@Telekill: I feel the same way about VR that I feel about 3D movies. It's an interesting diversion from time to time, but not really what I'm looking for in a "core" experience.
Maybe I just get nervous when I can't see the room around me.
I'm guessing 4x. We won't really be able to see a huge difference beyond 4K and HDR being implemented into most games (a guess as that's what Pro was supposed to do).
Either way, I'll eventually get the next Playstation. I always get the newest Playstation. For me to get it at launch though, it has to have something exclusive and awesome that's not on PS4. I'm actually really happy with this gen and would be glad to see it continue another 6 years easy.
Games look really good these days and we're at the point of diminished returns on new hardware. We will never again see a jump like we did from PS1/N64 to PS2/GC/Xbox. Or even PS2 to PS3. I was honestly surprised at the leap in graphical fidelity between Uncharted 3 and Uncharted 4. It's going to take quite a bit to make me toss another $400-$500 at some new hardware; especially if Sony doesn't do backwards compatibility again.
I kinda feel the same way.
The biggest jump for me was from PS1 to PS2 and then when I first watched Crysis on other people's rigs.
I hope next gen starts to stay at 4K for a while and I feel it could happen. I'd like to see more focus on geometry and physics.
Example would be Aloy's face during conversations would be common during actual combat/facing the screen during gameplay.
For me I'd rather spend $ 500 on the actual next gen or wait for the Switch Rev. 2 (waiting for more JPN titles to move to Switch). This is only because I don't have good income sadly.
There won't be a PS5, Sony and MS will move to cloud based gaming by then. Microsoft's existing expertise with Azure would certainly help with designing a cloud based gaming platform, and PS now is already quite promising.
Ron, post a bunch of charts for me to help prove my point. Kthx.
About 3x the power of the Pro, or double the power of the Scorpio (12TFlops), sounds about right with a target 2019-2020 release.
I would like it to be more powerful, obviously, but either way I don't think the PS5 will force developers to make games run on previous gen hardware. It will be backwards compatible, but its games won't be.
For Scorpio's 16 nm FinFET process technology, MS/AMD/TSMC has managed to fit Hawaii XT type 44 CU GPU into XBO size 360 mm^2 APU chip.
Sony has historical pattern for smaller APU size chips e.g.
at 28 nm: PS4's 348 mm^2, with 18 active CU and 2 disabled CUs
at 16 nm: PS4 Pro's 321 mm^2 with 36 CU active.
2X CU count when shifting from 28 nm to 16 nm.
For 7nm: PS5 or PS4.next, 64 or 72 CU range. Vega 10 is possible at 7 nm. Vega 20 is 7 nm version of Vega 10.
MS's historical pattern for APU size chips e.g.
28 nm: XBO's 363 mm^2, without 32 MB ESRAM, MS could have 28 CU GPU i.e. two sets Bonaire 14 CUs.
16 nm: Scorpio's 360 mm^2 with 40 active CU and 4 disabled CUs.
I would say just under 3x. As one poster stated we're getting into the territory of diminishing returns.. Drive Club, The Order, UC4, Horizon look incredible (forget the scores for a minute). Of course 4k + 60fps would be ideal and i believe that could be achieved with 3x.
I would say just under 3x. As one poster stated we're getting into the territory of diminishing returns.. Drive Club, The Order, UC4, Horizon look incredible (forget the scores for a minute). Of course 4k + 60fps would be ideal and i believe that could be achieved with 3x.
I feel kinda torn with these so far but leaning more towards the "diminishing return" team.
There's still so much to improve upon even with Horizon.
I hope next gen that the devs would focus less on resolution and more on texture, geometry, lighting and physics other than AI.
I am still surprised we still have muddy textures, AF issues and noticeable pop-ins/LoD issues this gen with supposedly 8 to 10x more powerful hardware with way more RAM than the PS3/360 era.
Still, there's still the diminishing return factor and I guess due to development budget and rushing games to meet deadlines, formulaic gameplay most just won't be as wowed as previous era.
IDK. I hope not. I wish we see something really eye popping next gen when devs move their baselines above the Scorpio hardware.
@goldenelementxl: Dont worry, well smartin these fools up in no time. They just need a little motivation. Well bring System Wars to true glory. Shell rise from the ashes.
As long as you're dragging the collective IQ of the forum down I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon.
@j2zon2591: No one will remember or track this thread that far in the future. A better question is when are devs actually going to leverage the PS4 Pro's hardware.
I see differences, but surely they could squeeze better looking third party games and resolutions.
@j2zon2591: No one will remember or track this thread that far in the future. A better question is when are devs actually going to leverage the PS4 Pro's hardware.
I see differences, but surely they could squeeze better looking third party games and resolutions.
Just me I guess. I still do check my SW polls from 2 years ago about the future of VITA and 3DS.
For Pro, perhaps at the tail end of the PS4 generation? I feel development in general would still have to be focused on the PS4 vanilla if not the base X1.
I hope there's actually a 3rd party dev who'd at least baseline the Pro as their target.
Maybe when the Pio is more common we'll start seeing devs optimized on the ProPios and the X1/PS4 a non priority. AFAIK Dragon Age Inquisition was really ugly even though the PS3/360 could do better, devs seem to just have focused on the PS4/X1.
It had better be as powerful as it can be, unless people like buying incremental hardware updates every few years.
@Telekill said:
@jv303: Agreed, but if PS5 is VR based, I'll be severely disappointed and probably stick with PS4 until a massive price drop.
I don't get VR. Outside of survival horror it has yet to prove it's anything more than a tech demo thing, that's all I've seen from it. PS VR sold well in the begining and nothing since and it's expensive. This thing sounds like the new kinect or move controllers to me.
I personally think something like the 3DS is one of the few places it makes sense to me. Non intrusive, non expensive but still with some enjoyment.
Diminishing returns is one thing.There's also the fact that moore's law is coming to end.I mean even 7nm isn't even possible right now
Maybe my comment failed to post. I forgot xD
Yeah I'm still torn with the diminshing returns but isn't the nm thing just a factor? They could still do improvements staying on the same size but may need more watts and cooling, right?
Hope they stop at 4K for next gen or even Faux 4K checkerboarding. I wanna see other graphical improvements.
Diminishing returns is one thing.There's also the fact that moore's law is coming to end.I mean even 7nm isn't even possible right now
Maybe not next gen, but possibly the generation after that, assuming everything isn't cloud based, I would wager that consoles might start looking into fully programmable CPU/GPU.
If developers are able to actually reprogram the CPU for their specific game, it could mean huge performance increases.
I DONT give a shit. PS4 is the best damn console w/ the best games out right now and for the foreseeable future. Why should give a rats ass how powerful PS5 will be ? lol
Diminishing returns is one thing.There's also the fact that moore's law is coming to end.I mean even 7nm isn't even possible right now
Maybe not next gen, but possibly the generation after that, assuming everything isn't cloud based, I would wager that consoles might start looking into fully programmable CPU/GPU.
If developers are able to actually reprogram the CPU for their specific game, it could mean huge performance increases.
I do not see PS5/X2 cloud based at all, maybe it could help like the X1 vision of supplementation but not the base design. AFAIK there's still physics issue of input lag, games designed for action and I don't see global net becoming so cheap and so much better in performance.
Maybe further in the future.
We'll see in 2-3 years. I'll still check this thread.
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