At the end of the year the split will closer to 50/50 or 55/45 is what you're saying? Two years ago it was 80/20. If the trend continues mobile WILL have the majority. I don't have an issue with larger devs that have larger budgets making more. I just find it nice that smaller devs have an avenue to reach consumers and have a chance at success.[QUOTE="MFDOOM1983"][QUOTE="bonesawisready5"]
You're comparing 100,000 games and apps and the revenue they create (some are ad supported too, something handheld games can't do) to like, console libraries of 100-500 titles total?
I'm guessing you're using that old article showing mobile games made more money than DS/PSP from a month ago, right? Its a small gap, like $500 million. Oh and by the way, that doesn't include 3DS software at all, nor does it include the holidays where Nintendo titles sell best, or anything from the Vita Japan launch.
That doesn't include $64 million from Ocarina of Time 3D, nor does it include about $50-$100 million more from other games without even mentioning the $40 million-$50 million Nintendo made in two weeks with Super Mario 3D Land, or the $50-$100 million Mario Kart 7 will likely make before 2011 is over. (and $20-$30 million from Star Fox)
So, like 4 Nintendo titles on the 3DS alone will likely close that gap of Android/iOS making $500 million more than DS/PSP. That study didn't include anything 3DS or Vita, the markets are shifting to a new generation. Of course PSP and DS software sales would be lower. The only reason you have $1.9 billion in revenue on software on smartphones is because there are 30,567 developers releasing cheap games all getting a small piece of the pie.
Whereas you have about 100-500 developers getting even bigger pies altogether on the Vita and 3DS.
And if you're talking about this then I will correct you that that study DOES NOT include anything from the 3DS or Vita. Its much closer than that, infact I'd say it will favor DS/PSP/3DS/Vita before years end, and in 2012 I'm sure it will be back in Sony/Nintendo's favor since they are simply starting a new gen
Two years ago the PSP fell off the face of the earth in NA/EU and died a slow painful death at retail with a terrible revision (PSP Go) and people were already plotting Nintendo's next move as 2009/2010 the DS starting looking long in the tooth.
2010 especially was a transition year just like this one. I'm saying that if 4 Nintendo games for the 3DS make up that $500 million difference, then adding in all Vita and other games for the 3DS should make it more in favor of 3DS/DS/PSP/Vita
Talk to me when Vita/3DS are in their prime in late 2012, or all of 2013 and we'll see how its going then. I think mobile phones have got a bigger cut, yes. But I wouldn't be surprised to see it go back to 65% or 70% in favor of 3DS/Vita after 2013. Will it go back to 80%? Probably not. I'm sure you could make the same argument for FB games and flash gaming killing off PC gaming, but they co-exist
FYI I wasn't trying to imply dedicated handhelds were going the way of the dinosaur.
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