PS+ for July. Remember these all come on the first Tuesday of the month now.
Dead Space 3
Doki Doki Universe
I'll link you as soon as PS Blog updates. This is according to their YouTube channel.
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Dead Space 3? very nice and amazing stuff for the PS4 especially since i'll be getting a PS4 in July :D
Works for me. Muramasa, Towerfall and Strider are all games I've meant to buy when the price came down.
Hm, Muramasa. Suppose I've got a reason not to cancel my subscription now.
@lostrib: WipeOut 2048 is the best of the three and an absolutely excellent, content packed racer. Enjoy.
Curious, have you played Wipeout HD?
Damn it. I just got Strider last week when it was on sale for XB1. Rest of the stuff looks ok, the best one is Muramasa which I have. Doki doki looks awfully boring.
Alright, Strider for free for PS4! I wanted a fantastic deal on that DD game, but this works out wonderfully. I almost bit the bullet on the Xbone version, but I thought I could do better than the 50%.
Free PS+ game? For a game series I loved a as a kid? SWEET! :)
Definitely was interested in high scoring 87/100 Towerfall PS4 as well. That Towerfall multiplayer looked amazing. Vessel and Muramasa are just icing the cake. Doki Doki is the only questionable title to me, but I'll DL and check it out with my 1TB HDD on the PS3.
I own DeadSpace 3 physical retail, but otherwise this is a great month as far as I'm concerned. :)
I can explain the difference for July between EU and US while I'm here. The US gets the same games save for one change. Sony swapped out Lego Batman 2 on Vita for Muramasa Rebirth on Vita.
Just passing on information for those that care. :)
Sweet I've been putting off Dead Space 3 since it came out because I heard it was made for bros (co-op based).
Nothing for PS3 for me this month, already own Strider and might try Doki Doki.
If nothing else, this is a good excuse to get back to Muramasa.
good, maybe Dead Space 3 might get some love, it was actually a pretty fun game
if anything did this game more harm though it was the awful demo, the actual game though was a lot more fun, especially once you get the hang of the new weapon creation and customization system
Alright, Strider for free for PS4! I wanted a fantastic deal on that DD game, but this works out wonderfully. I almost bit the bullet on the Xbone version, but I thought I could do better than the 50%.
Free PS+ game? For a game series I loved a as a kid? SWEET! :)
Definitely was interested in high scoring 87/100 Towerfall PS4 as well. That Towerfall multiplayer looked amazing. Vessel and Muramasa are just icing the cake. Doki Doki is the only questionable title to me, but I'll DL and check it out with my 1TB HDD on the PS3.
I own DeadSpace 3 physical retail, but otherwise this is a great month as far as I'm concerned. :)
I can explain the difference for July between EU and US while I'm here. The US gets the same games save for one change. Sony swapped out Lego Batman 2 on Vita for Muramasa Rebirth on Vita.
Just passing on information for those that care. :)
You know 50% off isn't anything awful either. lol Still can't beat free, I am sure a few months from now it'll be free on XBL too.
I got Deadspace 3 for free last year because of the free game EA gave away because of the SimCity mess.
Alright, Strider for free for PS4! I wanted a fantastic deal on that DD game, but this works out wonderfully. I almost bit the bullet on the Xbone version, but I thought I could do better than the 50%.
Free PS+ game? For a game series I loved a as a kid? SWEET! :)
Definitely was interested in high scoring 87/100 Towerfall PS4 as well. That Towerfall multiplayer looked amazing. Vessel and Muramasa are just icing the cake. Doki Doki is the only questionable title to me, but I'll DL and check it out with my 1TB HDD on the PS3.
I own DeadSpace 3 physical retail, but otherwise this is a great month as far as I'm concerned. :)
I can explain the difference for July between EU and US while I'm here. The US gets the same games save for one change. Sony swapped out Lego Batman 2 on Vita for Muramasa Rebirth on Vita.
Just passing on information for those that care. :)
You know 50% off isn't anything awful either. lol Still can't beat free, I am sure a few months from now it'll be free on XBL too.
I got Deadspace 3 for free last year because of the free game EA gave away because of the SimCity mess.
why is that?
Alright, Strider for free for PS4! I wanted a fantastic deal on that DD game, but this works out wonderfully. I almost bit the bullet on the Xbone version, but I thought I could do better than the 50%.
Free PS+ game? For a game series I loved a as a kid? SWEET! :)
Definitely was interested in high scoring 87/100 Towerfall PS4 as well. That Towerfall multiplayer looked amazing. Vessel and Muramasa are just icing the cake. Doki Doki is the only questionable title to me, but I'll DL and check it out with my 1TB HDD on the PS3.
I own DeadSpace 3 physical retail, but otherwise this is a great month as far as I'm concerned. :)
I can explain the difference for July between EU and US while I'm here. The US gets the same games save for one change. Sony swapped out Lego Batman 2 on Vita for Muramasa Rebirth on Vita.
Just passing on information for those that care. :)
You know 50% off isn't anything awful either. lol Still can't beat free, I am sure a few months from now it'll be free on XBL too.
I got Deadspace 3 for free last year because of the free game EA gave away because of the SimCity mess.
why is that?
Because XBL only has so many Arcade games at the moment on Xbox One.
Alright, Strider for free for PS4! I wanted a fantastic deal on that DD game, but this works out wonderfully. I almost bit the bullet on the Xbone version, but I thought I could do better than the 50%.
Free PS+ game? For a game series I loved a as a kid? SWEET! :)
Definitely was interested in high scoring 87/100 Towerfall PS4 as well. That Towerfall multiplayer looked amazing. Vessel and Muramasa are just icing the cake. Doki Doki is the only questionable title to me, but I'll DL and check it out with my 1TB HDD on the PS3.
I own DeadSpace 3 physical retail, but otherwise this is a great month as far as I'm concerned. :)
I can explain the difference for July between EU and US while I'm here. The US gets the same games save for one change. Sony swapped out Lego Batman 2 on Vita for Muramasa Rebirth on Vita.
Just passing on information for those that care. :)
You know 50% off isn't anything awful either. lol Still can't beat free, I am sure a few months from now it'll be free on XBL too.
I got Deadspace 3 for free last year because of the free game EA gave away because of the SimCity mess.
I didn't say 50% off was awful, but for DD games it's not wonderful either, the sweet spot is 66% and 75% which almost always happen at some point owning all the machines including my four PCs. In this case 100% due to PS+ of even better! 50% wasn't enough for me to clamp down on with a DD titles, almost never is that cheap enough considering what consumers give up (lend/trade/SELL). I have tons of DD games on Steam, non-steam PC, XBL, PSN, Wii, etc that I don't like and I can't sell or give to friends. It's nice to know I got them cheap at least since I gave up consumer rights in obtaining those DD games.
Regarding 50% or more discounts. PSN had the Walking Dead Season 2 and The Wolf Among Us for more than 50% off last week ($9 and change) last week and I walked away because I know it will go cheaper, probably by Halloween. With DD games that I can't give away, trade, or sell, I never pay close to the retail price and I never will. Once upon a time I paid full price for DD games and I learned my lesson with hundreds spent and I'll never do it again. I'll do it for physical retail copies, but not DD.
Maybe Strider will be free in a few months on XBL (because most multiplats that have been free on XBL were free first on PSN), but I hope not since I'll already own it on PS4 considering today's news.
Anyways, I've been looking forward to the high scoring Towerfall (87/100 metascore), so I'm pleased it's a freebie for PS4.
I also got Deadspace 3 free last year on PC as well, I didn't even bring that up. I own the entire series on PC and consoles.
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