Finale lmfao self ownage buddy, first off character models are a small chunk a a big pie so when you have a game that never has to many characters on screen at once it's fairly easy to pull of until you get to extremely high numbers like you see in killzone 2 were the characters look like mud. Environments all around are a much better indictator.
Ratchet looks fine for the cartoon look it's going for, but the thing is the more of a cartoon look you go for generally the less variation in color tones you see in any given texture and the less variation there is the less you need a high resolution texture to pull off the effect your going for. So actually those textures your looking at in ratchet are likely the same resolution or perhaps even lower res then the ones in the likes of kill zone, you just don't notice it because they are less noisy.
Let me put it this way in case you still don't get it, whether it's a resolution of 256x or 2560x a static plane green with no variation looks the same under either, now take a complex array of colors like say the Monalisa, obviously there is now a astronomical difference between the two resolutions. and as for Little Big Planet, please! Look how little is going on in the screen of course they can use higher res textures then the likes of a frantic FPS which has just so much more going on at once then that.
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