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You should remove Slant Six and Zipper apart. Slant Six is an independent company and has nothing to do with Zipper even though Sony bought them. Slant Six created the Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow graphics engine, and SOCOM: Tactical Strike. They're working on SOCOM: Confrontation.
Zipper created SOCOM franchise, the most successful online shooter on the PlayStation platform. They left the franchise after they took it downhill by trying to make it a "Battlefield-like" game and Sony gave the project to Slant Six which is taking hte series back to its roots, small, close-quarters tactical gameplay. Zipper is working on MAG. Slant Six has nothing to do with MAG.
This thread shows how superior Sony is with the PS3. No other console can match its game quality that's why PS3 has this gen n the bag. Just look at Microsoft desperately buying off company and exclusives because they know they cant compete and I bet most of those companies in these thread has said NO to MS. Play Beyond.Hitman533
This thread shows how sony is trying to win but jsut cant keep up with 360 awesomeness... yep, i bet you almost all of those games will end up on 360 anyways... lol!
The "first picture" released for the next project from Team Ico is actually a screenshot from RE5, look at the second trailer released, it starts with that screenshot. Well, at least they look really really similar.Mardil
Nah it's a Team ICO picture, they're just similar I guess.
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]You mean I will be missing out on more shooters that bring nothing to the table :?I got a wii and 360 because unlike the ps3 they bring new thing to the table the ps3 thinks it can rely on its ps2 montra of just make sequel after sequel and barely innovate and peple such as yourself will buy it.TenP
Hey... have fun with Animal Crossing.
When did Naughty Dog say they were working on Uncharted 2?AAllxxjjnn
It's on gametrailers or ign forgot which they confirmed it a few days ago, but they also said it in December of 07' in some magazine. They intended it to be a 3 part franchise.
and moar bumpage.
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