Scores from ALL RARE games from the SNES to the xbox 360 (using game rankings)
16- bit era:
Battle toads (SNES) : 78%
Battle toads (gen) : 72%
Battletoads and double dragon: (snes) : 59%
Battletoads and double dragon (gen): 65%
Battle toads (GB) : 77.7%
Battle toads and double dragon (GB): 65%
Battletoads in ragnarock's world (GB) : 75%
Donkey kong land (GB) : 71%
Donkey Kong land 2 (gb) : 79%
Donkey kong land 3 ( 82%)
Killer instinct (GB) :25%
Killer instinct (SNES): (80%)
The amazing spider-man (73%)
Beetlejuice (GB): 55%
Fortress of fear (GB): 20%
Sneaky snakes (GB) 53%
Championship-pro-am (Gen): 80%
Donkey kong country (SNES): 92%
Donkey kong country 2 (SNES): 92%
Donkey kong countru 3 (snes): 85%
Average score: 69%
N64 era:
Perfect Dark (N 64): 95%
Perfect Dark (GBC): 66%
Donkey kong country (GBC): 90%
Conker's pocket tales (GBC): 55%
mickey's speedway USA (GBC): 81%
Mickey's speedway USA (N64): 68%
Donkey Kong 64 (N64): 88%
Banjo-Kazooeie (N64): 92%
Banjo-Tooie (N64): 90%
Blast corps (N64): 89%
Conker's bad fur day (N64): 89%
Diddy Kong Racing (N64): 89%
Golden eye 007 (N64): 95%
Jet Force Gemini (N54): 80%
Killer Instinct Gold (N64): 74%
Total average score: 82.7%
Gamecube-Xbox era:
Starfox Adventures (GC) : 80%
Banjo Pilot (GBA): 66%
Banjo Kazooeie: Grunty's revenge (GBA): 73%
SabreWulf (GBA): 74%
Donkey Kong Contry (GBA): 78%
It''s Mr. Pants (GBA): 76%
Donkey Kong country 2 (GBA): 81%
Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA): 75.1%
Conker: Live and Reloaded (xbox): 79%
Grabbed by the Ghoulies (xbox) 70%
total Score: 75.2
Current Gen
Perfect Dark Zero (xbox 360): 81%
Viva Pinata (X360): 85%
viva Pinata 2 (X360): 83%
Viva pinata (PC): 79%
Viva Pinata (DS): 83%
Jet Pac: Refueled: (X360): 73%
Kameo (X360): 81%
Banjo 3: 78%
Average Score: 80.4%
Final Score:
1º N64 RARE: 82.7%
2º Current RARE: 80.4%
3º Last gen RARE: 75.2%
4º 16-Bit RARE: 69%
So in Conclusion:
The top Rated time area for RARE was the N64 era where they scored an average of 82.7%, Followed by the current RARE which scored an average of 80.7%. In third place we have last-gen RARE with a score of 7.5 and finally we have the 16 bit gen rare with a score of 69%
There is only a 2 % difference between the top 2 RAREs so can we please stop saying that RARE Sucks? a score of 80% is considered "great" by any standards
Finally i would like to point out that games which had no scores on gamerankings were not taken in to account, this includes mostly gameboy games from the 16 bit gen and gameboy colour games from the N64 era
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