 7 Remake? Ya’ll are trying to create a narrative of ’Evil Sony’ making deals with third party companies to ‘crush Xbox’ 🤣
I have never (and never would) said that Sony is evil. What I said was actions have consequences (both good and bad)
Sony has every (legal) right to secure 3rd party deals. Are some anticompetitive? My personal opinion is yes. There is a difference in Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo paying a 3rd party to develop a game that didnt have the funding, or outsourcing development of an owned IP to a 3rd party studio.
What my message was meant to convey is that when Sony (or any of the other 2) pay a publisher NOT to put a game on another platform is anticompetitive (but not illegal). As a response to that, the other players have a choice. They can lay down and take it (as MS did for a long time because of incompetent management). Nintendo chose to switch lanes and rely on their own content and innovative hardware. MS (eventually) recognized that the were never going to win against Sony by trying to play their game so they chose to adapt and go with the movie/TV model of owning a large amount of IPs that you can put on the platforms of your choice.
What im saying is that Sony made a ton of choices over the past 20yrs and now are having to live with the consequences. Its not illegal and it doesn't make them bad.
It does make it a bit ridiculous that they are essentially asking the FTC and UK to force MS to stay in the traditional console business model....................and business model where they are beating everyone soundly..............just so they dont have to adapt and compete.
They are............ironically.........being as anticompetitive as they are accusing MS of being.
MS arent angels in this, and I have stated over and over my feelings and disagreements with buying up IPs and turning the gaming industry into the movie model.
I simply asked a question: What do you think MS should have done to compete in an industry where Sony was securing so many high value IPs as console or timed exclusives? Do you think MS shouldve shrugged and said "oh well" like they did during the XB1 era?
When I have this discussion in real life, most of my colleagues (PS fans 4 to 1 btw) say that it’s unfair. At the end of the day, it usually just came down to they are used to getting everything except for a few mediocre MS exclusives and now they are missing out on bit hitters................kind of how Nintendo and MS have had to do for 20yrs (referring to PS3 and PS4 big titles, which were many)
All I’m saying is, we keep hearing that Sony denied Microsoft of so many third party exclusives. What are they? People are talking like there are hundreds of third party exclusives out there. If we’re talking niche Japanese games, I don’t think much of that has to do with exclusive deals than it does with Xbox barely existing in Japan.
Ive been on this forum long enough to know that any list I provide will be quickly qualified in such a way to dismiss them...........but I'll bite anyway because my point is general rather than any particular title
Final Fantasy 7 (and Integrade)
Final Fantasy 16
Ghostwire Tokyo
Final Fantasy Rebirth
Death Stranding
Death Stranding 2
Silent Hill 2 Remake
KOTOR Remake
Those are just the ones off the top of my head, and I excluded the Japanese titles, indie games, and Sony funded 3rd parties.
My point being that this is just in the beginning of the generation, last gen was even more. I am sure we can both agree that there are more big 3rd party games in the pipeline that will be exclusive to PS5, at least for a time............which excludes Xbox again.
So, either Microsoft do something about it, or they lay down like they did with XB1 and get crushed.
What would you have them do? Allow it to continue and have a repeat of last gen? Buy a ton of 3rd party exclusives like Sony (like they did during the 360 era)?
This gen was a little different because not only was Sony paying to keep games from Xbox, but they were also paying to keep games from Game Pass, the one area that MS had shifted to in order to survive? Should they lay down and allow Sony to kill them off?
I have yet to see anyone defending Sony give a realistic answer as to what they were supposed to do. The one thing my colleagues say is "build organically", but that has 2 flaws.
1. Clearly, Sony did not do that. They bought almost all of the studios they have and supplemented that with 3rd party exclusives
2. New studios take 4-6 years to ship a game, Sony would put MS out of business by then.
They had to do something to survive. You may not like it, (and neither do I, id prefer they just bought as many 3rd party exclusives or funded their projects outright) but they had to either adapt or die.
Id prefer they didnt die because competition is good.
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