Those same CIassics have an even more impressive core set of mechanics to back it. Presentation and production values can carry many games for sure, but most games will live and die by there game mechanics and how the game is designed around those mechanics. Graphics are certainly one part of the equation but one that is a larger piece of gamings backbone? **** NO.
Half Life 2s immersive plot would be pointless if it wasn't fun to use the gravity gun, if the action wasn't tightly paced, if the level design for the most part wasn't on point(shaky levels here and there).
Crysis while a massive graphical showcase is a more impressive gameplay showcase because of how versatile the action is in that sandbox. The game(especially the expansion) delivers on a simple concept of "I came, I saw, I conquered"
Uncharted 2 with all its beauty is a great title more so because the shooting mechanics are honestly the best of any third person shooter(yeah I said it), and the pacing of the experience was damn near perfect. Ladies and gentlemen the game may not have much in terms of originality, but man does Naughty Dog know how to craft a kickass game. Makes you wonder why Uncharted 1 was such an average experience(spare me the stupid scores)
Bungie's Halo series has entirely been about it's accessable but hightly satisfying and entertaining gameplay.
Mario, Zelda, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, Demon's Souls, Mass Effect 2(A superior sequel because the GAMEPLAY is greatly improved), and the list goes on. DO graphics matter? absolutely More important than gameplay? **** no.
The gameplay and game mechanics themselves dictate and drive the entire experience. Everything else is more so to amplify not make up for it. IF it's making up for it. That's not really a good thing.
I think graphics are somewhat more important than you do (I don't think it's meant to amplify the experience, I think it's an integral part of the experience that cannot be separated out), but I have to give you props on writing a logical response free of strawmen. Most people in this thread have given a knee-jerk "OMG you dared to put graphics above sacred gameplay! Damn you!" sort of responses, so it's nice to see this kind of response.
I understood what the TC was getting at. I just had a real disagreement with the backbone line :P If a game has poor visuals, poor framerate(this is technically part of how it looks and run no?), texture pop ins, or just serious lack of polish it annoys me to no end.Lack of polish is a pet peeve that I honestly let only Stalker get away with(and probably Cryostasis if I could ever play it). Very rarely do you have such a thing as a good game that didn't have at the least pretty good visual work for the platform it was on.
Be it exceptional visuals or just good art direction or just an overall polished visual game. There's just rarely a game where the game mechanics are made up for enough that the game is fine. I mean Half Life 2 is my favorite whipping boy for piss poor gunplay(that crap was awful in 04) but the game design overall is on point. Valve made up for it for the most part, plus the gravity gun made up for the gunplay. Bioshock is a little shaky in the gameplay department, but again great presentation, strong atmosphere, good writing(Besides the third act), and just enough variation to keep you entertained from start to finish. I'm just very pure with my games I guess. Above all else be a satisfying playing experience.I am much the same, but I can be forgiving about other elements if one elements really stands out.
Yeah, the backbone line doesn't make sense. There is no way that graphics are the backbone.
I agree with you about Bioshock and Half-Life 2. Though I wouldn't say the gunplay is crap, it is noticeably weaker than other FPS games. The game mostly succeeds on the creativeness of its design and its immersion factor. Bioshock has stronger gunplay, and the plasmids definitely help make up for the fact that the guplay is weak than many shooters, but it definitely mostly succeeds on the gameplay elements outside of gunplay and the immersion factor and atmosphere, and as you sad, writing. I do have to say that Bioshock 2 makes a valiant effort to make the gunplay more exciting though.
I think gaming design is sort of a tightrope walk between making a game that has good gameplay and good visuals. I think people make the way the two elements work within game design seem more simplistic than it is. I wish there was a game designer here to contribute to a thread like this.
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