Hell no!! man Doom Eternal is not the best thing ever it looks good but it's not on par with F.E.A.R. or Half Life 2 ect
FEAR only better thing is gunplay other than Doom 2016 is better and Eternal will obviously own it. i mean FEAR is in the end corridor shooter compare to Doom.
Half life 2 is now quite dated and Doom Eternal gunplay, movement, pacing will absolutely blow HL2 out of water.
Prey 2017 is better then any of the Bioshock games even Prey 2017 weapons are weak as shit they sound worst then Bioshock infinite weapons. Also Prey 2017 graphics look shitty and cartoony at times it looks like a kids game.
Oh yeah, bioshock the dumbed down system shock 2. Prey is more of spritual successor to System shock than bioshock. its level design is excellent and more resemble old school immersive sim while bioshock was walking in straight line. plus bioshock infinite is one of the worst game ever made.
Prey 2 2011 looked amazing it's a damn tragedy what happen to Human Head Studio Bethesda are a horrible publisher that screwed them over. Prey 2 was unique and had a awesome Cyberpunk tone while Prey 2017 was a shitty bioshock clone that looks like it was made for kids.
Prey 2 2011, you take cover, your health regenerate, iron sight, it would be probably typical 7th gen shooter. plus mass effect like briefing didnot help. Prey 2017 is excellent immersive sim with clever level design and made for people who are fan of original Deus Ex and System shock.
You're 100 percent wrong.
Looks a this. look where Prey fall under. its level design more resemble with SS2.
Prey is also an answer to games you have been complain about for having regen health, short, scripted etc. but you dont like Prey either. its strange.
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