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He hasn't produced a classic since when? I think many reviews said super mario galaxy was a classic. And so was wind waker. I don't know much about upcoming games but I'm pretty sure Miyamoto will yet again make an amazing game. He always does right? Besides every one knows Yu Suzuki is the best :Ppersonally, I prefer kojima's work. from games like snatcher, to ZOE, to of course his opus MGS...his games hit you at a different level. miyamoto had his time. he's gamings greatest pioneering developer, but IMO he hasnt been able to adapt to these newer generations. He hasnt produced a classic since 1998 if i'm not mistaken (was he hands on with mario galaxy?) while kojima has been making classics since the original MGS
[QUOTE="Silenthps"][QUOTE="110million"]Not really, but I hate some of Miyamoto's reasoning for games recently, i.e allowing the butchering of Donkey Kong (not that he has much opinion on it, but if he did want to make a good DK game, I don't think anyone would stop him) and the concept of removing all story from SMG2, it was a small but cool part of SMG, why remove it.. why does he hate stories..?110millionhe doesn't hate stories, he just thinks its better left for games like zelda. who would want a story in a game like mario? Because its not intrusive, it was optional, and it explained the game in a few quick bursts, it didn't break up the gameplay, and it was told in a neat way, not like Zelda stories are good anyway, I can probably tell you whats going to happen in the next one. does it really matter?
a. the story in SMG was extraneous. All it did was explain rosalina's past and nothing more.
b. even if they're taking out most of the story...I think it's a good trade off for a higher difficulty and bigger levels..y'know..the stuff that actually matters for a platformer.
[QUOTE="shadow_hosi"]never Mario > snake link > snake Samus > snake just look at the greatest hero thing going on and its all facts there clearly gordon > snake he killed snake off himselfBrownesqueLet's see, Snake has a personality and his story stretches back (as far as what you get to play) to 1964. Metal Gear invented the stealth genre from ground zero, and the series to date has made some of the finest action and stealth games of all time. You should also consider the fact that the series has some of the best boss fights of all time. I'm sorry, I was never really a big Metal Gear Solid fan, but now that I've played every game in the series, Solid Snake is easily my favorite character in all videogames, perhaps all media. Compare that to Gordon Freeman, who is a faceless protagonist who interacted with some pretty generic NPCs in 2 videogames over the last decade or Mario who has never said anything more complicated or nuanced than "HERE WE GO!" Samus is not even worth mentioning. The best part of Metroid was the fascinating gameplay, it had nothing at all to do with the cookiecutter protagonist.
HL did things for the FPS genre that no game did before it
HL progressed the story within the game, not through 9 hours of cutscenes. the interactions with NPC's was never done like that before in an fps... so how could they have possibly been 'generic'? you know why.... cause since then, other action games have used that idea for story-telling
samus is a "cookie cutter protagonist"?
heh. i suppose you dont realize that samus was the first female action hero... yup... so cookie cutter :roll:
I thought they already did.Probably not...but then again will the Who ever pass The Rolling StonesSolidTy
Miyamoto doesn't even try in that whats the point of saying that?In terms of story making, he already has.
Kojima would need to go back in time and create Mario and Zelda to surpass Miyamoto.
Kojima would need to go back in time and create Mario and Zelda to surpass Miyamoto.
Kojima would need to go back in time and create Mario and Zelda to surpass Miyamoto.
Kojima would need to go back in time and create Mario and Zelda to surpass Miyamoto.
Kojima would need to go back in time and create Mario and Zelda to surpass Miyamoto.
is there like a wikipeida for cows or somthing?
mario was in the first platformer (donkey kong) he was called jumpman
atlast get your facts right,the rest is simply an opinion even if mario has had more great games then snake :roll:
Kojima is a great man, no doubt, in terms of Miyamoto, but he will never do as much as Miyamoto has done or is doing in sense of the gaming. From my understandings there is ZOE, Castlevania, MGS, few others.MGSbeing the one that really known for. Miyamoto has first 3 major series Mario, Zelda, and Metriod, as well as a ton others; Donkey Kong, StarFox, Mother, F-Zero, Pokemon, and ton others.
Kojima has become the Itagaki of Konami. He's become so self absorbed in his own mess that he's lost touch with reality. Anyone that tries to piece together the Metal Gear storyline can tell that much.mythrolFrom what I seen he is quite the modest of people, at least for game developers.
I like to see a Saturday morning cartoon as good as MGS1,2,3. Also a lot his ideas come from movies (James Bond, Children of Men, Escape from New York, LA)so your cartoon reference doesn't work to well. As for the topic I prefer a lot of Kojima games over Shiggy but Kojima won't surpass him. I can't even think of another Japanese game designer is the same boat as Shiggy IMO.Not unless Kojima can build a time machine, go back in time.... and make the MGS series worth playing, for example, take out all the stupid crap &change character names to something that doesn't make it seem like a poorly made Saturday morning cartoon.
Or just go back and make Mario b4 Miyamoto can... even then though... he'd probably even mess that up. Kojima = overated.
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