I mean, considering this is planetxbox360, it shouldn't really come as a surpise that they wrote this, but I was curious how many of you here agree or disagree with their 5 headlining points?
5. Lack of Backwards Compatibility
**What? If you bought a PS3 at launch, you could have Backwards compatibility all ALL PS2 games and ALL PS1 games** On Xbox you can only have SELECT titles...not that many.
4. Playstation Network (Online Gaming)
Works fine on both systems...I had a 360 for over a year, it was nothing special...the only thing I remember about it is having my subscription expire and being like "Damnit, I cant download a demo".
3. Updates Removing Features
Linux? Cmon...now you're just getting mad for no reason.
2. A Half-Assed War on Piracy
lol What? Is he complaining that you cant Pirate on PS3? Isnt that supposed to be a good thing?
1. Following Instead of Leading
If anything the PS3 is the leader being that it introduced Blu Ray to the system instead of just going with the flow...it took a HUGE risk and it ended up working out in the long run! How does the Xbox lead?
bluray is not arisk its a un needed format -dvds are the same just with lessgigs , who needs thatfor movies , um not me wii is the one that took the risk ,, doing somthing that hasnever ever ever been done,,and this coming from a company whos only success since snes was gba /handhelds whats ps3 done that has paid off-nothing its still 3rd place lucky to get 2nd if it can ps3 compared tops2 it has done nothing for sony face it youlied just to make tc feel bad sorry pal i dont buy it for one second
Five Reasons I Will Not Purchase a Playstation 3
Bluray Not needed? What? Wait...WHAT? lol. I dont know about you but my Lord of the Rings on Bluray @ 1080p looks simply STELLAR compared to my DVD counterparts...
If you own an SDTV, then I may agree with you.
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