I liked Portal. I thought it was fun, different, crazy! It was definitely a unique gaming experience for me.
But just because it's "different" doesn't make it the greatest. It was a breath of fresh air though and I thought it was great.
This is how I feel, the game is a lot of fun but surely not close to the greatest game ever. The game has many flaws besides the short length that you can look past because of how much fun it is. The puzzles were incredibly easy, including the advanced maps. The gold challanges are a joke for the most part, I have found it near impossible to do any of the gold step challanges. The portal gold challanges are quite easy too. There is pretty much zero story to the game too, which can be overlooked because it makes you feel like all you have to do is solve puzzles, this gives the game little replay value when going through the story.
The gold step challanges make me want to shoot myself in the face, they are horrible!
The game is fun, but I got all the play out of it I can and don't think I'll be going back for another play through anytime soon. Team Fortress 2 however... I'm addicted to that.
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