I'm surprised at how UT3 was rated under 9.0 at GS. It is their opinion and that is fair enough but this game IMO is so much better than Halo 3 in multi player that it isn't even funny.
If you consider yourself a hardcore gamer, then you'd give this game a good chance to see if it can grow on you.
I'm amazed at how weak some console gamers are for not wanting to play UT3. They cry about how fast the game is or that they don't know how they were killed.
So they quit playing the game in frustration and give up. Weak weak gamers they are.
This game is so awesome but you'll only realise how awesome it is when you get some skill.
So, for those of you who own a PS3, please give this game a go. When it comes out on 360, gamers, give it a go. If you have a capable PC, give it a go now. (Hint: It will take you much longer than 1 month to get skills in UT3 if you aren't familiar with the UT series or sucked hard at the Quake series)
If console gamers in general think they are hardcore gamers and are good at FPS, then prove it by mastering UT3. I doubt you guys could hack it though. You'll go back to your Halo's and COD4's and cry about UT3 on how much you suck at it and that it just isn't your kind of FPS.
For years hermits have claimed that console gamers sucked at FPS games due their inferior control systems and lack of speed and skill requirements.
Well console gamers, with UT3 you can prove to yourselves that you are just as good or better at FPS games. Afterall UT3 will be practically the same on both PS3 and 360 and you'll be able to most likely use Keyboard + Mouse on both.
Disclaimer: Halo 3 and COD4 are both awesome games that you should play as well. But don't limit yourself to the higher skill requirements of a game like UT3.
Ninja Edit: And yes I have my flame suit on :D
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