[QUOTE="ocstew"]"Right now we are in the transitional phase of our company, transitioning from packaged goods games into an entirely free-to-play experience.
"What this entails is that our future, all the new games that we're working on, as well new projects, new platforms and technologies, are designed around free-to-play and online, with the highest quality development."
"If you look at what kind of games are done in the packaged goods market, with DLCs and premium services and whatnot, it's literally milking the customers to death."
People have got to remember the crappy COD Elite and the new Battlefield Premium right? Shoving DLC down our throats and treating people who bought the original game like crap.
I don't see the issue with BF premium.... It's basically the DLC at a cheaper one off price. I won't be buying it but essentially it allows people who planned to buy the DLC anyway to get it for less money. COD elite as an ongoing cost though I am against, also since the content you get it far less significant than you get for BF.It's still $50 additional. I do think Battlefield series in general is better, but that doesn't make this Premium thing a "deal". Battlefield Premium gives you some maps, and throws in a few guns and vehicles. So what. That doesn't make the total value of the game $110 to me. It actually isn't that much better than what they did with Bad Company 2 as part of the "VIP" code, yet in that game all the updates fell under the "VIP" code which came with pre-orders of the game. Vietnam was marketed as the ONE expansion pack that was special, and worth $15+ as a 1 time expansion. Good luck convincing me that 3 or 4 of these packs will *ALL* be worth $15 EACH - which is what is needed to justify what they are doing.
No company will ever extract $110 from me for a single game. They should be lucky if I"m willing to give them $50.
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