Except Dialbo 3 DD was acconted for . You honeslty expected anything less from D3? Hell I even bought D3 it will be the best selling game of the year on pc the problem is there will probalby be 3 console games that reach those numbers this year alone . Thats just it the console has far more games that hit those numbers. My point is he tried to act like becauae more people on SW prefered pc that it was a victory and then told me I was stupid for even having the poll and the fact is theres more people that chose consoles for gaming outside of casual facebook trash.
PC gaming is the most popular platform in the world
Yet every core title such as
Batman AC, AC 2, Crysis 2, COD , BF 3 and any other game that everyone hear rushes to talk about on SW....... they all sell better on consoles. Any multiplat you are looking foward to this year? Guess what it will sell the worst on pc as all of them do. The popularity from the pc as a platform comes from titles that most people on SW could give 2 sh**s about.
All of those games are better on PC . PC overall has more gamers and game sales. Stop sucking.
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