8.5 TFLOPS on GPU seems a bit low consider the OneX is 6.
Cost is the issue. We aren't gonna see another $599 console.
@techhog89: Yup. I fear the PS5 will be underpowered to keep costs down, just like the PS4 was. People here have unrealistic expectations of the machine(18 teraflops, 20 GB Ram, 4xuhd). Look, buy a high end PC if you want a monster machine, the PS5 is likely only going to be slightly stronger than the xbox one x, with about 8 teraflops and a beefier CPU.
@pmanden: highly doubt Sony is going to want to release something not much more powerful than One X. People act like Sony doesn't care about power just because One X has more power than Pro. One X released a year later, of course it's going to be more powerful. One X will be 3 years old by the time PS5 releases.
How is that any different from how XBox fans utterly dismissed backwards compatibility on the launch PS3? Yeah, exactly. How does that differ from you guys overnight becoming something other than a billboard for b/c when and if the PS5 does have it? Take several seats lem, you are clearly on-board your narrative but like every one that has come before it, the love affair is only skin deep. You're fooling precisely no one.
PS3 BC was terrible, especially in Australia to the point it really wasn't BC at least 360 had something good. I'm not a lem either but a beautiful manticore. I don't care who wins as long as it has good games.
No, this is a mistake on your part but not entirely your fault.
PS3's BC was infact the best rendition of BC a console has ever had, however you simply didn't get the correct model.
You needed to get the original 60gig FAT PS3 to experience BC properly which gave 100% BC with PS1 and PS2 games. You clearly got one of the revised PS3 models that compromised the BC capability for price. It had nothing to do with where you lived, the PS3 was region unlocked. We never got the chip version.
Oh yeah it's completely my fault that Sony did a terrible job at implementing BC for Australia. I didn't know I worked for them. As for it being region free. Blu-rays movies where not and region locked, so I couldn't watch Blu-ray movies and this was back years ago before international shipping wasn't really available to us. How is it normal to completely order a console internationally when it's available here?
@Shewgenja: You sound angry moogenja, i wasn't here when the PS3 was launched, but judging from your post lems have scarred you for life last gen also.
All i want from you is to prove your accusation that lems co-ordinated an attack on a cow to make that made up person leave, and until you do that then i will continue to laugh at your tinfoil hat conspiracy lol.
My latest guess:
A quad-layer 100GB bluray drive is absolutely required. Games have been maxing out the current dual-layered 50GB bluray discs for sometime. With the higher resolutions and larger game worlds in PS5 games this is the only way to go.
16GBSs of memory should be enough. If Sony surprises with 24GBs I would be incredibly happy but its not necessary. Games were maxing out the 5.5GBs of available memory on the PS4 from nearly day 1. They'll do the same on the PS5's 13GBs of memory. Games like Grand Theft Auto 5 are possible on just 5.5GBs of memory, developers will be able to do amazing things with 2.5x that (13.5GBs). The key is memory wasnt the PS4's bottleneck. It's CPU was. That wont be a problem anymore with AMD's 8 core zen processor
Sony will take a shortcut with the 1TB HDD to save money on production costs. If its a problem you can always upgrade it for rather cheap.
Last but not least, Im quite sure sony will want to stay away from the $500 launch price. Its cursed along with the $600 launch price. I see it dropping at $450 with Sony taking a slight loss on each unit sold due to the bom featuring more exotic hardware at the time of launch then what the PS4 had at it's launch
It'll be 24GBs total of GDDR6, 12 2GB modules on the PCB. Keep in mind that is a much smaller leap in ram than PS3 to PS4 was.
No less than a 10 Teraflop GPU. This isn't wishful thinking either. We know with launch PS4 and PS4 Pro power draw a 7nm APU could hit 10 - 12 Teraflops.
It'll be $399.99.
No, this is a mistake on your part but not entirely your fault.
PS3's BC was infact the best rendition of BC a console has ever had, however you simply didn't get the correct model.
You needed to get the original 60gig FAT PS3 to experience BC properly which gave 100% BC with PS1 and PS2 games. You clearly got one of the revised PS3 models that compromised the BC capability for price. It had nothing to do with where you lived, the PS3 was region unlocked. We never got the chip version.
Oh yeah it's completely my fault that Sony did a terrible job at implementing BC for Australia. I didn't know I worked for them. As for it being region free. Blu-rays movies where not and region locked, so I couldn't watch Blu-ray movies and this was back years ago before international shipping wasn't really available to us. How is it normal to completely order a console internationally when it's available here?
If you wanted or cared about BC then you would have ordered the PS3 60 Fat BC model. It wasn't hard to find during the time you just had to look for it. As for international shipping you could have got one from Amazon because they would have shipped it international if you wanted the feature.
Like I said the PS3 was region unlocked for games, don't know much about movies I bought PS3 for playing games, so you wouldn't have had any issue playing anything from PS1, PS3 or PS3 in your region.
I'm just informing you that you had the option. If you didn't take advantage of that you really didn't care about the feature.
I got my PS3 60 gig off Ebay because they were not being sold in store anymore when I wanted one and I refused to buy the crippled elimination or BC-less PS3 versions. Don't know what to tell you if you knew BC PS3's existed and you simply purchased whatever was there you shouldn't be mad.
@boxrekt: what don't you get? We never got hardware emulation even in the 60gb model. We could only get Amazon here for the past few years no where near the time PS3. Even now 99% of things don't ship to Australia unless it's on Amazon.com.au.
You keep acting like it's all my fault when there wasn't many options for us Aussies. Sony has never cared about Australia and still doesn't.
@npiet1: Sorry man. That sucks then.
You know he's bullshitting about not getting the 60GB BC model? you fell for it like a chump.
Amazon do ship here (Australia), they have been since 2007. My PS3/PS4 are both US models (the reason is, its cheaper to get both models), its not cheaper anymore, PS4S/PS4P can be had for $250 AUD and $350 AUD.
@npiet1: Sorry man. That sucks then.
You know he's bullshitting about not getting the 60GB BC model? you fell for it like a chump.
Amazon do ship here (Australia), they have been since 2007. My PS3/PS4 are both US models (the reason is, its cheaper to get both models), its not cheaper anymore, PS4S/PS4P can be had for $250 AUD and $350 AUD.
Oh wow.
Yes I did fall for it since I'm not familiar with the Australian market. I guess my original point stands then.
Can't believe someone would be desperate enough to lie about something like that. That's pretty scummy to be honest.
@pmanden: Sony is worth about 6x as much as they were when they launched the PS4. It will be a beast.
@boxrekt: Just to make people feel sad, I got my PS4 for $320 USD, when it was still $399.
@GTR12: that's what I heard i may be wrong. I never said they don't , just 99% of the stuff I try to order is always say it doesn't ship to Australia, unless it's the .com.au site.
Yeah its wrong,
Pro-tip, you can buy anything from anywhere, even if the retailer doesn't deliver to your country, shipping companies will.
That's what I use for the US, I use another for China, Japan, UK.
@blackhairedhero: A beast? We'll see. Hopefully Sony will provide us with some official specs soon. But as long as the PS4 is selling really well, I think Sony will keep their cards close. Maybe they will even wait for Microsoft to make the first next-gen announcement.
@pmanden: Sony is worth about 6x as much as they were when they launched the PS4. It will be a beast.
Sony isn't going to do the same mistakes as they with PS3.... They will create a system that will at the very least break even at launch and will eventually profit from the hardware within the first year or so. They will stay at the $400 price point. Which means it wont be a "beast", It will outclass the X1X. If it releases in late 2019, We can expect an eight core Ryzen based cpu between 2.8-3.2ghz, system memory will most likely be 16gb but of what we may not know since GDDR6 is more expensive and in less quantity, than GDDR5 or GDDR5x. They may offset the costs and shortages by using a wider memory bus over using GDDR6. Now with the gpu power it will most likely be Navi and since Navi as far as we know is still GCN based which means that its performance will not be alot over current AMD offerings. So we should expect if released in late 2019, like VEGA 56 type of rendering performance. (10-12 TFLOPS)
@pmanden: Sony is worth about 6x as much as they were when they launched the PS4. It will be a beast.
Sony isn't going to do the same mistakes as they with PS3.... They will create a system that will at the very least break even at launch and will eventually profit from the hardware within the first year or so. They will stay at the $400 price point. Which means it wont be a "beast", It will outclass the X1X. If it releases in late 2019, We can expect an eight core Ryzen based cpu between 2.8-3.2ghz, system memory will most likely be 16gb but of what we may not know since GDDR6 is more expensive and in less quantity, than GDDR5 or GDDR5x. They may offset the costs and shortages by using a wider memory bus over using GDDR6. Now with the gpu power it will most likely be Navi and since Navi as far as we know is still GCN based which means that its performance will not be alot over current AMD offerings. So we should expect if released in late 2019, like VEGA 56 type of rendering performance. (10-12 TFLOPS)
I think both PS5 and Xbox 2 will be a minimum of $500 so there won't be a huge backlash like this gen since they will both have the same price point.
@04dcarraher: I expect a $499 price point and a $50 to $100 loss on each unit. A yearly subscription and one game allows them to break even.
The PS3 lost over $150 on each unit and had no monthly subscriptions associated with it.
@blackhairedhero: the ps3 burned through a lot of the money the ps2 made them. I don't think dont would ever do that again... if they aren't a runaway leader and are forced to be aggressive with pricing that loss could continue across most of the gen. History had shown sony doesn't need the most power to win so they may not feel the need to be that aggressive power wise
@blackhairedhero: the ps3 burned through a lot of the money the ps2 made them. I don't think dont would ever do that again... if they aren't a runaway leader and are forced to be aggressive with pricing that loss could continue across most of the gen. History had shown sony doesn't need the most power to win so they may not feel the need to be that aggressive power wise
If the PS5 has only 8.5 TFLOPS they will compare it to the PS4 and not the Pro and state its 4.6 times faster to hide the relative weakness to the Pro. In the end, as you said, most gamers wouldn't care.
@Pedro: 8.5 t flops isn't even an option. Those are specs for a console that released at the end of 2018.
If the PS5 releases, say, early 2020 and costs $500 how many teraflops and how much ram is realistic to expect? I'm no tech expert, that's why I am asking the forum this. I can't imagine the numbers to be that much more impressive than the current 12 gb, 6 teraflops xbox one x, which I bought for around $420. I know technoly improves and prices drop, but still...
Some people on this forum suggest a PS5 with 15 or 18 teraflops and 20 GB of RAM. Seriously, how much does a PC with those specs cost as the moment? Surely, it is nowhere near $500?
@pmanden: I think it depends on price.
I'd say minimum 10 tflops which would probably come at around $400.
12 tflops I think is most likely and at $499
14 tflops is a possibility but they would need to take a small loss on each console.
I thing 16gb of ram is most likely. I doubt 16 to 18 tflops is realistic.
GPU: 9~10,6tflops.
PS4 launched with a 2010 nvidia equalivant gpu. this means that when 2020 is the release date, you will most likely see 1080 ti performance as absolute best but more likely will be below it. Unless AMD pushes massively forwards in the next couple of years with gpu tech. Because there current gpu's are dog shit when it comes to watts usage you will not see much gain on it.
So 8 tflops with 11 tflops being the absolute outlier if they cared.
However chasing tflops would be smart to push out more stable performance, devs will utilize all the performance anyway in there games and not care about performance as result. Chasing the 4k stable FPS dream is not going to be a faster GPU but more a second released version later on with devs building there games around the base model like what happened now.
With this it actually makes sense to save on the GPU department and make it cheaper and a simpler build.
Some raytracing will be applied to a light bulb under a car and they will advertise it as "4k real ray tracing even better performance then 4x 2080 ti's" because PR. While in reality it will obviously never to almost never be used. Gotta pr people up.
16gb memory:
V-ram will probably take a huge hit other then that i don't see the memory expanding being needed that much. Higher ram will mean more complexity and more cost something they probably don't care for. For future sake they could opt with a bit more ram but honestly the PRO is going to happen at some point and they could add it if needed.
16gb would be perfectly fine.
Disc space:
500-1tb hdd with some ssd hybrid chip in it. Forgot its name. Bragging rights and to support a few games. Give a USB port to connect external drives with it if needed. Barely interesting to be honest.
Probably got lots of them laying around not selling, so should be cheap and easy to push in for the people that still care about physical.
Ryzen 8 core, it must be a 8 core for BC reasons, higher cores wouldn't make much more sense, still terrible frequency as the focus won't be on the cpu for sure with like 2ghz clocks.
Will have to happen no matter if they like it or not if they want to push there digital platform forwards which is where there future and market is in.
Most important which will be at 399 at the start, i think the biggest move MS can make is push there new consoles with samish hardware at 299. That's where sony should be afraid off. As i could see microsoft make a really cheap version.
499 and they will have a hard time getting adoption rates going. Price is everything for consoles.
This is also a reason you won't see a 16tflop gpu in it and 32gb of ram with 1gb ssd with a 4ghz ryzen Price is everything.
Next gen is going to be one hell of a boring gen. As pretty much everything game you can think if is already possible with todays tech.
My personal guess on specs:
Dual Navi APU 7nm.
Each APU:
8 core/16t(?) 3.2 ghz min - 3.8 max
1 core disabled (for costs) and 1 core reserved for OS.
GPU: 28 ROPs @ 1425mhz for 5.11 TGflops per APU.
4 1GB HBM on each die.
Effective specs of dual APU setup:
12 core (2 reserved for OS, 2 disabled)
GPU: 56 ROPs @ 1425mhz for 10.2TFlops.
Other specs:
eMMC 64GB. Cache & OS.
Larger HDD & Bluray sold separately (Core Model).
Can swap PS4 drive into PS5.
A dual APU setup would allow AMD and Sony to keep costs down. A theoretical Navi APU would be similar to a 2400g. Sony would purchase them at cost. Disabled cores and lower clocks would push the cost below $100 per chip. HBM onboard an APU would make sense and something AMD already does.
This also has the added advantage of preventing memory timing issues and would be the origin of the dedicated GPU rumors due to the HBM/GDDR6 split. Further advantages would be in VR. This allows each GPU to take over rendering and have their own buffer for output. AMDs own API show advantages for games designed around this and Sony would incorporate this into their dev tools. In single screen mode, each GPU would render every other frame.
64GB emmc would allow an onboard cache for the OS and games. Both Bluray and HDD could be added later and be optional. (You would need one or the other in order to play larger games ala the 4GB xbox)
The power, heat, and space requirements would be lessened.
This would also pave the way for a slim revision using AMD v1000 based Navi apu(s) which could also double as a portable device.
$399 core
$549 pro (external Blu-ray/HDD)
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