The Playstation 3 is driving me crazy in this way in particular: five of the highest profile Playstation 3 games have only ONE MODE OF PLAY, be it single or multi player.
Of the announced, upcoming titles, four are singleplayer only: Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Lair, and Heavenly Sword.
And then there's Warhawk, which is multiplayer only.
This could end up being a lot of wasted money for what could possibly be an extremely limited amount of gaming time. When looking at most of these titles, I was expecting a fully fleshed, satisfying experience. Yet so many of them come in one flavor or another. Why can't there be more games like Resistance Fall of Man, with 30 giant singleplayer levels andlarge multiplayer maps with a multitude of play modes?
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