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The original PlayStation dominated the competition, knocking Nintendo's N64 off their high-horse and sending SEGA into a desperate frenzy.
PlayStation 2 came out and dominated even more... becoming the best selling home console ever. It knocked SEGA out of the console manufacturing business, walked all over the GameCube, and crushed XBox so bad that MS lost a ton of money on their console.
PS3, while not as dominant as it's predecessors, has still sold 75+ Million units globally. It is basically tied with Xbox360 in sales despite coming out an entire year later (year and a half later in Europe) and being more expensive ($599 at Launch). IMO Sony did everything to screw up the PS3's launch and it hurt their reputation a lot, but they still somehow made a comeback and did what no one thought was possible. They tied 360 in sales (give or take.... whoever has the lead right now, its by an insignificant margin).
Now this gen, Wii U has Launched first and is doing pretty abysmal sales. The new Xbox is strongly rumoured to have weaker specs than the PS4. Sony has struck before MS and has generated a ton of buzz for the PS4. The Launch window looks pretty good with Drive Club, Killzone, Knack, Watch Dogs, ACIV:Black Flag, and more. Plus securing exclusive content for Bungie's Destiny was a solid move. 2014 will probably see Infamous:Second Son and Uncharted 4 come out.
The controller has been upgraded. PS4's online is up to par, if not better than XBL. PS4 is dev-friendly and will be easier to develop for.
And the way I look at it, if Sony could tie 360 with the PS3 despite all their screw ups.... then next gen should be an easy victory considering they're both coming out around the same time and Sony has promised the new console won't be $599 like PS3 was.Karpetburnz
everything in bold is either speculation / untrue / or doesnt matter.
PSN better than XBL?!?! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Did you watch the PS4 event? The new PSN will be heavily intergrated with gaikai technology and of course it will have cross game chat. XBL has nothing on PSN now.
 I did watch the PS4 event and had nothing to be excited about.... except the controller, but the 360 gamepad is already perfection.
Guess you didn't watch the PS4 meeting reveal ^^^drakekratos
Will PS4 be first place next gen?
I am guessing yes. However my prediction that 360 would win this gen was wrong.... However, 360 probably would have won if Nintendo didnt sell their gaming souls for quick profit with very little chance of longevity. With Nintendo basically already being out of the running with poor sales, it makes it a 50/50 chance. However, with SONY unveiling some awesome specs, what is sure to be an awesome lineup of games, and a COMPLETELY different attitude, things are looking up for SONY especially with Kaz calling the shots. He has made some good moves so far. If even HALF of the projected rumors about the 720 wind up being true, it will be painful for Xbox only fans. If all you want is Halo (and yes I know some people that would buy a console for a single game or series) it is all good, however the rumores of always online, being made for casual gamers, kinect 2.0 box, and no used game sales.... Microsoft may be shooting themselves in the foot.
I hope both companies do well and that Nintendo comes storming back like Playstation did this gen. however, I think gamers were fooled once by Nintendo and I dont think they are stupid enough to be fooled yet again by Microsoft.
Now, I know that the console details havnt even been released for the 720, so I will wait to see for sure. However, I can say that everything I heard sounds REALLY bad. I have always owned all 3 consoles in just about every gen (more than 3 a couple times as well). However, if things continue they way that they look I may not even buy a 720, and the WiiU is a MUCH later buy for me unless they can turn things around in the next year or two... Sorry Nintendo... Sorry Microsoft. I expect more. I hope that my hype for the PS4 will not be wasted, because the way it looks now is that if they fail...... gaming in general will probably fail next gen as well. I already said more than a few times that this gen. is possibly my least favorite, and unless SONY nails it and makes a comeback, this may be the generation that doesnt get much money from me. Which I know in the grand scheme of things isnt a drop in the bucket for ANY of the 3 or their developers. However you lose a couple thousand.. hundred thousand that trust the gaming industry to provide and buy a lot of new games? That could get bad fast.
However I truly believe SONY learned their lesson this gen. and it APPEARS (obviously not set in stone) Microsoft will get their turn next gen. for trying to sell out to the casuals and alienating their TRUE user base.
Leave the casual stuff for Nintendo, I dont think many would argue they do it the best.
[QUOTE="Murderstyle75"]Yet the calves on this board are not a reason to be turned away from a brand. Go on another board and it could be the exact opposite. You should see all the Xbox fanboys who post on Team Xbox. None of these forum people should represent a decision or give you a bad taste. Games are the most important thing and if you are not a die hard Halo fan, the brand really is lacking. You can't deny this.sonic1564
Its funny how you deny that calves aren't bad fanboys when they are just as bad as everyone else.
I never denied that nor in the short time being on this board do I take things all that serious. Every brand has its fanboys and most sites do as well. The simple fact that even in the forum faq, there are names to call one another do not make be take much here serious. Believe it or not though, if you visit the actual playstation message boards, things are quite a bit different and people are quite a bit more mature. Sure you have your loyalists but its nothing like Ganespot System Wars. which I have belonged to for many years is a bit different. Ever since the Metro and Kinect takeover, things have become rather ugly. And this is not Cows vs Lems either. These are long time Xbox fans like myself who are completely fed up with the companies direction, battling it out with other people who would bleed green even if they turned Halo into mini games of grunts playing hopscotch. I'm not even sure if Gamestop system wars forum even has a name for me. While I own both systems, I'm not a Cow or a lem. I'm a long time Xbox gamer coming from last gen who was second in line for the original 2001 launch, preordered a year in advance, was a beta tester, was a forum ambassador and am a founding forum member as well. Before the Xbox Live Bera, I spent all my time playing Halo CE on XBConnect and Gamespy even. I have thousands of dollars invested in the Xbox brand but a few years ago, Microsoft forgot about gamers like me. Then it became even worse not only when people like J Allard left but when Steve Ballmer became CEO. In a recent podcast with Christa Charter (Trixie 360) she claimed she left the Xbox Live team because when her coworkers either left or were laid off, they were replaced by middle managers from other branches within the company who didnt know **** about gaming and have no desire to learn. I believe the Xbox 360 we see today is a direct result of that.Yes
The only reason why the PS3 wasn't the leading platform was because it was released a year later and at a higher price than the 360. I guarantee you that had the PS3 been released along side the 360 at the same price then Sony would have outsold the 360 by a large margin. Â
The only reason why the PS3 wasn't the leading platform was because it was released a year later and at a higher price than the 360. I guarantee you that had the PS3 been released along side the 360 at the same price then Sony would have outsold the 360 by a large margin. Âemgesp
Agree on the second part.
There was a little more to it than that. It didnt help much that Sony changed their games, pushing developers to mimic the Xbox either. While gritty realistic games may be popular, they have never sold 100 million consoles. Had Sony stuck with the PS2 game formula, the Xbox 360 could have been the dreamcast of this generation. Sega released a year early last gen and look what happened.Yes
The only reason why the PS3 wasn't the leading platform was because it was released a year later and at a higher price than the 360. I guarantee you that had the PS3 been released along side the 360 at the same price then Sony would have outsold the 360 by a large margin. Â
Apparently a lot of Xbox fans care, since they've been running their mouths about PS3 being "last place" this entire generation. Â cows run their mouths more then any other , and let me tell you , i say the answer is no, Â[QUOTE="Silverbond"]
Who cares?
the 3ds will be the top seller next gen just like the ds was this gen  no home console will be the top seller ,  they all will struggle  , why because the causuals will not buy new consoles and ms is already destine to fail due to its practicesÂ
sony is going to make the mistake of releasing big games on ps3 before ps4 Â , Â much like nintendo did with 3ds /pokemonÂ
  nintendo is off to a rocky but ok start it broke the ps3 360 sales at launch ,  barely fell short of wii and had no games released and wont until nfs most wanted , the walking dead- both games come on the 19th of march , also lego city is out this month,Â
 these titles should provide new and old owners some fun until nintendos big guns come i know im already decided on walking dead i liked the ones on 360 xbla  and nfs most wanted as well because i like racing games and im in need of racing games for wiiuÂ
The only reason why the PS3 wasn't the leading platform was because it was released a year later and at a higher price than the 360. I guarantee you that had the PS3 been released along side the 360 at the same price then Sony would have outsold the 360 by a large margin. Âemgesp
And because it didn't have anything worth buying on it for two years. And because developers didn't want to touch it because the hardware was difficult to program for. And because PSn was significantly worse than Xbox LIVE, etc. And really, you were not going to get that console at $400. You're insane if you think Sony was going to take that much of a loss on the system.
There are a lot of reasons things worked out the way they did this gen. It's not just one or two things.
The only reason why the PS3 wasn't the leading platform was because it was released a year later and at a higher price than the 360. I guarantee you that had the PS3 been released along side the 360 at the same price then Sony would have outsold the 360 by a large margin.DarkLink77
And because it didn't have anything worth buying on it for two years. And because developers didn't want to touch it because the hardware was difficult to program for. And because PSn was significantly worse than Xbox LIVE, etc. And really, you were not going to get that console at $400. You're insane if you think Sony was going to take that much of a loss on the system.
There are a lot of reasons things worked out the way they did this gen. It's not just one or two things.
I easily agree with everything you said. PS3 was a failure in my opinion as well. However, SONY realized they screwed up, and they have already confirmed everything except for the pricetag is going to be MUCH different. With that being said, that is why I believe the PS4 will win NEXT gen. Lets just forget all about the PS3 shall we... :P jk. The 3 wasnt horrible by any means, its just that the first 2 were so good that it is definately the black sheep. I just hope it stays that way. I wish good luck to all of the big three and seriously hope that all these "Ouya" "Steambox" etc. etc. cheap box console fads dont destroy the industry next gen. I guess only time will tell, but I truly believe that we REAL gamers need to unite and let that very casual market know that while we may purchase their little Android/tablet/Iphone type games, that will NOT defer us from the bigger better games that only a true next gen. console will provide. However funny I think it is that all the rumors about the 720 are so horrible... in my heart I hope it isnt true, because I dont want to see 2 of the big 3 start on a bad foot. That is too risky being on the verge of an all digital, forever dumbed down, budget game diet.
u know that might happen.....720/ps4.............Yes
The only reason why the PS3 wasn't the leading platform was because it was released a year later and at a higher price than the 360. I guarantee you that had the PS3 been released along side the 360 at the same price then Sony would have outsold the 360 by a large margin. Â
Except for that liiiitle word called "almost". That means there's zero guarantee and they could be totally last place 2 generations in a row!Shouldn't be too surprising that Sony will dominate like they almost always have.
[QUOTE="ImBatman-"]Except for that liiiitle word called "almost". That means there's zero guarantee and they could be totally last place 2 generations in a row!I can guarantee they will be first. It is true though, you can't be first place all the time, gotta settle for second sometimes.Shouldn't be too surprising that Sony will dominate like they almost always have.
Only thing for certain is that Ps4 will be the powerhouse console. Like Xbox 360 and Xbox before it. It might reach first place in sales, who know's. All 3 consoles will sell extremely well and I really couldn't care less about the placing.
Wait and see what MS will be offering. I love what PS4 is offering so far though. Its going to be a fight all next gen between MS and Sony for sure. I think Nintendo will be on the side lines not competing, but doing there own thing (Appealing to Nintendo fans only).
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