[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"] [QUOTE="haols"]I don't get this.
Analysts have screamed "PS3 will win" ever since it was annouced there would be a PS3. (That's a long time ago).
Okay, even a moron would believe PS3 to win just by looking at PS2's number of sold units compared to it's competitors.
But guess what, many things have happened since the announcement of PS3.
Most of them have been bad news for either SONY as a company, or PS3 as a console.
When will analysts learn that PS3 is in no way guarranteed victory just because PS2 won?
Just look at Nintendo 64 for proof that no company is ever guarranteed dominance. DXGreat1_HGL
Do you really think they base their whole study around the ps2? I know these guys really have no way of knowing anything for sure, but it is their job, so it´s only normal for them to have a better understanding then we do, and just like you said, every single analysyt has said the ps3 will end up on top. Odd isn´t it? =P
What that only cows believe analysts? Just remember, analysts said that Al Gore and Jokn Kerry would be president. Analysts said that Tomorrow Never Dies would make more money then Titanic. Analysts said the Pistons would win the NBA title this year, the Tigers would win the World Series last year and that the Colts would never win a Superbowl, should I go on?
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