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Holy crap the first page got wiped out. :P
Advance for it's time? Eh. Compared to the PS3 I can agree.
Greatest console known to man? I disagree. SNES for me. :P
I liked the SNES but it;s really debatable, the PS2 certainly has a huge library of games and also has backward compatibility to the other giant, the PSOne. I'm guessing it's still very soon to call it the king, since it was only a generation away and nostalgia can always get the better of us.:P It's always difficult to live up to the expectations after such big successes, 3DS is another and so was the N64 some what as well.
[QUOTE="ps2snesgod"] visuals can be argued but f-zero gx and twilight princess both say hi. also look at a comparion of resident evil 4 wii version compared to the ps2 one. thats the big difference lol. .tormentosF-zero doesn't look better than GT4,and twilight princess surely doesn't beat GOW2 which has a much bigger sense of scale a better graphics. Resident Evil on wii you are comparing a wii game to a PS2 one.?
F Zero GX did look quite amazing, but I agree about GT4 even though you can't really compare them. GOW2 wasn't really eye candy to me, but then again I was never moved by the graphics of the first 2 GOW's.:P The GC still had great looking games in it's library though, Star Fox Adventure comes to mind!
TP had a great artistic presentation but the low textures are pretty annoying at times. I'd still put Wind Waker above it.:P
You did not had a PS2 from what i can see,even first gen games like Tekken Tag showed the PS2 was more powerful,In fact one of the comparison i first saw was Joshimitsu from SC vs Joshimitsu from Tekken Tag,the Tekken Tag one was much more detailed,not only that stages were more alive as well. The DC was a relatively easy system to code for,and it had Sega pretty much the graphics king developer until the PS2 era arrived,that is why the DC was able to stay close to the PS2,but as developer get to know the console and sony started to really push it,it was easy to see the DC wasn't barely more powerful,it was allot more.The PS2 was barely more powerful than the dreamcast, which launched a year earlier.
That's relative. What the PS2 had was custom hardware design (remiscent a little on the N64) and a unique CPU that had theoretically three times the fill-rate a Pentium III had. However, the console wasn't really that much better than the Dreamcast (which was inferior on paper but saved by the PowerVR GPU which was drawing only visible polygons) and the NGC and Xbox had much better graphics capabilites. So in the end the unique architecture was interesting and had a theoretical advantage but the newer consoles like the NGC and Xbox produced better graphics and had games that would have problems running on the PS2.
Also the Cell in the PS3 is was more advanced than the "Emotion Engine" in PS2 (but also hard to develop for and the stripped-down GeForce 7800-based GPU is nothing to rave about either).
[QUOTE="darkspineslayer"]PS2 was a product of its DVD player and strong support. Blu-ray didn't go as far to recapture that magic as Sony had hoped. Either way, for its time it was the weakest console technicly, its just that everything was optimised for itAncientDozerIndeed. Dreamcast was stronger. Xbox was stronger. But power doesn't mean everything.
LOL what? The Dreamcast was not stronger then the PS2 not even close.
[QUOTE="Cali3350"]You did not had a PS2 from what i can see,even first gen games like Tekken Tag showed the PS2 was more powerful,In fact one of the comparison i first saw was Joshimitsu from SC vs Joshimitsu from Tekken Tag,the Tekken Tag one was much more detailed,not only that stages were more alive as well. The DC was a relatively easy system to code for,and it had Sega pretty much the graphics king developer until the PS2 era arrived,that is why the DC was able to stay close to the PS2,but as developer get to know the console and sony started to really push it,it was easy to see the DC wasn't barely more powerful,it was allot more.The PS2 was barely more powerful than the dreamcast, which launched a year earlier.
The PS2 had about double the ram a faster processor and a better GPU. The DC was maxed with DOA and Shenmue but there were games that looked quite a bit better on the PS2.
Hell no. Ps1 is still the best ps console had more franchises born on the console ps2 only had 2 decent franchises kinda atv offroad fury and socom. Twisted Metal 1 Theme 1995 i had that game new in 1995. Twisted Metal 2 Soundtrack - Los Angeles had that too 96. LOL beyond nostalgic.Seriously, google the PS2's godliness. The PS2 is SOO much more advance for it's time than it's newer part.
Agree or disagree, the PS2 is one of the GREATEST consoles known to man
GIGGITY GO. Tell me your thoughts about the PS2/PS3. GIGGITY DO DA DEY
It wasn't the least powerful and it sure wasn't on par with the DC,hell i did not play anything on GC better lucking than GOW 2 or GT4,nothing saying the GC was more powerful without any game that actually prove that is sad,specs mean nothing, the xbox was suppose to have 3 times in the game performance of the PS2 and we all know that is far from true. The xbox well sure it was,but the xbox landed 20 months after the PS2 almost 2 years after so it is a given,and it had double the ram.[QUOTE="tormentos"][QUOTE="Scoob64"]
spec-wise, PS2 was the least powerful next to Xbox and GameCube - and was on par with the Dreamcast. so you are wrong.
Then you need to play RE4.
I'm guessing you just mean in terms of quality, in which case, sure.
It is the greatest console of all time after all.
the SNES would like a word with you... Ok, i'll admit its is between those two though The 3DO would like a word with both of you.I'm guessing you just mean in terms of quality, in which case, sure.
It is the greatest console of all time after all.
the SNES would like a word with you... Ok, i'll admit its is between those two though The 3DO would like a word with both of you. Real Life would like a word with all of you. :P[QUOTE="dommeus"][QUOTE="darkspineslayer"] the SNES would like a word with you... Ok, i'll admit its is between those two thoughAnother-WorldThe 3DO would like a word with both of you. Real Life would like a word with all of you. :P Real life is a jerk :P
I love the PS2 but I have to go with this, it had it's flaws.No it was not. the PS2 online was completely OBSOLETE compared to XBL, where as today, both PSN and XBL have their strengths and weaknesses and after 2008, PSN has pretty much been on par with XBL.
And then there's hardware... PS2 was weaker than both GC and XBOX, while PS3 is significantly more powerful than both 360 and, lol definitely the Wii.
The PS3 is equipped with a blu-ray player much like the PS2 was equipped with a DVD player. 4 year old tech for the PS2, 1 year old tech for the PS3. PS3 wins that too.
So yes, the PS2 was easily one of the greatest consoles of all time but it was NOT technologically advanced, I'm sorry.
In some ways, the PS2 was quite ancient in it's implementations, in some ways it was very forward thinking though.
An of it's "old way of doing things" was tasking the main processor (even if it was designed to do so from the outset) with geometry processing. I'm sure Sony (specifically Kutaragi) was wanting to see what developers could do with the two vector processors, not only from a graphical standpoint, but for physics, and other processes necessary to create high realized game worlds, hence probably why they were put on the Emotion Engine. Also the PS2's development was made during the beginning days of true 3D Accelerator development on PCs. Even the Dreamcast did it's geometry on it's main CPU via the FPU. The other "ancient" issue was the actual "graphics processor", the Graphics Synthesizer. While it possessed an incredible pixel throughput (over 2 GPixels), the lack of texture units severly regulated the system to multipassing when the need arose and I'm sure it made it all the more difficult to implement things like bump mapping, etc, especially when vertex (or vector units in the PS2's case), necessary for such graphics techniques, were not directly available, on the GPU itself. Even still, the PS2 was more than capable of such graphics techniques, and it's unfortunate they were never used to any real extent except in a few select titles.
As for the forward thinking bits, the PS2 was of course, the first DVD based system which obviously made it a prime candidate as a hit DVD player. The PS2 implemented an EDRAM system to give the graphics system a very fast (48 GBPS IIRC) connection to the PS2's 4 MB of EDRAM buffer. Especially for instancing, this was a very good feature to have and made the PS2 quite good with many special effects and helped with the very small amount of main RAM the system had in the first place (32 MB). The crown jewel of the PS2 (to me at least) was the Emotion Enginen main processor. While difficult to work with initially, as a single chip, it was a beast, containing not only a MIPS based CPU, but an FPU and the two Vector Units which of course could and did everything from geometry, lighting, physics, etc. It was also an early experiment at multithreading and multicore processing since it would be a few years later that the first consumer dual core CPUs would be released, so it is highly significant in that regard. It's just unfortunate that the EE was stuck doing so much of the work when you think about it's competitors which opted for a more "seperated" approach, with complete CPUs and GPUs allowed to focus on their own thing. At least the PS2 was a highly capable computing machine at it's release, and even against the Xbox and GC still had the highest raw geometry throughput, and possessed by far the most powerful computing processor (the EE). EE I think was likened to being twice as powerful as 2 of the Xbox's CPUs (basically a 733 MHz Pentium III). Considering the addition of the vector units, that doesn't seem farfetched at all. An EE based console, with 128 MB of memory, and a true 3D GPU a la the Xbox's would've been amazing to see, especially when you consider the physics potential of the vector units. They were also used for fluid physics for a few games like Ghost Hunter and Ico, something I don't remember ever being attempted on the Xbox or GC.
And compared to the Dreamcast, there are only two things I can think of the DC being superior to the PS2 in: Sound (PS2's 48 Channels vs the DC's 64), and arguably the texturing performance since the DC had 8 MB of dedicated video memory as well as dedicated texture compression capability. However, plenty of PS2 games had pretty good texturing.PC_Otter
XBox1 relies on NVIDIA NV2A GPU and nForce/Soundstorm APU (Audio Processor Unit).
According to wiki, NVIDIA NV2A's geometry engine has a peak of 115 million vertices/second and 125 million particles/second.
Seriously, how is this thread still going on? RE4 or Twilight Princess look a large bit better than anything on the PS2. The PS2 was a total failure from a hardware perspective, completely unable to compete with Microsoft or Nintendo in power, which is what drove Sony into the arms of Nvidia for the PS3.
No non of those games look better than either GOW 2 or GT4,and the PS2 wasn't a failure,you are talking like if all consoles were release the same year,both the GC and xbox were release more than a year after the PS2,in the xbox case almost 2 years after the PS2,games made by sony showed how powerful the console really was if use well. That powerful the PS2 was tell me there is a huge out of this world difference in GT4 vs Forza,hell some of the effects look better on PS2 like dust,also notice how faded the color of the car look on Forza vs how colorful it look on GT4.? People tend to forget how impressive games like Tekken 5 were when they hit,but don't take my word for it take this own site review and read what they say about Tekken 5 on PS2. ''When it comes to image quality and character models, you'd be hard pressed to find a better looking PlayStation 2 game than this. Tekken 5 looks simply astounding--way above and beyond what you would think the PlayStation 2 is capable of. The character models are smooth and lifelike, with skin tones and textures that make them look alive, as opposed to the plastic-looking fighters found in some other games. The backgrounds are widely varied, and some of them are even breathtaking. Again, it's the sort of stuff you'd expect from a high-end Xbox title or a great-looking PC game--not something you'd expect from the PlayStation 2 hardware.'' Gamespot Review. For and older much more complicated hardware the PS2 was ok for its gen.Seriously, how is this thread still going on? RE4 or Twilight Princess look a large bit better than anything on the PS2. The PS2 was a total failure from a hardware perspective, completely unable to compete with Microsoft or Nintendo in power, which is what drove Sony into the arms of Nvidia for the PS3.
Tech wise, it was a little behind for its time compared to the relatively modern PS3. Exclusives and quality wise, the PS2 is considered by many to be the greatest gaming platform of all time, so no argument there, especially since I can play PS2 games on my PS3 :p
Which translates to just under 30 million polygons a second peak no? Wiki says 29 million. Of course NV2A was a full on programmable shader GPU, so it's efficiency per polygon was much better than the PS2's (especially since it had multitexturing), even if the PS2 could peak at 66 million (which I assume was when using both Vector Units). What blows me away, that in the grand scheme of things, the texturing performance of the Xbox (over 1800 MTexels) is still pretty good compared to the average IGP in a computer, and it showed in Xbox games. And yes, the Xbox's sound processor was a ******* BEAST (256 channels?).XBox1 relies on NVIDIA NV2A GPU and nForce/Soundstorm APU (Audio Processor Unit).
According to wiki, NVIDIA NV2A's geometry engine has a peak of 115 million vertices/second and 125 million particles/second.
alright- i was just curious. i just find it kind of odd that we can't even talk about something that isn't clearly illegal.. i mean, its like the federal gov is running this website ;)
Lets just pray that day never comes
lmao indeed! PS2 is a great system, but not my favorite. N64 and SNES are better imo.
PS2 is the greatest Console of all time. Deal with itJudging the PS2 on it's own merits and the capability of it's hardware, it was pathetically weak.
All it had going for it was it's DVD player, great third party support and the Playstation name.
I don't see how it's possible for it to be the greatest console ever when it was a heap of crap. If it wasn't for the games it had, I don't think the PS3 would even have existed.
The Gamecube was better and the Xbox was FAR better.
PS2 is the greatest Console of all time. Deal with it[QUOTE="balfe1990"]
Judging the PS2 on it's own merits and the capability of it's hardware, it was pathetically weak.
All it had going for it was it's DVD player, great third party support and the Playstation name.
I don't see how it's possible for it to be the greatest console ever when it was a heap of crap. If it wasn't for the games it had, I don't think the PS3 would even have existed.
The Gamecube was better and the Xbox was FAR better.
That's opinion and by no means a fact.
PS2 is the greatest Console of all time. Deal with it[QUOTE="Snyper-007"]
Judging the PS2 on it's own merits and the capability of it's hardware, it was pathetically weak.
All it had going for it was it's DVD player, great third party support and the Playstation name.
I don't see how it's possible for it to be the greatest console ever when it was a heap of crap. If it wasn't for the games it had, I don't think the PS3 would even have existed.
The Gamecube was better and the Xbox was FAR better.
That's opinion and by no means a fact.
[QUOTE="Snyper-007"] PS2 is the greatest Console of all time. Deal with it
That's opinion and by no means a fact.
Yep that makes the Wii the best console now... oh sales don't count when determining what's best, right.......
[QUOTE="Snyper-007"] PS2 is the greatest Console of all time. Deal with it
That's opinion and by no means a fact.
Best selling yes, best games is debatable.
Best Selling, and best overall library. Fact[QUOTE="Snyper-007"]
That's opinion and by no means a fact.nameless12345
Best selling yes, best games is debatable.
True, but I do agree that the PS2 did have the best library of games. 2001 was such a good year for the system, as well as 2004.Agree or disagree, the PS2 is one of the GREATEST consoles known to man
I agree, but I would say that the PS2 is THE greatest console known to man. The games on the PS2 were so good, the PS3 has nothing as great as Shadow of the Colossus or Tales of the Abyss. The games were a lot better back then.
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