Good times....
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lol i just took these..
Crysis.. the game to amaze me the most.
Lol.. i once played farcry at a friends house from 10pm to 11am straight
almost forgot....its a sin not to play this game.
dude are u a NOOBTOOB MEMBER???????? cause they are awesome
loved this game
what can i say.. best game ever..
best mario kart imo. played over 3000 games online
this game was so great.. it was a complete great package.
best platformer still (well maybe SMB3)
first great next gen game3 imo (and still holding up pretty well)
pure brilliance:
worst gaming memory:most depressing game i ever played.
worst gaming memory:most depressing game i ever played.
There are some things that years of therapy can't fix.
try using a saw blade to fix it. ;)
My own fondest memories though are hours and hours of playing AoE and AoE II
aoe 2 was awesome. theres nothing like destroying a castle with 5 trebuchest and destroying all enemies with 50 long bowmen.
metroid prime, for its amazing level design and atmosphere .. Phendrana Drifts being the highlight, with perfect music to accompany the breathtaking scenes
and portal .. for not being a simple puzzler, but having a surprisingly deep storyline with memorable characters
These are the games that have a special place in my gaming heart :)
expcept for vampire,i like your list especially max payne 1. played it too many times.
I loved it so Much...
the game was like great at first while i was still learning. one i got a gang of it it became a cake walk.
my opinion of monopoly tycoon is similar. fantastic game first 7-8 hrs .once you learn the tricks though it lost its charm
I was playing Conker when I was at least 9 or 10 years old
same with duke nukem
first strategy game I ever played
second strategy game I ever played
my first RPG
devoted too much time to this game
The first video game I ever played and my favorite Zelda game.
Sure hope that's a great memory =]
Those ******* boss races made me throw the controller so many times
Oblivion. Was flying to Anvil and I got sidetracked and managed to find some awesome equipment.
Avatars? Win. So many good times with CnC3.
When I first put it on, I was like awed. No boss stood in my way. ;) Majora's Mask is still the best LoZ game.
Fire Emblem 7-10 had many memorable moments. Especially dodging my friend's Berserker with my low health swordmaster, Guy, and an 8% dodge chance just to strike back with a critical from the Regal Blade.
Golden Sun, the opening and many parts were very memorable, so much I want a sequel.
Getting 23 kills in a 24 kill match in Gears of War at Rooftops with my favored Hammer of Dawn. Managed to get friend requests from my entire team.
Kefka. FFVI. Incredibly memorable character; awesome villain.
The Darkness for being one of the best FPS in recent memory. Once again shows that comic-video game adaptations work perfectly fine.
FFVIII. There wasn't a part that wasn't memorable so I couldn't decide on a picture.
Guess which game this is?
Mutant League Hockey. I would do anything for a remake of Mutant League Football, or at least for Nintendo to get it on VC (what are the odds though with their kiddie-phobia)
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean and Baten Kaitos Origins. Two of the most underappreciated RPGs of last generation. Has great music, excellent gameplay, and unsuspecting plot twists.peaceful_anger
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean and Baten Kaitos Origins. Two of the most underappreciated RPGs of last generation. Has great music, excellent gameplay, and unsuspecting plot twists.Saturos3091
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