[QUOTE="-RPGamer-"] Again with that mentality why should game designers even try? I said it before, and I'll say it again, "if it's not broken don't fix it." Why are all of your references not videogames, or originate as games? They're perfect examples of non-videogame related games.
I didn't miss the point of Pokemon, and I've enjoyed them so I don't see where you come off saying the games aren't for me. I would call the growth that Pokemon has had merely steps on minimalistic growth rather than leaps of game altering growth.
Pokemon as a game is simply different than any other game. It's more akin to other forms of gaming than just a video game.
"if it's not broken don't fix it." is my mantra and I'll stick with it since the game itself benefits more from expanding than completely changing. If you are wanting something completely different from the series, yes, you are missing the point. If you are complaining about the battle system, expecting it to be drastically different, you are missing the point. If you are hating the game's "progression" as a series because you want something outside what the series was built for, you are missing the point.
I understand you want changes but those changes are better suited to a spinoff, much like what Mysterious Dungeon did. Personally, I want new advancements in the battle system such as expanding the the moves list and more environmental influences. Ripping out the battle system and replacing it with something you enjoyed from another game is simply not a good idea. How would you feel if Final Fantasy from now on was a Devil May Cry clone? How would you enjoy Metal Gear Solid's next installment if it changed from a stealth game to a RTS series? Changes is not always good, especially if the change doesn't make sense.
As I stated before, you simply don't get Pokemon at all. It's basically utilizing a system similar to a TCG where you build a team (Deck) with Pokemon (Cards) who need a proper build to get things working (Deck type). Adding in an action element eliminates the need to build a proper team, especially if it becomes twitch based. What would be the point of carefully creating a team if it's nothing more than a fighting game with needless types?
I'm missing the point b/c I want change? Yet again where get off saying that? I'm not missing the point of something by expecting it to actually take some risks and evolve. I don't view being pleased with the same old same old over and over as "getting the point".
And it doesn't have to come from some other game, I was using those two series as more a reference of more action oriented gameplay but still in the bounds of an RPG. Yet again you're analogies are flawed, is DMC a RPG like FF? No. Is MGS a RTS? No. I was still in the realm of RPGs, you're taking it to the extreme and taking things that have very little in common in terms of gameplay.
I get Pokemon, I find it amusing how you are telling me what I don't get, despite me owning and having enjoyed the past iterations. Properly adding action oreiented battles doesn't negate team building, it only does if done wrong. You're assuming that it would be bad simply b/c it would be done wrong. At this time the saying, "people fear change" comes to mind.
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