All over these boards I see 'Hype Threads' where people ask what score they think a game will get, and a few screenshots are thrown up. Let me tell you something: That is NOT a Hype Thread. A Hype Thread is supposed to build excitement for a game, a virtual festival for one specific piece of potentially awesome software. A poll and some screenshots aren't going to do that.Naturally they take a lot of time. Like, a lot of time. So I'm asking to see if people would be interested in a Final Fantasy XIII Hype Thread. It wouldn't be any good if I made it and people weren't all that interested. Look to my God of War III Hype Thread to get an idea for how big I want to make this thing.So, I'm basically asking do ya' want this? And if so when would you want it?NOTE: The reason this is in System Wars as opposed to something like General Games Discussion is because the thread will be posted in System Wars, ultimately. I want people to be excited, and speak their mind - its good discussion.
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