I am a big Metal Gear Solid fan, I bought my PS3 for MGS4. I also have fallen in love with Half-life 2 and Super Stardust HD since then. I absolutely love competing for the high score on the Stardust Leaderboard, and every once and a while I shoot for a trophy (Still working on that 15 bombs on bomb mode gold!)
I grew up with an Apple IIgs and have since played popular series' on various platforms like Quest for Glory, Monkey Island, Space Quest, Super Mario Bros 1-3, Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, Super Mario World, Final Fantasy 3(6), Chrono Trigger, Xenogears, Metal Gear Solid, and Smash Bros 64.
All of those games I experienced when they were new and fresh. I still remember when games first started talking - like I was actually astonished when in The Island of Doctor Brain Dr. Brain came out and gave me praises for solving puzzles. I remember the transition from 2D to 3D, when I bought the Playstation and played Tomb Raider, I thought it was amazing. I bought the PS2 for $400 when it came out and had Oni - oh the resolution and shinyness!
But after a month on these boards, I wouldn't dare call myself a true gamer. No way.
Compared to you guys I'm a casual gamer, and I'm proud of it. And no one else should be ashamed if someone calls them the same.
Enjoy life, and forget what everyone else is doing.
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