[QUOTE="Rikusaki"] Of course perfection isn't attainable, but Polyphony takes a huge chunk of their development time working out bugs, polishing things up and adding in those little details that none of us will notice while playing the game, but will be in our conscience as we do so. That is one of the reasons why the franchise is so popular.foxhound_fox
Actually, no. The reason why its so popular is because it was made popular by the PlayStation brand name. The game forumla has barely changed since the PS days and yet they continue to sell millions of units based on name alone, despite other racing sim series going well beyond what GT has done in the past couple iterations.
Its like Halo. It became popular because of brand name and mainstream appeal... not quality. There are plenty of games out there that are better than Halo, but people don't play them because they don't bear the "Halo" namesake. Its the same with "Gran Turismo." Its why a $40 demo is the highest selling game on the PS3. No other franchise could sell a demo for $40 and sell so many.I agree 100%
Theres no way a normal 7.5 game, a demo, should sell 4 mill.
I have a feeling that this trend is going to continue, and backfire on the quality of the games, if it hasn't already. Pholphony can get away with taking forever, and not evolving much.Theres a point where extra polish is worth the trade in for time. Pholphony has far exceeded that point, NO amount of polish will make up for forza 2. I don't think even the most biased, most skewed fanboy can argue with the fact that 2 AAA is better than 1.
Forza 3 dominating GT (sales), would be the best thing for GT, But it won't happen.
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