Why is it 9 out of 10 games that are considered classics, or win GOTY awards or just in general receieve tremendously high scores have exceptional graphics? Or had exceptional graphics at their time of release, Halo CE, Goldeneye, MGS, Crysis, UC2 ME2 etc etc etc.
Why is it so rare to find one of these high scoring GOTY winning games that do it on great gameplay alone? Can't even remember one atm...
SW needs to understand something, obviously it's interaction(gameplay) that makes this medium what it is, but it's graphics that takes that medium to new heights and suck you in. If you look at the games this generation for example, think of the gameplay of your favourite games, I bet you it's extremely simple, especially when talking about console gaming, it's the production values, the graphics, the sound and how all that comes together that really make games shine.
Now don't take this to absolute extremes cause that's just dumb, ofc if a game is broken and you can't play it it'll suck, but so do browser games with no graphics whatsoever. And if it has REAALLLY bad graphics, or no graphics at all, the gameplay is going to suffer, graphics are an even bigger piece of the gaming backbone then gameplay I'd say. And a lot of the great games we consider classics would have gotten WAAAY lower scores if the graphics had sucked.
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