Those are all completely silly. I expect to see clean lines, with more curves and round edges than hard angles, in either black, silver, or white... you know, the current trend in aesthetics for almost all living room electronics. Look at new routers, cable boxes, tvs, audio/video equipment, and furniture like entertainment center/tv stands that are on shelves now. Then look at some of these crazy alien looking "concepts." Do you see them being side by side in the same living room? Not likely, and I highly doubt the designers at Sony and MS do either.
Also, I hope the PS4 controller stays the same. There's some changes I'd make, sure, but I'd keep the same basic shape. Maybe concave the R2/L2 triggers, and adjust the angle and sensitivity a bit, to cut down on how easy it is to push them accidentally, especially when picking up or putting down the controller. I can't really think of anything else I'd change. Current trend is to include gyros/accelerometers into everything, but they already have those. I've got no strong feelings either way on force feedback, but I assume they'll keep that. They only removed it at the start of this gen due to pending lawsuits or something, that has since been sorted. Everything else is perfect as is.
PS. I'm not exactly small, and think the size is perfect. I think the "too small for big hands" complaint stems from people holding it like its an xbox controller. With the xbox controller, it feels most comfortable with the "paddles" gripped firmly in the palms, and the fingers wrapped around, with the middle of the thumbs resting on the sticks. With the DS3, the controller is most comfortable with the "paddles" resting lightly on the pinky ring and middle fingers, the index fingers curled around the front to operate the shoulder buttons (the middle fingers can be easily brought up to assist). The palm of the hand isn't touching the controller at all. In this position, the thumbs, in their natural, symetrical, positions should have the end of the thumbs right on the sticks, and easily able to reach the dpad/face buttons.
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