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Biggest potential, hardest sell, most potential of failing, excited for possiblitys, wait till E3 to get a proper opinon on it.
Teh only things taht would really interest me about it are the voice recognition and navigating my menus. I really think this has the biggest potential to succeed and change things up, or go down as one of the biggest failures.
My unbiased opinion of it is that it has a lot of potential and seems like some really cool tech. Tho i don't see it ever being vital to hardcore games. If anything, it'll be more a hybrid of controller and natal. Tho i see it being a big commercial success. MS will flex its corporate muscle and market this as a new machine for soccer moms(Wii market) to "do" their yoga on. But no it won't change gaming. It won't kill the Wii. And it's not gonna propel the 360 into first. Tho I can honestly say I'm excited for it. And will mostly buy one if i see some decent software, and the price is right.
it feels a little lifeless without a controller present. If they did introduce a controller and adapted it like the Ps3 then ill be for it.
If you dont know what Project Natal is here is a summary..
Project Natal tracks where your body is and what you're doing with it. It also has a monochrome camera (it works with infrared) that reads depth — how far away your body and its component parts are —
I don't understand how I'm going to blaze through 3 straight hours of Street Fighter on hard difficulty performing Dragon Uppercuts and Fireballs and Roundhouse kicks and fully putting your body into a simulated fight while attacking only air...I also can't imagine 4 hours of level grinding in Final Fatasy or how that would even be accomplished...don't get me started on the potential madness of combining platform jumping and coffee tables...
Amazing idea and I'm sure it'll be cool, but I can't see the applications going further than racing and boxing and table tennis. I'll poo myself if/when they attempt their own version of Wii Music.
if you've ever used eyetoy or PSEYE, you'd know there could be a possibility it'd do what that did, but far better
so it's interesting, but on the other hand, the eyetoy and PSEYE were largely a gimmick and treated as a gimmick as well
but there is something satisfying about controlling things on a screen just using your body/hands and nothing else, it works a different part of your brain, but on the other hand it also comes down to software... Operation Creature Feature was actually kinda cool, it had a simple concept and it was short, it didn't require the player to get up and do fancy **** either... Trials of Topoq is really hard and not very satisfying to control tho, and the responsiveness of the PSEYE in both games was frankly kinda poor... yet even then, OCF was still better than ToT
whether or not either the PSMOVE or Natal is successful is pretty much left up to others, i really don't want to spend all of my time either playing these things or spending any money on them either
"Unsure" more towards the "No" side.
- I like motion controls.
- Could work GREAT for some games.
- Won't work at all for some games.
- Many videos have been proven fake already. How do we know if it works?
- Lag.
- Will be overpriced.
- Probably won't get good game support after 6 months (Or at all).
- No buttons.
If I had a 360, I probably wouldn't get it.
it looks like garbage from what ive seen in the demos and the way microsoft markets it makes it look like a gimmick. im sure you can do some neat stuff with it but none of it should be considered gaming.
the sony motion controller demos seem pretty convincing and the commercials arent too bad. they just need to show off some more shooters.
take it how you want but thats my unbiased opinion.
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