How can anyone even vote dirt? Pathetic attempt at a rally game with ken block challenges thrown all over and tons of dlc. WRC2 beyond the terrible presentation was probably the most faithful representation of rallying this gen anyway.
I voted it, and I have my reasons...
I rarely play racing games, and when I do, I pick the easier difficulties, and drive around for some relaxation.
Dirt did that great, it was very accessible and not punishing thanks to many difficulty options, had solid controls and driving model, and also had beautiful visuals and enviroments to race through. All that makes it a winner for me.
Controls and graphics? Are you kidding me? There were very few locations, less than those in dirt 2, very few selections of cars and the most simple tuning options, if at all. Furthermore the driving model was nowhere near what its actually like. I can't take you seriously after you said you want to relax, which means you simply choose your preference, and not the actual best series (PGR if it came out for PC).
Isn't the point of this thread to pick your personal preference? :?
All of the games in the poll are well regarded among both gamers and critics, I was chosing the racer I enjoyed the most. I love Codemasters racers, they suit my tastes, is there a problem with that?
I see you're trying to pass off your opinions as facts, what makes PGR the "actual" best series?
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