i was hoping he'd endorse intellivision for 2010..... :(
saying nintendo doesn't take chances is ridiculous, is he even aware of all the shovelware out for the wii? releasing.... lets just call them "low quality" games is definitely taking a risk.
No it isn't, because they sell. Nintendo really doesn't take risks, which is why quality games like Fatal Frame IV will never come to the US. If games like Demon's Souls and Valkyria Chronicles were owned by Nintendo they probably wouldn't hit western shores either.
i would have to disagree, takeing risks is trying something new, that not everybody may like.
in that sense, nintendo has donse far more risky things then sony every will do.
sony has always aimed their games for teens, this hasent changed since the ps1 days.
if takeing risks is trying something and failing at it, sony clearly wins this.
but considering nintendo has always tryed things and changed the face of the industry ever since the nes days, i wouldnt say nintendo isnt risky.
and you cant say "the wii dosent count, since its desperation" that would mean i could use and argument like
"sony isnt risky, they had enough money after the ps2 so releasing a console like the ps3 wasent risky at all. when ya have enough money you dont need to care about the consicvenses."
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